1|| A New Enemy

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1 year later...

The sound of Negan Jr. crying forces me awake, I rub my tired eyes and stretch my arms, knowing that he isn't going to let me go back to sleep.
When I finally get enough strength to stand, I walk over to his crib and lift him into my arms. "It's okay, buddy, daddy will be back soon" I gently plant a kiss on his forehead and rub his back to soothe him. He starts to quite down once he realizes that he is safe.

Nights like this have started to become more common, Negan would be out till morning, searching for new communities to form trade deals with and I would be left to deal with a fussy baby.

Although I don't completely enjoy the position we're in right now, I can't complain. It's becoming more and more evident that resources are scarce, even though all of the nearby communities are working together now. I can't blame Negan for doing what it takes to provide for his family and his people.

A year ago, I wouldn't even have thought that this type of life would ever be possible but when our son was born he swore to me that things would be different. I didn't believe him at first but with time he has shown me that he is a changed man. The days of 'ruthless Negan' are in the past.

I tiredly stumble to the bed and lay down, resting my baby on my chest. "I love you, cutie pie" I whisper to him as we both drift back off to sleep.


The next afternoon, me and Negan Jr. are on our daily walk around the compound I push him in his stroller as his big curious eyes explore his surroundings. This is something I often do to get my mind off of things. Negan should be home by now and it's starting to worry me.I know he can take care of himself but we have a baby now, he needs to be here. 

"Look at the flowers honey aren't they beautiful!" I stop the stroller by the flower garden and bend down to his level, picking up one of the roses and putting it in his small hand.

While I'm doing this I notice an older lady approaching me holding a sheet of paper.
"Excuse me, ma'am"
"Oh hi Barbra, is everything alright?"  I softly smile.
I'm still not used to the whole "ma'am" thing but as  Negan's wife people are inherently respectful. But it's not like it used to be, he doesn't have to force people into compliance. People seem to be genuinely happy.

"We found this, I would have waited to give it to Negan but it's urgent" . She hands me the paper with the look of fear and uneasiness. I hesitantly take it from her, whatever it says it must be bad.
The writing is sloppy but still readable:

The roads are ours now, all those who travel them are required to give up half their supplies on hand. Refusal to do so will result in immediate hostility. If you want to have a civil discussion about payments, come to the abandoned gas station off the main road.
                           -The Highwaymen


"Hey baby! I've fucking missed you!" Negan wraps his arms around my waist and pushes his lips against mine. "So, where's my badass son?" his eyes dart around the bedroom searching for Jr. "I gave him to Laura for the night. I seriously need to talk to you" I grab his arm and lead him to sit on the bed with me.

My eyes become glassy as I look into his. The letter is the only thing flashing through my mind, I know he doesn't take threats lightly. I've gotten so used to the new Negan that i don't even want to think about how it will be like if this causes him to go back to his old ways.

"Barbara gave this to me"
I hand him the crumbled paper. He scans over it and his eyes grow wide as he gets to the end.
"The highway men? never fucking heard of them." He stands and grabs Lucille off the floor.
"well we're gonna have to pay these motherfuckers a visit!"

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