12|| Satellite Outpost

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"So, what do you guys do here?" I ask as I explore the strange building. I've never been to this outpost before, and I didn't even know till recently that it even existed.

"Nothing special, we just use the building as storage" Simon replies, suspiciously fidgeting with the zipper on his jacket.

I look at him with an annoyed expression. I can tell he's not being entirely truthful.

Right as I'm about to tell him off, I catch a strong scent in my nostrils.

"What the hell is that smell?" I gag, covering my mouth and nose.

He chuckles and shakes his head, "they couldn't even give me time to explain it to you"

"Explain, what?" I say to him impatiently, the smell starts to get stronger.

"It's weed, we've been growing it for a while"

What? I didn't even know drugs were still a thing in the apocalypse.

"And they're smoking it right now?"

"Yeah I guess they couldn't wait"

I roll my eyes, "does Negan know about this?"

"No, and he's not gonna find out! I brought you on this trip, the least you can do is not spill our secrets"
Simon eyes narrow, trying to intimidate me into silence.

"I'm not gonna say anything, but now I have something good to blackmail you with in the future"
I say jokingly but honestly, I'm partially serious.

"Whatever, we need to get to work before it gets too late" he walks off and begins directing his man on what to take back to the Sanctuary.

Later in the evening, right before sunset, we get back on the road headed home.

"Have fun?"

"Yeah, it was totally worth how pissed Negan is gonna be when we get back"
I smile, glancing over at Simon from the passenger side.

"Oh shit, I completely forgot about him. You better come up with a good excuse"

"I already told you, you're not gonna get in trouble"

He looks at me exaggeratedly, his face shows just how skeptical he is that I'm going to be able to save him in this situation.

As the chilled breeze blows through my hair, I slowly doze off. It's something about late night drives that always brings me comfort.

But the moment of serenity is ruined, Simon slams on the brakes, sending my body flying forward.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Simon yells.

I'm still trying to figure out what is going on, my half sleep and half awake mind is working hard to piece the scene together.

Simon gets out of the truck, loudly slamming the door behind him.

The loud noise, quickly jump starts my brain. I look up and squint my eyes, there are about five men on horses blocking the way.

"Not them again," I say to myself under my breath.

"What's going on here gentlemen, we're all with Negan. So how about getting out of our way" Simon confronts them as the other saviors leave their vehicles to back him up.

How could this be happening, I thought that Negan had come to an agreement with them.

I sit back deeper into my seat, trying to avoid being seen. I don't know what they want from us but I know its not safe for them to see me out here especially without Negan.

"We want a new deal! this tradin' bullshit ain't enough!" The heavyset leader demands, pulling out his pistol.

"Look, Negan is the one that makes deals and he's not here now, so all of this is a waste of time" Simon tries to reason with him, he speaks with confidence knowing that his team is three times bigger than the opponents.

I watch on nervously, it's just my luck that all this would happen now.

"Hey, y/n, come here"

I jump at the sudden whisper outside the car.

"y/n, it's me Lucas"

I breathe a sigh of relief and look out the window.

"Come with me, I'll keep you safe" he gives me a warm smile.

"Ok," I quietly get out the car being sure to not get anyone's attention.

"It's going to be alright, " He grabs my arm and pulls me behind the truck.

I can hear Simon arguing back-and-forth with the highway men in the distance. I'm scared not knowing how this is going to end but with Lucas by my side, I feel a little more comfortable.

"I know somewhere we can go"

"What do you mean? we can't leave" my voice is shaky and my eyes get teary. All I can think about is how much I wish Negan was here to protect me.

"I know you're scared y/n, but I think these guys mean business this time. Please just let me keep you safe" he extends his hand out to me.

For a moment I'm frozen in time thinking about what it is the right thing to do. I don't want to leave because if everything turns out fine, they'll have to search for us but on the other hand, if the highway men decide to attack I can't risk being killed, I have a baby to take care of.

"ok, I'll go" I take his hand and we both run off into the forest, leaving everybody behind.

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