17|| Behind Enemy Lines

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I look down at the cuffs holding my hands to the table, feeling the cold metal biting into my skin hard enough to draw blood. The four concrete walls that surrounded me serves as a constant reminder that I'm truly behind enemy lines.

They blindfolded me all the way here. The walk was long and suspenseful, it felt like I was being taken to an execution chamber.
Lucas didn't say anything when he restrained me to this chair but I could tell he probably had a smile on his face.

The lightbulb that dangles from the ceiling begins to flicker when the door opens and slams shut. The sudden loudness makes me jump a little.

"Thank you for waiting here so patiently," The man sarcastically says, pulling up a chair in front of me.
"Ozzy already informed me on the whole situation with your people. Negan sounds like an interesting character, to say the least"

My eyes struggle to meet his gaze. The sheer essence of his being sends lightning bolts of fear straight to my heart. He's at least 6'5, has biceps the size of my head and is covered in thick curly hair like an untamed animal.

Now that I think of it, all the men around here seem to be in need of shaving.

"To start, tell me about what you do at the Sanctuary," The man said seating himself into the chair.

I instantly hesitate, my hand nervously fidgets with the cuff.

He sighs, "see, this is what I was afraid of, " he stands and walks towards me. "When I ask you a question, you answer me the first time. I'll let this be a warning but if you ignore me again, I'll have to show you why I'm the one they called to do this job"

"I-I'm his wife" is all I manage to say through my fear.

"I know, I was just testing you to see if you'd be truthful" he laughs and sits back down.

Before he says anything else, he slowly looks me up and down. "Lucas said you don't have to do shit back home. You must be used to being treated like a princess, aren't ya?"

I nod slowly, not wanting to leave him without a response.

"Well, That's not how it works around here. Men, women, children, the disabled, the elderly, they all pull their weight regardless." When he says this, his face shows disgust, almost as if the privileges I've been afforded makes his stomach turn.

"That's why communities like ourselves survive, we let no resources go unused and we waste no time on bullshit like marriage and babies"

His arrogant tone sparks defiance in me. I know what he's trying to get at. His last emphasis on the "marriage and babies" part was definitely meant to be a direct insult to Negan and me.

"How exactly do y' all expect to have future, if you don't have more kids" I look him in the eyes for the first time.

"Oh, we don't have to worry about that. Every weak little group we conquer usually has a good supply of them"

My eyes widen and my brow raises, they can't actually be kidnapping children.

"Why don't your people just have their own kids, like everyone else?"

"Because that would slow productivity. Plus this way we have the best of both worlds! We get the reward of having future soldiers and workers without the sacrifice of having viable members of the team becoming useless and pregnant"

"Well, your "team" seems more like forced labor then anything else" I spit out without even thinking of the situation I'm currently in.

Without a reply to my comment, he reaches over the table.
"Watch how you talk to me, bitch!" he slaps me hard across my face, leaving me wincing in pain with an awful tingling sensation traveling through my body.

"I don't give a damn if your royalty at home, You're in Delta territory now, and here your nothing but a prisoner of war"

Tears begin to flow down my cheek in response to his hostility.

"And as a prisoner, you don't talk back to me. If you want to make it around here you better learn to be respectful to your superiors"

I stare fearfully at him while he continues his rant.

"The pecking order is simple, I'm a commanding officer and you're a peasant. I can literally do anything I want to you"

"I-I'm not a-" I try to speak but he slaps me again then deeply chuckles, "the sooner you accept your new position, the better I'll be to you. Now before you start crying again, tell me something about Alexandria, how capable are they of defending themselves?"

I don't say anything and turn my head away from him.

"I already slapped the shit out of you a few times, don't make me pull out my more....serious methods"

"I don't know anything about them anymore," I say only slightly above a whisper.

His eyes suddenly narrow and the muscles in his neck tease, "The leader is your dad, cut the shit!"

"I'm telling you the truth, I don't go there often"

"That doesn't change the fact that you used to live there. You still have insight on them"

I stay quiet, not knowing how to respond. He's right, I do have insight but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell him.

"All I know is that they have plenty of guns and allies. They're not an easy target" I say this with the idea of making destroying Alexandria sound like a hard mission to accomplish. Maybe if I can convince them of this they will change their mind about their plan.

"Good, you're finally being a good girl, the council might go easy on you now"

"The council?"

"They're the people who created this place. You'll meet with them once we're done here, they'll decide what happens to you next"

I've never heard of a group with a council usually it's just one person running the show. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, maybe one of them will have sympathy for me or even let me go.

"Next question, what's Negan's biggest weakness, apart from you and the baby?"

Honestly, this is a good question because I don't even know the answer to this.
"I don't know, he's a strong man. Nothing really gets to him"

"Honey, I highly doubt that", he rolls his eyes, "think harder, he has to care about something"

I pause, thinking about what my next move is going to be, "his...bat" I somewhat lie to him. Negan does care about Lucile but I wouldn't say it's number two on his list.

"He calls it Lucile, right?"

I nod

He loudly laughs, "Your husband is fucking weird, I see why Lucas thinks all you people are crazy!"

"Whatever" I whisper under my breath.

He stands and walks towards me, "good news, sweetheart, I got all the info I need"

He roughly uncuffs me and forces me to stand up.

"I'm gonna take you to where you'll be staying" he grabs my arm.

I wince in pain, his fingers digging into me, "let go of me!" I try to pull away from him.

"Stop tryin' to fight me" he snatched my arm harder and drags me to the door.

"Don't worry, I promise you'll like where I'm taking you"

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