28|| Code-Red

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Bryant's POV

"Bryant, we have a code-red on our hands!" I hear Lucas yell through my walkie-talkie as I'm getting dressed for the day.

"Shit!" I hurry and put my boots on.

We rarely have code-reds, its means that we have intruders in the compound. By the sound of things, there must be a lot of them.

My first instinct is to go out there with my rifle and pick these bastards off one by one but I realize the I need to get a hold of y/n first. I know it's probably Negan causing all this ruckus.

I burst out my room and go next door, thankfully I still have the key.

I enter to see that she's still asleep, which is a good thing. I don't need her knowing what's going on. Last night she showed me that she's not fully on board with Delta's way of life. She could easily become a problem in this situation.

"Come on, get up" I viciously shake her.

"oh, hey-" she wipes her eyes and begins to speak but I pull her out the bed and she goes crashing to the floor. A loud thump could be heard, and she moans in pain.

I do this to make sure she's fully awake, though I don't actually mean to hurt her.

"We need to get you two somewhere safe!" I waste no time to pull her to her feet. She looks at me confused and scared.

"Don't worry I'll explain everything later," I reassure her then turn my attention to Jr. He looks up at me wide-eyed as I reach for him.
Negan's POV

"This can all be over without any more bloodshed all I want is my wife and son back!" I try to negotiate with him as I stand side to side with my army.

This operation would've been a lot harder if we didn't have the element of surprise. We pushed past Delta's gates rather quickly, the guards on duty were no match for our amount of force.

It's finally my time to show this fucker that my dick is way bigger than his.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that for you. They're apart of Delta now. You know how it is in this world if you fail to protect something you lose it" he replies snarkily, ducking behind a truck.

I know he must have his shitting pants on, the only thing that separates us is his line of fighters. We knocked down all of their reinforcements before they even had time to defend it.

"Just give it up, it's obvious you're outnumbered. Either you back down and get to live or you fight me and this place gets wiped off the map!" I reload my gun in anticipation for the right moment I can take out more of his people.

"You just don't get it to you, you lost!" he jumps out of hiding and unleashes his machine gun in my direction. A shower of bullets rains down as I run and behind a nearby truck.

"We need to find a way inside those buildings, " I scan the area, the base is made huge, y/n could be anywhere but if I had to guess I would say she's probably being heavily guarded.


"Bryant! Bryant!" I bang on the door of the cell, it's the same small room they put me in when I first arrived as a prisoner.

I can hear the sounds of guns firing off. It sounds like a war zone out there.

Ugh, I can't believe he just locked us in here without explanation. I should just give up knocking, no ones probably around anyways.

I sit down on the bed and kiss Jr on the head to comfort him. "don't worry sweet pea. Mommy's here" all he's done is cry since we've been in here.
I pull him close and instantly it clicks in my mind.


I can't believe they found us. Bryant couldn't have seen this coming.

I run back to the door and bang on it again, "Hey! Somebody!" my heart races at the thought that one of them isn't going to come out of this alive.

Bryant will definitely kill Negan if he gets the chance and vice-versa.

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