13|| The Cabin

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"We have to keep going, the cabin isn't much further"

At this point, Lucas is practically dragging me along.

"Hold on, I need to catch my breath" I pant heavy, bent over with my hands on my knees.

"We can't stop here, we might get swarmed by walkers" he grabs my arms and tries to pull me again.

"Lucas, stop! I feel like I'm going to pass out" I whisper-yell at him.

"Fine, I'll carry you then" he lifts me into his arms, bridal style.

My breathing slowly steadies as I'm being carried the rest of the way.

"Here we are" he puts me down on the porch. "I already had this place scouted in case of emergencies, it should be safe" he pulls out a key and unlocks the door.

My jaw drops, as my eyes scan the interior. "wow, you have a nice little hideout here" The cabin is surprisingly clean and decorated. If you stayed here, you would never know that there's an apocalypse going on outside.

"Yeah, I decked it out just in case things at the Sanctuary ever got too bad"  he walks over to the fridge and pulls out a water bottle, "thirsty?"

I smile and grab the drink from him, "thanks"

"We'll go back tomorrow, but in the meantime, we might as well get comfortable." he motions for me to sit on the coach.

"Negan is going to be so worried about me" I pout, wondering if I made the right decision.

"He'll be fine, I'm pretty sure he can go at least one night without you" he scoots closer to me, throwing his arm around my neck.

"He probably thinks I'm lost or something"

"Maybe or he might be glad that I took you away from all that mess with the highway men. I mean, Simon and rest of them can be dead for all we know."

His callous tone brings suspicion to me, "what, you don't care about them?"

"Of course I do, I was just saying. We don't know what happened back there"

"I hope Simon is ok" a small frown takes over my lips. I have a lot of fun with Simon, he's like a brother to me.

"Let's lighten up the mood a little bit" Lucas gets up and goes into another room, "I'll be right back!"

A lone tear falls from my eye, my mind won't escape the current situation. Jr. must be restless and lonely. He's never gone this long without seeing me. My heart aches thinking about my precious boy and how terrified he must be. Everything in the body is telling me I should be with him, protecting him from the world.

"Look, I got board games!" Lucas comes back with a few old boxes in his arms. 
Negan's POV

"Where in the fuckidy fuck, is my wife?" I shout as Simon gets out of his truck. I've been trying to get in touch with this asshole for hours.
When I realized y/n was gone, I went around the whole Sanctuary searching for her. 

It wasn't until I talked to Barbara, that I found out that Simon took her out on a run.

"Sir, We have people out looking for her now"

"What the hell do you mean? I thought she was with you!" I shout at the top of my lungs, my worst fear had come true.

"She was but we ran into the highwaymen, I left her in the truck and when I went back she was gone" Simon eyes frantically shift, as he struggles to explain what happened.

My grip on Lucille tightens, I should bash his skull into smithereens. He of all people know I'm a stickler for rules and the most important rule, is that y/n doesn't go anywhere outside the Sanctuary without me.

"So you're telling me she just left? Simon that's bullshit, y/n knows full well that she can't survive out there!"

"Well, I don't know what else could of happen. One second she was there, the next she was gone"

"It's your turn, beautiful," he says, pulling me out of my daze.

"Oh yeah, sorry" I roll the dice and move my game piece.

"Everything is gonna be fine, y/n, all you're doing is stressing your self out"

I don't reply to him, instead, I stand up and wsleep the kitchen to find something to eat.

Lucas soon follows behind me, waving the dice in the air. "Are we still playing or what?"

"I don't feel like it anymore, I'm hungry"

"Woah there princess, what's with the sudden attitude?"

I take a deep breath in and out. He doesn't get what I'm going through. It's not easy for me to be away from my family.

"I don't have an attitude" I grab a box of crackers from the cabinet, "I'm just ready for tonight to be over" I brush past him, and sit back on the coach.

"Why? You don't like spending time with me" he jokes

I roll my eyes, "you know I don't mean it like that"

"No I don't, so tell me, what do you mean?" he stands directly in front of me.

"I kinda feel bad about leaving, we left Simon hanging. Negan is probably chewing his head off right now"

"Yeah, I would hate to be him" he chuckles then bends down to my level, "luckily I don't have to deal with that, and neither do you" his face slowly draws closer to mine, I hope he isn't doing what I think he's doing. His eyes close and he tilts my chin upwards, "I can think of a lot of better things we could be doing" he pushes his lips against mine.

The sensation sends chills up my spine, but not in a good way. My reflexes kick in and I push him away, "Lucas, you can't do stuff like that. I'm Negan's wife" I try my best to sound calm and understanding, to not make him feel bad.

"I'm so sorry, I-I just thought.....never mind, I won't do anything like that again, I promise" he sympathetically apologizes stepping further away from me.

I can tell by his blushing cheeks that he's painfully embarrassed.

I nod my head and smile, showing him that I accept his apology.

"So I guess we should get some rest, we have a long way back to the Sanctuary"
he quickly changes the subject and walks over to one of his closets.

"sure" is all I say.

He comes back with two blankets and gives the biggest one to me. "I'll take the couch and you can have the bed" he points down the hallway to the only bedroom.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, y/n, good night"

When I get to the room I open the door. It's small but it's just as comfy as the rest of the cabin.

I throw my body onto the queen size bed, thanking God that I finally have space to myself. Lucas is a nice guy but him kissing me was definitely crossing boundaries.

I close my eyes and try to get some shut eye, My body is exhausted so it's not long until I doze off, sending myself into a deep sleep.

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