4|| Bonding

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Negan's POV
"So, what do you want to do?" I look down at my son, he blinks cluelessly up at me. "Mommy said that you miss me" my fingers graze the back of his head, feeling his soft brunette hair.
As I lean in to give him a kiss, Lucas burst through the door, out of breathe. "Sir, those highway people, they're here, outside the gate!"
"What the hell? These fuckers just don't learn do they?"
"We have everyone who's capable of fighting, out there now, but I don't think that's what they're here for"
"Bullshit, they wouldn't have came all this way, if they didn't want an ass-whopping!"
This isn't exactly the type of father and son bonding that I was expecting but it'll have to do. I grab Lucille and rest her over one arm, with Jr. in the other.
"Let's go see what we're dealing with."
Lucas nods.

"I know you didn't think this was over, did you?" the leader yells from the other side of the gate.
"It is over, now go while you still have the chance"
I stare him down from over the balcony.

My men surround the gate as reinforcement in case they get the bright idea to try and push through. The man chuckles, "I only have a couple of my guys here, it's pretty clear we didn't come for a war"

I don't know where these people came from or why they're so damn persistent, but they must haven't got the memo that when you fuck with the saviors we fuck with you back.

"No more talking, the saviors have occupied this part of Virginia for years. You don't just get to show up and start calling shots!"

The man loudly sighs, "Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Ozzy, and I am the leader of this travel group. We're new to the area, looking to make some good connections".

Lucas looks at me, and I look at him.

"Do you think we can trust him?" I ask. This is the first time I've ever considered his input in something this serious. I figure it would be a good way to see if he's really top ranking Savior material.
"Yeah, I think if they really wanted a problem, they wouldn't have came so shorthanded".

I look back over to this Ozzy guy, he has a snarky way about him but I promised y/n that I would try to do things differently.

"Okay, luckily for you, I'm feeling generous. So I'm offering you a deal. Instead of trying to tax us, how about in exchange for your help in keeping the roads walker-free, we help you get in good with some of the other communities around here."

The man thinks for a while and then responds."We'll accept that, but if anything begins to seem even a little suspicious, we'll have no other option but to be hostile, like our letter said".

I have to give it to him, he has some balls. You would think that someone in his position would sound a lot more grateful.

"And by the way, your boy, he's adorable. It would be a shame if anything happened to him or his pretty little mommy".

Instinctively, my hold on Jr. tightens and the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The way he mentioned y/n, even though he didn't call her by name, it seems like he'd seen her before or knows something about her.

"Threatening my family? Not a smart move" I struggle to sound calm and collected but on the inside my composure is disintegrating. I know I have the manpower to completely wipe out his little posse, but I have to think of the repercussions of doing so.

Once his people get word of it, they will be out for revenge and with their small numbers something tells me they wouldn't all come head on. They've managed to get personal intel on me, meaning they could have a spy.

"Well I guess that wraps it up then! We'll give you some time to talk to your friends about what
was settled here today."

I don't say anything but closely watch as they leave on their horses, back down the road.

"Sir, we are actually gonna to hold up our end of the deal, aren't we?" Lucas eyes me with the same expression he always gives when he's unsure.

"For now, we will" I say as I pat Jr. on his back.
"at least until we come up with a plan".

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