3|| Typical

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The next morning I wake up to the other half of the bed empty. Typical. I get up and get dressed for the day and head out to get Jr. from Laura.

"How was he?" I smile at him and kiss his nose as I cradle him. He giggles innocently like only babies do. "He was great!" She smiles back but I can tell by her face that it's a lie. "Seriously though, he cried didn't he?"
She laughs, "yeah a little but it's alright. it was nice having someone to sleep with for a change"
"oh good, I'm surprised you're not super annoyed with him by now" we both laugh and she shakes her head "I could never, I mean he is a mini Negan but at the same time he's adorable"

Ugh...Negan, he just has to come up in every conversation around here, doesn't he."Well thanks for the break, I'll see you around" I wave as I walk down the hallway.
"See ya!" she says before she closes her room door.

"Don't worry sweetie pie, you're nothing like him". I look into my son's eyes, sitting on the couch in our bedroom. He stares at me silently, not a smile or a giggle. "People just say that because they don't know what else to say" I hold him close to my chest and rock back-and-forth singing him a lullaby:
            "Twinkle, twinkle, little star
            How I wonder what you are
            Up above the world so high
            Like a diamond in the sky
            Twinkle, twinkle little star
            How I wonder what you are"
As I'm singing he starts to grin. I've noticed that anytime I talk about Negan negatively, he gets silent but when I change the topic, and start singing for example, he becomes his bubbly self again.
"You don't like when I talk bad about your daddy, do you?" I frown realizing how stupid it is to basically trash his father in front of him.

Last night was a disaster. I should have heard him out. I don't know if he was lying about whether he killed anyone or not but I shouldn't have implied that doing so is connected to his love for Jr.
"You want to go see him, don't you?"
His grin turns into a full smile.
"me too"

I walk up behind him,in the infirmary, as he is talking to a savior named Lucas. He is one of his best men now. Ever since the situation with Dwight, Negan has been searching for new people to make a part of his personal entourage.

"Um, Negan" I tap on his shoulder to get his attention, he turns around.
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
He smiles for a brief moment then dismisses the other savior.

"Hey little man!" Negan's smile becomes even bigger as he reaches out for Jr.
I gently hand him over and watch how excited our baby gets when he's in his daddy's arms.
"I came to apologize for last night, I was just a little stressed about things."
"Don't worry about it baby, I didn't take it personal."
"I know but it still wasn't right....what I said about you and Jr." I hang my head in shame.
Negan comes closer and lifts my chin. "I told you, Don't worry about it." He passionately kisses me, running his free-hand through my hair.
"You know what, hun? I could really go for some make-up sex, right now" he deeply growls and trails more kisses down my neck. I close my eyes and savor the feeling.
Although we do have sex all the time, something about how passionate he's being right now seems different from how things have been lately.

Before we get carried away, Jr. starts to jump and kick his legs, reminding us that he's here.
"I'm sorry buddy, I know you're probably grossed out by all this shit" Negan holds him up to his face. They both smile at each other in a similar way which in turn makes me smile.

"So you think you want some father and son time?"
"Sure, I don't have much going on today"
"Great! I'll see you two later" I begin to walk away but he stops me.
"Wait, you're leaving?" He looks at me then back at Jr. nervously.
"Yeah, thought you'd like some alone time with him" I try to keep a straight face but on the inside I'm dying of laughter. I love watching him sweat trying to figure out what to do with the baby.

"Of course, we'll be fine...I guess"

"I know you will" I kiss them both on the cheek "and don't forget to change his diaper!"

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