30|| Finale

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The moment Negan appears in my line of sight, I leave my dad's side and sprint over to him, he takes me and Jr. into his embrace.

Tears flow freely as we engage in a group hug.

"I never thought I'd see you again" I hold on tightly to his body, its feel unreal to be with him right now. Since last night's conversation with Bryant, I started to doubt that this would end well for us.

He gently takes Jr into his arms, then begins nuzzling my neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers."I've fucking missed the two of you" he says as he wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me in close.

"When we get back to the Sanctuary, we're going straight to the bed" he growls deeply.

I chuckle at his vulgarity, he's definitely the same as I remember.

"We found Lucas, He's dead, but we still have the leader to take care of" Dwight interrupts our special moment.

Negan sighs in frustration and holds my face in his hands. "Baby I need to go and finish what I started, I want you to stay here with Jr., neither of you should have to see this" his eyes show his appetite for vengeance

I know he's talking about Bryant. He's going to kill him in the worst way possible, usually, I don't agree with this type of thing but it would be pointless to argue with him about this. Bryant took his wife and son away from him, he has every right to want payback.

I nod my head in agreeance and he hands me back our son. "I'll be right back," he says and grabs Lucille.

Negan's POV

This is gonna be fun, I haven't bashed in brains in a long time. I laugh to myself as I make my way across the compound. As my eyes travel the scene I notice for the first time that a lot of Delta's soldiers are fucking kids.

Their leader must be an even bigger asshole than me. His army didn't even want this war, they forfeited the moment they realized that his reign was over. They probably never thought they'd see the day that anyone would challenge him.


I walk the flight of stairs that lead to the rooftop. My hands sweat in anticipation, finally I can get my hands on him.

When I get to the top, I see that he's already badly beaten. Ricks's knuckles are bloody and bruised, making it obvious that he's responsible for the horrific mess.

"I had my turn with him, but I thought you would want the honor of sending him to meet his maker" Rick offers me with a cold tone that takes me by surprise.

I've never seen him like this before but I guess it's to be expected considering the situation.

"Thanks," I pat him on the back then walk over to the motionless body of y/n's kidnapped.

"So I guess you're not as big and bad as you thought," I take a practice swing with Lucille.
"But I'm not gonna lie. This place makes it look like your dick is bigger than mine but we all know that's a lie! If you would've come to me man-to-man we could've worked something out"

The man lets out a small moan and I shake my head at his patheticness.

"Lucille you better be thirsty cause I need you to work your magic!" I lift my bat over my head and take one final look at him before smashing down on his skull.

The sound of his bones breaking as each strike comes down is enough to rejuvenate me from all the stress and worry I've been through recently.

My breathing is rough and ragged,there's nothing but a pool of guts and blood left,

"burn in hell, prick"

1 month later..........

"It's great you decided to let Delta's people join the Sanctuary," I say to Negan as we walk through the halls.

"We could use more people, this place is getting harder to manage by the day", he sighs.

I look at him with worry. He's been really stressed ever since the incident with Bryant. All he's been talking about is the renovations he plans to do.

"I think everything is fine the way it is" I grab his arm then turn him to face me. "We're safe here, nothing like what happened before is ever gonna happen again"

"Your damn right about that but I can't leave it to chance. This place needs to be more secure" he says then gives me a quick kiss.

"I know, I'm just worried that you're overworking yourself"

"Don't be honey. All you should be thinking about is what we're gonna name our next kid" he tries to reassure me but at the same time poking fun.

"I'm definitely not getting pregnant again, giving birth was hell," I say confidently. That was one experience I never want to endure for a second time.

He grins mischievously, "I think I can change your mind"

"Don't even try it, Jr. is only one. Having another right now would be too much to handle"

Negan might be able to do a lot of things but one thing he won't be able to do is persuade me when it comes to this.

"Fine, I'll accept that as an answer for now but eventually he's going to want to be an older brother"

I roll my eyes at his silliness, knowing how Jr. is he's probably going to love being the only child. He wants his mommy and daddy's undivided attention

"Anyways, Don't you have work to do?" I ask, changing the topic. All this baby talk is already bringing back those old feelings of morning sickness.

"Yeah, but I thought you said you don't want me to overwork myself?" His voice carries a tone of sarcasm.

"Well, I change my mind if working is gonna keep you from thinking about more babies"

"It will keep me preoccupied for a little while, but not forever" we both laugh at his stubbornness then continue down the hallway.

This marks a new chapter, with Delta beat the Sanctuary can continue to be a mighty force in the world. All the new people are now great assets, there's no limit to our potential. It's only up from here.

But what's most important is that I have my family back, when Negan and I first got together I thought it would only be us. I didn't expect to get pregnant and I didn't expect my dad to eventually come around but it all worked out in the end.

The only other thing that would make me happier is knowing that Carl's spirit is still watching over us. He was the best little brother anyone could ask for, I hope we're making him proud.

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