2|| Mercy

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Negan's POV
"I guess you ass-hats think you're running the show now" I chuckle as Lucille hangs over my arm. This group, the highway men, there aren't many of them, maybe fifty. Whatever bullshit ultimatums they thought they were going to put on me, are fucking down the drain.

"Our message was clear,We own these roads now and if you have a problem we can settle this the old-fashioned way." The heavyset leader speaks twirling his beard between his fingers. He motions for his people to drop their weapons and he steps forward to personally confront me. "Oh so you want to fight big boy, I don't have time for this shit. I'm giving you a warning, leave the sanctuary the hell alone or be prepared for the consequences."

"Fuck your consequences!" the man charges me, knocking me to the ground and sending Lucille flying across the room. "Oh you're going to regret that" I push him off then deliver swift punches to his head, left and right. My men cheer on as I have the advantage over him. We struggle back-and-forth with each second it's unclear who is going to win. Somehow he manages to be on top again.With the look of panic on his face, he goes for a wrench laying a couple of feet away. But before he could get a hold of it I grab him by his ankle and yank him back, "so much for handling this the old-fashioned way, huh?"

My fist connects one final time to his temple, knocking him out cold. His unconscious body lies on the concrete, I whisper to myself "how pathetic". When my breathing settles, I slowly stand, wiping the blood from my mouth. "Like I said, this is a warning, I've shown you what I could do to your bozo leader so if any of you want to try and cross me don't expect the same mercy"
I confidently strut to Lucille and pick her up, examining her for any scratches. "I hope I've made myself clear"
It's a little bit past midnight when I hear the bedroom door open. I don't have to turn over to know who it is. "So why didn't you tell me, how you were going to handle this, before you left?"
"Because it's not something you have to worry about."

I roll my eyes then glare at him, "I'm not stupid, I know you probably did what you always do".
He lifts off his shirt and undoes his pants, "not tonight honey, I'm really fucking tired".

I'm not gonna let him off this easy, I don't care how tired he is. We're going to have this conversation now. "You're not going to sleep until you listen to me. When Jr. was born you told me things would be different, and they have been until now. Don't let something like this destroy the new life we've built".

He lays down next to me and stares at the ceiling not responding to anything I'm saying. "If you actually love him, You wouldn't be doing this. You would find another way"
He doesn't move and still doesn't respond.
"So that's how it's going to be, just ignore me until you get your way?"
The quieter he stays the more upset I get. I sit up with my back against the headboard watching him as he avoids my gaze.
"Goddamnit, y/n, I didn't kill anyone! Everything is fine, now go to sleep". He closes his eyes but it's obvious he's still awake.

"Jr. misses you, you know, he cries for you at night. You're not here for him like you used to be" My cheek suddenly becomes damp with tears, they slowly fall one by one but I quickly wipe them away.

"Oh come on, don't say that. You know that I have to do what's best for everybody" his tone sounds like a mix of guilt and frustration but his eyes stay closed.

The tears on my face have quickly dried and all I can do is shake my head. I guess I should've know that one day the old Negan would come back but I would've never guessed it would be this soon.

"Whatever" I say slightly above a whisper not really caring whether he hears me or not. I reach over to turn off the lamp then turn to my side, not wanting to face him.
There's no point in going back-and-forth with him right now. When he's done with a conversation, It's not worth pushing it.

I try to get some sleep but my efforts prove pointless. It's only about ten minutes later when I hear Negan begin snoring. Usually I can easily sleep through it, I'm used to it now, but tonight I can't stand the constant reminder of his presence. I wonder how Jr. is doing, I hope he isn't giving Laura any trouble, but knowing him, he probably is. He's more like his father than I would like to admit in this moment.

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