11|| An Unsettling Feeling

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It's been two months since The Sanctuary has found out about the supposed traitors in the community. Negan's men have been keeping a close eye on them, but luckily everything has been calm.
There haven't been any problems with the highway men, The leaders of all the communities have met and decided it is best to settle this peacefully by sticking to the initial agreement of letting them guard the roads in exchange of trading opportunities.
Rick's POV

"Ya almost done? We need to get back to Alexandria before dark" I say as Daryl and I search through the abandoned cabin.

"Yeah, I think we got enough stuff to make this trip worth it" he lifts his crossbow over his shoulder.
"let's get going then"

We both make our way out of the building.

Daryl and I haven't been on a run together in a long time but it feels good to be back outside of Alexandria and being productive.

We start on our long journey back home, and as we are walking, I think to myself that's its a good time to have the conversation about Negan and y/n.

Ever since he escaped from the saviors he has had a vendetta against the Sanctuary, and that's understandable but when he found out that my daughter had a baby by the man that tortured him he was even more mortified. He hasn't come to accept the fact that Alexandria is now in partnership with Negan's people.

"I'm starting to get worried about y/n and the baby"
I mention casually.

"Oh I never would have guessed that y/n deciding that she wants to play house with the devil, would one day fall apart," he says with each word dripping sarcasm.

If he was anyone else, I would probably be offended but I know that Daryl has experienced things that I could never imagine when it comes to Negan.

"Seriously, I don't think he can protect her anymore" my head drops a little, I've been trying to shake the unsettling thoughts I've been having but I can't for some reason.

"It's not too late to get her back. I'm still up for a fight!"

"I know you are" I chuckle, "but she doesn't want to come home. She's happy with him"

No matter how much we hate it, she has an entirely new life with Negan and that's where she wants to be.

"I feel like she's brainwashed or somethin', ya know, like Stockholm syndrome, or whatever"

I pause, shocked that he would say this but at the same time from an outsiders perspective that's what most people would think. I even thought that for a while.

"She's a smart girl, she can think for herself"

"Yeah but a guy like Negan isn't good for anybody. He probably used the same manipulation with her that he did to create his collection of wives,"
Daryl continues to push his agenda.

"Well, he doesn't have his wives anymore. That has to say something"

He sighs, "maybe but then again it could all be a facade"

"Simon, come on you said you would!" I playfully beg him.
"Ugh, I know what I said but Negan isn't gonna like me taking you anywhere without his permission"

A while ago, I convinced Simon to take me on a run because Negan wouldn't but now he's backing out of it like I probably should have expected him to.

"It'll be fun, I promise you won't get in trouble, I'll just say I snuck into your truck without you noticing" I smile big, trying to ensure him that everything will work out.

"Fine but only this one time-"

"Oh my God, thank you so much" I tightly hug him, "you're the best, Si"

This is going to be the most exciting thing I've done in a long time. I rush into the passenger seat of his truck.

When the rest of the saviors are ready with their supplies loaded, Simon gets in, and we leave the Sanctuary headed for satellite outpost.

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