18|| A Clue

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Rick's POV
"Just when I start to think things are turning around for the better, something as crazy as this happens. I can't believe we ever trusted him to keep her safe"

"I never trusted him, I was the one tryin' to convince you that we should take her back"
Daryl quickly replies from the passenger seat.

"But I couldn't get in the way of her happiness"

He shakes his head in opposition, "Her happiness is fake, It's that Stockholm syndrome thing I was tellin' you about"

I roll my eyes, "Well even if it is, once she was pregnant by him there was nothing anyone could do"

"We still could've killed him"

"Daryl, I couldn't do that. My grandchild deserves to have a father. They're a family now whether we like it or not."
This is something I often have to explain to people. No one understands why I'm so tolerant of Negan. I had to let go of the past in order to keep a relationship with my daughter.

"They both would be better off without him.
I know for damn sure, y/n wouldn't be kidnapped right now"
Just as Daryl says this, we pull up to the gates of the Sanctuary. The guards instantly let us in.

"Don't go starting any trouble, we're here to make a game plan about finding y/n. The last thing we need is to be fighting two enemies at once"

"fine" he sighs as we both get out of the car.

I cautiously watch everyone around us closely. Even though Alexandria and the Sanctuary are working together, for the time being, I can't help but feel like I'm about to make a deal with the devil.

"Come on, I'll take you to him," Dwight says, appearing out of nowhere.

Daryl and I both awkwardly nod, following behind him as he leads the way.


"Here it is! Your new humble abode!" he swings the door open to reveal a tiny closet-sized room with nothing but a small cot and a barred window.

I take a step forward then turn around to face him, "How long am I staying here?"

"Until Negan surrenders and the Sanctuary becomes ours" he chuckles arrogantly.

I scoff at him, as I go to sit down on my 'bed'.

"Ozzy will be back sometime today to take you in front of the council, for now just sit tight and relax"

"I thought you said everyone had to work"

"They do, and you will too but that comes after the meeting. For now, you get to do what you're used too"

"What I'm used to?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, sitting on your ass"

I shoot him a death glare and fold my arms in front of my chest.

"Oh I'm sorry, you're more used to laying on your back" he laughs at me one final time then shuts and locks the door behind him.

How could I ever be so stupid to get myself into this situation. Trusting that snake, Lucas, was the worst decision I've ever made. Not to mention, I didn't even try to escape earlier now I'm at least halfway across Virginia. It would take Negan weeks maybe even months to begin figuring out where to search.

I walk up to the window, watching as the people work and harvest, it somewhat reminds me of home but not entirely.

As each minute goes by, the guards continue to circle them nonstop. They all look similar to the man that interrogated me but even more heartless.

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