24 || Work

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"We'll start with something really simple," Mildred says as we enter the flourishing greenhouse, "fill these pots with about two-thirds of soil then plant the seeds"

"this should be easy" I look around watching as the other workers tend to the already growing vegetation.

"Everyone this is y/n, she's a new member of the team. Please make sure to treat her well"

"yes, ma'am" all the workers reply without stopping their jobs for even a brief second.

Mildred picks up a bag of soil and hands it to me, "get to work, if you need anything else, ask Derrick," she points to an overweight man, who quite honestly reminds me of fat joey.

I nod my head and smile, "okay"

"take care, pumpkin" she waves to me, walking out of the building.

When she's out of sight I look down at the pots in front of me, sighing at the realization that I'm definitely going to have to earn my keep even though I'm still technically a prisoner here.

I grab a nearby by pair of scissors and cut the bag of soil open. The strong smell of dirt hits me hard but it doesn't stop me from doing my job.

One by one, I fill the pots up, there are so many of them but I know that with hard work I can get this all done.

"Hey, new girl, where ya from?" the man Mildred called Derrick yells from the other side of the greenhouse.

I look up, assuming that the man is talking to me. "The Sanctuary" I answer him without hesitation.

"Oh, I heard of that place, " he chuckles to himself, "Bryant has his eyes it from what I heard"

He's right about that but as a farm worker I wonder how much could he truly know, "how did you find out?"

"People love to gossip, you know. Nothing the Delta army does is really a secret"

I stop and think about what I'm going to say back to him, for all I know he might get me in trouble if I say anything that he might see as questionable.

"Do you know what their plans are?"

"Don't push your luck, new girl. I'm not risking my ass for whatever you're planning." he asserts himself, sounding somewhat annoyed.

The tone of the conversation instantly changes. He first seemed like a friendly guy but now it's obvious he's not interested in helping me at all.


Hours of work past before the sun finally starts to come down, we only had one break and that was to eat but after that, it was nothing but straight labor.

"Looks like we've had a productive day today! You're all dismissed from your shifts" Mildred announces to everyone as she enters the greenhouse.

"thank you, ma'am," the workers say together.

Everyone begins to scatter and make there way back to the common housing area. Where I live is in the complete other direction so I have to make my journey alone.

The hallways are lively for the first time since I've been here. Some people seem to be happy while others are just getting by, just like at the Sanctuary.

When I start to get closer to the room, I notice someone in front of the door holding on to something.

When I finally get closer to properly see, I almost faint at the sight.

"see I told you we could get your son" Bryant gently places Negan jr. in my arms.

"Hey sweet pea, mommy was missing you so much" I hold him tight in my arms and kiss his cheeks.

He babbles at me and kicks his legs.

"thank you so much, Bryant" I look up to him with tears in my eyes.

"you're welcome, y/n, but he's not the only surprise I have for you" he pushes my room door open to reveal a crib and a couple of baskets full of baby clothes and supplies.

"Oh my god, I don't even know what to say"

I walk into my room, examining the new items. Bryant comes up from behind and I feel his arm wrap around my waist.

"It was an easy job and best of all no one got hurt. I made sure of that"

His fingers slowly crease my sides.

"You didn't have to do all this. I mean, you shouldn't even care about me since I'm the enemy" I further express my gratitude to him.

"You're not the enemy anymore..."

Without warning, he leans in and kisses my lips. My first thought is to push him but how can I do that after he's done so much for me.

I feel his lips pull away from mine, "I'll see you two at dinner" he smiles at me then walks out, leaving me in confusion.

This is for sure the strangest thing to happen since I've been here but right now I don't want to think about that. I finally have my son that I haven't seen in days. He's what important to me, everything else about this situation is getting pushed to the side.

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