25|| Deception

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Earlier this morning.....

Negan's POV
Rick and Daryl ran out of gas last night, so Simon and I went out looking for them. It took us until the next morning to reach them.
They were hours away from the Sanctuary, they followed Lucas for as long as they could. 
Although we haven't pinpointed Delta's exact location, we at least know what direction these fuckers are in. It's only a matter of time until we catch them and are able to finish this once and for all.

"Should we regroup back at the Sanctuary or get everyone to come here?" Simon asks as we all congregate around the hood of my truck.

"I'm not bringing my men out to the middle of fucking nowhere. The Sanctuary still needs to run as normal" I won't even consider this, at least not yet.

"It would be pointless, we don't have enough information to make decisions like that," Rick says rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Then what do we do now" Simon looks to me for answers.

"I say we go home and arrange some teams to search this area." I motion to Rick and he hands me his map. I circle a 10-mile radius around our current location. "if we're lucky, their base might be close by"

Everyone nods to the agreement and after a clear game plan is laid out, we drive back home.

When we pull up to the Sanctuary, everyone is in disarray.

"What the hell is going on Dwight!" I yell as I see him frantically pacing around the gate.

"Oh, Negan, your back already?" his eyes glance wildly at me.

"Yeah, aren't you gonna fill me in on what's got everyone going crazy" I watch people run around as if they're looking for something. No one's even doing their jobs anymore.

"Um, N-Negan it's about the baby" He stutters.

My eyes widened and my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. I brace myself for what news is about to come.

"What about him?" I yell.

"h-he's missing, sir"

"What? where the is Laura? she was supposed to be watching him" I struggle to keep my composure, all I feel in this moment is rage and guilt. How could I allow this to happen again? First, it was y/n and now it's my son. It's obvious who did this.

"She dead, sir, they shot her"

The room is quiet and serene as the light from our candlelit dinner dances on the walls. To thank Bryant for reuniting me with Jr., I accepted his invitation for this one on one time with each other.

"You never told me how exactly your men were able to get him?" I ask as I bring my fork to my mouth.

"Remember when I told you, I still had another spy in the Sanctuary?"


"Well, we got the message to her about our plan and she made it really simple. She knew who was babysitting him that night so when everyone went to sleep she snuck in and took him"

"Negan wasn't there?"

"Luckily for us, no. That definitely would have made things harder."

"And no one got hurt, right?"

"Nope, just like I promised"

It's a relief to hear this but my intuition still doesn't feel right about this. I'm pretty sure Negan would have Laura watching him, she's on the best saviors. It's hard to imagine that someone could sneak into her room without her noticing.

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