16|| The Base

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Abruptly I'm shaken awake by a bump in the road that causes my whole body to jerk forward. My eyes open, my eyelashes faintly bat against my lids when I blink.
"We're almost there, sleeping beauty" I hear Lucas says next to me.

I must've been out for a long time because now I don't recognize any of the scenery that passes. Where ever they're taking me has to at least be hours away from the Sanctuary or Alexandria. I don't even remember that last time I was this far out.

"Y/n, when we get there, I'm gonna have to continue asking my questions from earlier" Ozzy warns me in a threatening tone.

I glance at Lucas then back to him.

These guys don't know anything about me if they think I'm going to just roll over this easily.

"I'm still not telling you anything" I mumble under my breath.

"Don't talk back to me, girly! We need to break those bad habits that Negan taught you"

I scoff at him in disgust, "I don't take orders from you"

"You say that now but when we get back to the base, I have a feeling you're going to become very compliant"

I give him no response, arguing isn't gonna solve anything. I don't know much about these people yet, I need to feel them out more before I decide how I'm going to go about this.

About 6 hours later, We arrive at a heavily guarded metal gate. 
Ozzy motions up to the men and one of them nods, letting us enter.

The first thing in my line of sight is a decent sized building surrounded by two smaller ones on each side.
My mind spins at the fact that this huge community has been out here this whole time and no one has ever known about it.

I look around to see people picking rolls of vegetables while being closely monitored by a squad of armed men.

"Impressive right? It definitely competes with the Sanctuary" Lucas looks at me strangely.

"Well, a slave camp isn't quite my definition of impressive" I snarky utter.

"Hey, didn't anyone ever teach you any manners young lady! you can't just insult someones home when they so kindly invited you in." Ozzy glares at me through the rearview mirror.

"I was taught enough manners to know that forcing people to work against their will is wrong"

"and how do you know it's against their will?"

"Cause if it wasn't, they wouldn't have to be constantly threatened when their trying to do their job"

"We got a smartass over here!" the unknown man on the other side of me laughs.

"Damn, girl, are you this sassy with Negan?"

I ignore Ozzy and instead turn my attention back to the workers.
They're mostly women and children, young children at that, some of them can't be older than five.

I'm in deep thought thinking about what type of life they must live when the truck comes to a complete stop.

"Lucas blindfold her, we can't have her seeing too much of our operations"

"Yes, sir" Lucas grabs a handkerchief out of his pocket.
"Turn your head" he orders me sternly.

I want to resist but my inner self is shouting at me to go along with it, so I hesitantly obey him.

"There we go" he finishes tieing the knot in the back.

"Take her to the integration room, Tanner will be there to get what we need out of her"

When I hear the word "interrogation" my heart skips a beat, from what I've already seen of them they don't seem to have any morals or ethics. I just hope whatever they're planning on isn't bad enough to break me.

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