22|| Options (part 2)

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"What is she doing here?" Colin looks at me with wonder.

"We're just having a more in-depth chat about her new life" Bryant explains with a smile on his face.

He looks at me again, this time with suspicion.

"Well I was stopping by to let you know that a new shipment of guns was delivered"

"OK I'll be there to deal with it in a couple of minutes"

He nods and walks out, Bryant goes behind him and closes the door.

"So back to what I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, When your son gets here I need to know that you'll become a team player"

"I will, I'll do whatever as long as he's safe. I promise" I desperately agree to his terms.

"I know you will, considering you've been so easy this whole time"

I don't even know how to respond to this,  I guess he meant it as a compliment but still, I can't help but think of him calling me 'easy' in a negative way.

"Don't worry it's a good thing, it means that I don't have to go hard on you like I do all the other new people here," he says reassuringly probably because he noticed the weird look on my face.

I forcibly smile, trying to hide my true feelings.

The part of his comment that most interests me is about his treatment off new people, even by Ozzy's omission, Bryant's behavior towards me isn't his usual.

"Well your community seems to be very generous to newcomers,  do you usually give everyone a room like mine?"

"Oh no, I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you, that I would have to do things differently"

"Why? Aren't I just a prisoner to you"

"Don't insult yourself you're way more than that. You're used to living a comfortable life back home, you're nothing like these bottom feeders. Not to mention, you have a baby, trust me you wouldn't want him around those people"

"They don't seem like bad people to me, working all day can't be easy"

He chuckles and stands, "yeah, I guess that's what it looks like to an outsider"
I watch him as he goes towards the door.

"It's been nice talking to you, but I have business to take care of"

"Oh, okay," I get out of my chair, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion to his sudden dismissal of me.

He opens his door, motioning for me to leave.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," I say awkwardly.

He nods, "I'll see what I can do about your son tomorrow, take care of yourself, y/n" he closes the door, leaving me standing in the hallway.

Rick's POV

"How long are we gonna follow them?"

"As long as it takes," I say as we watch the group of men intently from the safety of the nearby bushes.

"We've traveled at least 20 miles from Alexandria by now. Even if we find their base we can't handle them by ourselves"

"I know. We're here to get information, that's it." I grab a map out of my backpack, marking the area in which we're stationed.

They stopped here a couple of hours ago. All they're doing is waiting but I don't know what for, so I listen closely to the men's conversation.

"You got in touch with home base yet?" one of the men asks.

"No, there must be some type of delay" Lucas replies frustratingly. "Bryant is probably too busy with the girl"

"Is she hot?"

Lucas chuckles, "Yeah, you haven't seen her yet?"

My blood boils hearing them talk about my daughter so pervertedly. I dig my nails into the dirt to contain my rage.

"No, the council always has me busy. She must be a sight to see, though"

"These fuckers need to pay, Rick, I say we kick their asses now" Daryl angerly suggest, sitting next to me.

"We can't, it's important to get the intel we need right now, revenge comes later" I shove the map back into the bag and continue to listen to the men speak.

"Fuck it, we need to get going. I'm done waiting"

"Sure but you're the one explaining to the council why we breached protocol"

"They'll be cool, you know I have them in my back pocket", the men collect their things then go to load back into the SUV.

Daryl and I quickly run back to our motorcycles. We wait for their engine to start, then we start ours, following them but keeping our distance.

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