20|| Long time No see

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Negan's POV
I sit under the starless, moonless sky waiting for Lucas to arrive. There is no twilight, only blackness, reminding me of the potential danger that I've put myself in by facing him alone but it has to be this way. I can't risk pissing these people off, Simon did try to convince me to ignore the message but I knew better than that.

While I'm thinking to myself, contemplating what I'm going to do if this doesn't go down smoothly, a dark van approaches. Instantly I know, it's him.

I open the door of my truck and get out with nothing but Lucile on my side.

"Long time no see Negan!" Lucas and a gang of three other men emerge from their vehicle.

I waste no time in this exchange.

"Where is she?" my tone is sharp and my words are to the point.

He chuckles and steps towards me, closing the gap between us, "Not so fast, there is still so much to talk about"

"y/n is the only thing I give a fuck about, tell me what you people want"

"The Sanctuary is ours from now on. Agree to surrender or prepare for war" his confidence drips off of each syllable. He knows he's in complete control at this moment.

"In case you forgot, wars aren't foreign to me. What makes you so sure that your people will come out on top?" my grip on Lucille tights. Threats aren't the way to win me over, all they do is irritate the hell out of me.

"We don't have to worry about whether we would win or not because you and I both know that you're going to listen to our demands" He stares me straight in the eyes, daring me to respond in a hotheaded way.

"Your demands are bullshit. You know I'm not giving up shit to you people, so how about we discuss an alternative agreement that we all can be happy with"

He chuckles again then looks to his people for back up.

"The council didn't send us here to negotiate!" one of the men yells to me, lifting his shotgun.

These highwaymen must've really changed things up as of recently. I've never heard of this so-called "council".

"Why didn't Ozzy come?," I ask, hoping to get some type of information on what is going on.

"Oh yeah, hate to break it to you but that "highwaymen" shit is an act. Our actual community puts your shithole to shame"

All of them laugh in unison.

The muscles in my body tense at the realization that I've been misled since the beginning, "that shows how cowardly you people are, couldn't even go head to head. You spied on me cause I wouldn't be an easy fight" I brag proudly, adjusting Lucille on my arm.

"Don't give yourself to many pats on the back. We're here for a reason, aren't we? And that reason is for you to agree not to retaliate when our army comes to take over"

"See that's what I haven't been able to figure out yet, why not just take over with brute force and leave y/n out of it"

"There's nothing to figure out, we're being generous cause we want your people to join our team. Killing people is a waste but don't get me wrong we will kill every last one of you if we need too"

Before immediately responding with my usual witty comeback's, I stop and reassess the situation.
I don't know how big this army of theirs is, antagonizing them into violence isn't the smartest thing to do. I knew going into this situation that I couldn't handle this in my typical 'Negan' way.

"Fine. You win, the Sanctuary is yours. Give me back my wife and we'll throw in the towel".

Lucas looks at me suspiciously "didn't expect you to give up this easily"

I deeply sigh, "I don't really have any other choice, do I?"

"Sure, but don't think you're going to pull a trick on us at the last minute. We have eyes on Alexandria and the Hilltop if we notice anything out of place,
y/n is gonna be the one who pays the ultimate price"

I nod, "okay, I get it, asshole."

"Woah, calm down. I just thought that huge ego of yours would be in the way of you recognizing defeat."

the three men begin to return to their vehicle.

"Once we give our leaders the good new, this will all be over soon" he yells walking away.

"Wait! What about y/n? I'm giving you what you want!"

"You'll get her back when the Sanctuary is officially Delta territory" he laughs, jumping into the driver seat.

So that's what they call themselves. Now that I have a name to work with, I might be able to find someone who knows about them.

I watch them as they drive away into the distance. When they're out of sight I reach for the walkie-talkie in my back pocket, "They're on the move, make sure to stay out of sight"

"Got it, we'll keep our distance"

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