5|| Changes

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"I've called you all here today to re-address the topic of safety. I want you all to be updated on what's going on. I'm sure everyone got a great view of the whole ordeal that took place today but you can rest assured that everything is taken care. After all, I'm still the king of this jungle however there will be new rules all of you have to play by, No exceptions!"

I stand beside Negan, holding a sleeping Jr. in my arms. I thought that today was going to be my day to myself, but that idea is ruined.

When I heard all the commotion earlier, I wanted to be back with my baby and make sure he was safe but Negan has always had strict rules when strangers arrive at our gates. He absolutely forbids anyone who isn't a savior from being outside the building. So I  just sat in our bedroom, watching through the window.

"The first rule being, that if you see any shady shit whether it's from a stranger or a savior, speak the fuck up or you both will have a meeting with Lucille, once I find out that you were keeping secrets," He pauses and looks around the room before continuing "Rule number two, we all have to tighten up. The moment anyone is caught out of place, expect to experience the worst pain of your life, no more excuses. The risks are too damn high for stragglers."

I watch the crowds reaction as the rules are read off, it's quite apparent that everyone is worried and frightened out of their minds. It reminds me of how things used to be when 'ruthless Negan' was in full force.

"And last but not least, Lucille wants you all back in your rooms straight after dinner." The tension amongst the people steadily grows. It's now obvious that something isn't right.

"Now that I've laid down the law, you're all dismissed to lunch" Negan motions for the cooks to begin preparing the food. The rest of the community follows behind them to the cafeteria to wait for their meals to be rationed and distributed.

"Come on, y/n I've got someone bringing ours up to us" he lightly grabs my arm, guiding me through the whole compound, holding me strangely close until we reach our room.

"Baby, do you remember the last time you left The Sanctuary?" His question being specific and kind of out of place takes me by surprise.

"Um, I don't know, I think after Jr. was born we went to Alexandria once or twice" I try my hardest to think back over the past year but my memory is a little blurry, nothing sticks out in particular.

"Those times that we were there, did you ever have any interactions with anyone you didn't recognize?"

"No, but Negan, what did those people want?" I ask him looking for an honest answer but I know he is probably going to sugarcoat it anyways.

"Nothing honey, they just came to finalize what we talked about last night. The new rules are just a safety measure, in case we're ever in any real danger".

"So there isn't anything I should be worried about?"

From where our window is I could see everything happening but I was too far away to hear anything.

"Nope! sweetie everything went smoothly, you know with new people in the area, it's better safe than sorry"

I don't push any farther but in the back of my mind I know he's not telling me the whole story. I'm not as oblivious to things as he may think.

When we're both done with lunch, he leaves again in his typical manner, without explanation. By this time Jr. is awake and ready to play. "Aww sweetie pie, I know, daddy left again but it's all right" he smiles at me but in the way, he does when Negan isn't around.

"but you have mommy still and maybe if you're good you can see your Uncle Simon today!" I say in my most high pitched voice to excite him. He giggles and bounces in my lap.

Before we go I have to change his diaper. He watches me and babbles as I wipe him down and put him in a new onesie.
"all done, yay!" I clap my hands together, earning a super cute reaction from him.

"How's it going, Lucas?" I see him as I gallop through the hallways lifting Jr. into the air.
"Oh hey, y/n" he turns around a little startled.

"Why aren't you with Negan?"

"He said he wants me to keep an eye out around here while he goes to Alexandria"

I crinkle my nose in confusion, "he went to Alexandria without me?"

"Yeah, The visit is serious, this time"

I don't know how to feel about this, on one hand, I understand that he probably has a lot going on right now but on the other hand, he knows how important it is to me to see my dad when they make the rear trip over there.

"Don't worry, I can keep you two company though." He smiles and takes Jr's hand into his.

"I mean I guess we probably should get to know each other better since Negan is thinking about making you one of his top men."

"Wait, he's really considering me?" His voice gets giddy with joy.

Oh shit, probably wasn't supposed to tell him that.

"Umm, yep.... but don't tell him I told you"

"Sure thing, it'll stay between you and me, I promise!" He flashes me a huge smile, showing all his teeth.

Hopefully, he can keep his mouth shut.

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