26|| Training

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The next morning...

"Y/n, wake up. We have plans for today, remember?" Bryant yells through the door.

I tiredly wipe my eyes and stand, "I'll be out in a couple of minutes"

"Hurry, we're burning daylight!"

I roll my eyes in annoyance, I hate getting up this early in the morning.

"Come on, Junior, time to get up" I lift him out of his crib and kiss his chubby cheeks.

Quickly I change his diaper and put him on fresh clothing. After he's ready, I dress in a new pair of jeans and a blank low-cut tank top.

Bryant and I walk side by side to the outside of the building.

"They're practicing their combat skills," He says as we approach a large group of children and teenagers standing in a huge circle. As we get closer I can tell what's going on.

"Whichever one loses the fight doesn't get lunch" he looks at me with pride in his eyes.

We watch from a distance, two boys both aged around ten fight each other in the middle of the circle as everyone surrounds them. An adult coaches them through the battle.

"That seems kinda tough," I say to him with concern.

"Yeah but it's what has to be done, there need to be incentives to do good"

I try to hide my true feelings about this. I would never let my child be put through this type of abuse but I know I should just go along with it.

"These little badasses will make fantastic soldiers one day, don't ya think?"

I nod my head hesitantly.

Over the next hour, we watch each child have their turn in the ring. I flinch as each punch is delivered. A couple of them had to stop midway because they were beaten too badly.

After the horror show is over, Bryant takes me to the cafeteria for breakfast."See that's what we're working towards. We want Jr. to be the best out there"

"Do they do any weapons training?" I ask, wondering to what extent he puts them in danger.

"Of course, but that's later" he chuckles.

When we enter the room, everyone goes silent but they continue what they're doing.

"Stay right here, I'm gonna go get us something to eat," he tells me then goes on his way.

I bounce Jr. in my arms to calm my nerves. I hate having to see how people in Delta are treated. Bryant seems like a since guy when it comes to me and my son but I can't help but notice how everyone is constantly overworked and exhausted. I wouldn't be surprised if they have to work sunrise to sunset.

"Ma'am, where's Mr. Bryant?" A child's voice asks from behind me.

I turn around to see a blond boy around 11 years old with a black eye. I recognize him from the training earlier, "hi honey, he's just getting us food, he'll be back in a moment"

He nods and begins to walk away but I grab his arm to stop him. "Wait, I want to talk to you about something"

"Yes, ma'am" he stares me into my eyes, the innocence looks sucked out of him already at such a young age.

"Do you like it here?"

"Um, I'm grateful for the opportunity," he says in a way that sounds rehearsed.

"No, sweetheart, I want you to be honest with me" I bend down to his level, to show that I'm a safe person to talk to.

"I mean, I do kinda wish I could see my parents more" he admits to me.

"Maybe I can talk to Bryant about giving you the day off "

He shakes his head, "that's against the rules. He always says we have to make ourselves useful"

I'm taken by surprise, I guess this is proof that his people are super obedient. Even the kids at the Sanctuary aren't this brainwashed.

Before I can say anything else, Bryant comes back with our food in his hands. "Sean, this better be important," he says to the child.

"Um, sir, I was just gonna ask if I can go to the clinic for my eye," the boy asks, watching the floor

Bryant looks at me and smiles strangely

"You know the rules, boy. You lose a fight, you have to deal with it the hard way. The clinic is for the weak and that's not you" he pats him on the back.

The boy frowns, "okay sir, I'm sorry for asking" he walks away with his head hanging low.

"See, that's what I'm talking about. Right now he's learning that there are consequences to losing, I bet next time he's in training he won't be such a wimp"
He explains with pride as we walk back to his room.
Negan's POV
It's been days since y/n and Jr. have been gone. My life has been consumed with nothing but hunting down Delta. Every day it feels like we're getting closer and closer to finding these ass-wipes.

"Negan, I got good news and bad news for you," Simon says as he comes into the conference room.

I roll my eyes in annoyance at the sight of him, I warned everyone not to bother me unless its something important, "The good news better be that you found y/n"

A big smirk appears on his face, "Yes, sir. We did but-"

I jump to my feet, "Where is she?"

"She's at their compound, the problem is it's fucking, unlike anything I've ever seen. We can't just go in there and take her" Simon walks over to the map on the table and pinpoints the location.

"Simon, you must've forgotten. We are the goddamn saviors, we take what we want. We don't ask permission" I grab Lucille from the chair next to me. I don't care what it takes, I'm getting my family back.

"I understand that but this time it's different. Going head to head would be a suicide mission."

I manage to calm myself down to think for a second. I can't let my emotions get the best of me. Delta was smart enough to send spies and kidnap my wife, this isn't going to be an easy win.

"You're right...... We can't do this alone" I admit in a low tone.

There is a moment of silence until I notice Simons's eyes light up, "We could ask hilltop and Alexandria to join forces? I know Rick would be willing but I don't know about Gregory"

"Well, he doesn't have a fucking choice. It's my wife we're talking about here. We need all resources at our disposal" I fold up the map and shove it into my pocket.

"Get the men ready and the weapons packed, our first stop is Hilltop"

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