21|| Options (part 1)

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I watch my feet take steps across the glossy tiles of the hallway as I follow closely behind Ozzy. My mind does backflips trying to figure out what just happened.

The council was nothing like I expected it to be, none of the members looked like any of the typical leaders that you would normally see in the apocalypse, well except Bryant, that is.

He is nothing short of the common middle-aged brute that most communities pick to rule over them.

"Keep up, I don't need you getting lost. Bryant is already on my ass for whatever reason" he snarls as I jog up to him.

"So, I don't have to go back to that cell?" I ask him though I already know the answer, I'm curious as to what he thinks of all of this.

"I guess not, but honestly I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for you. He usually isn't this nice"

"Then why do you think he is?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

I shrug my shoulders and fold my arms across my chest.

He suddenly stops walking, "this is your room now" he swings opens the door.

"Thanks but this isn't 'my' room" I step over the threshold, examining the modest-sized bed and plain walls"

He rolls his eyes, "don't be a smart-ass"

I sit on the bed feeling the warm soft sheets underneath my fingertips, "I'll be a smart ass as much as I want. If you have so much of a problem with it, how about you let me go home"

He grunts in annoyance, "I don't know why you haven't accepted it by now but you're not going home anytime soon. There's no point of complaining to me about it because it sure as hell isn't up to me"

"I don't have to accept it, Negan will find this place and burn it to the ground"

"Whatever, I'm gonna leave you to your fantasies. You already know the rules, follow them." he walks out slamming the door behind him.

He can't be serious if he expects me to sit here and do nothing. If they didn't want me to go anywhere they might as well kept me in the cell.

I get off the bed and walk to the door, opening it and looking down the hallway.

I don't see anyone, Ozzy is far gone.

I take one step out, my heart is racing at the anticipation of what might happen but I push it aside and take another step, landing me completely in the middle of the hallway.

The whole building is rather quiet for the number of people that must live here.

"Hello!" I yell, wondering if anyone will respond.

there's nothing but silence until I hear footsteps but I don't know which way it's coming from.

At this point I only have two options, go back in the room or stay and find out who this person is.

Option one is the safest thing but option two could be what gets me out of here. Maybe I might even meet someone who's a prisoner like me.

"Already breaking the rules I see!"

I quickly turn around recognizing the familiar voice. My blood runs cold as we lock eyes.

"I guess my little prisoner couldn't be a good girl for even thirty minutes" Bryant lightheartedly chuckles, taking me by surprise.

"I-I am sorry I was just-"

He cuts me off, "You don't have to apologize, luckily for you, you're just the person I wanted to see"

My eyes grow so wide that they almost fall out of my socket. Too many emotions and thoughts cloud my mind, I don't know what to say back to him.

"Come in my room, There are some things I want to discuss with you in private" he grabs my hand and pulls me to the room next-door. I quietly gasp at the unexpected feeling of him touching me.

My eyes closely watch his as he takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the room. "You can have a seat in front of the desk"

His room is a lot bigger than mine's, which I figured it would be. It's so spacious that it has a full office, a bedroom, and an attached bathroom.

I hesitantly sit in the wooden chair, checking out his impressive living conditions.

"So why don't you start by telling me what you were doing out of your room?" His deep-set eyes pierce me as he sits on the other side of the desk.

I struggle to quickly come up with an excuse, "I had a question about.....something"

"Ok then, what's your question?"

I hold my hands together nervously, and blurt out the first thing that comes into my mind, "um, what's for dinner?"

"Oh, you didn't have to worry about that I was going to have someone bring you something"

I feel instant relief, knowing that he isn't angry with me.

"Anyways, I noticed earlier when I mentioned your son in the meeting, you were a little upset."

I nodded my head slightly, not knowing what he's getting at.

"Would it make you feel better if we brought him here? I mean, this is a permanent arrangement, I can't promise how often you'll get to see him if he stays at the Sanctuary"

A permanent arrangement? we must not be on the same page because the last time I checked I was going home once all of this is over.

"Ozzy told me, I get to go back to the Sanctuary when Negan surrenders" My tone is shaky as I piece these words together. I know Negan isn't going to easily give up but still, it's strange to me, that he would say this.

" I don't know what he's been telling you but that's not how we do things. When Negan surrenders he won't be in control, the Sanctuary will be a new extension of Delta. It won't be 'home' to you anywhere" he's nonchalant as he explains this, shuffling through piles of paper.

My heart sinks into my chest, I guess I should've thought of this being a possibility but it never crossed my mind. Negan has never lost since I've been with him, The concept of his defeat doesn't even make sense to me.

"b-but what will happen to him?"

He sighs putting the papers down and looking up at me, "that depends on him. If he fully complies then he'll join us like everyone else"

My eyes ache and begin to feel swollen as tears threaten to roll down my cheek. I don't say anything fearing that I may burst out crying if I try.

"No matter what he chooses, you'll be fine and so will your son" he smiles reassuringly.

It takes everything inside of me to force a smile back. I don't know him enough to be vulnerable. Not to mention, I don't know how he would react to me crying about Deltas hypothetical victory.

"I-I want my son with me," I say out of desperation.

"That's what I thought you'd say, I'll send a couple of my soldiers to get him"

"but Negan isn't going to give up our baby like that"

"Trust me I know that, that's why we aren't gonna ask him. We have a few more people on the inside that could make sneaking him out a pretty easy operation"

I'm left speechless, so Lucas wasn't the only traitor. I can't even begin to think who else could be working for Delta.

"O-Ok, " Is all I can work up the confidence to say,

"Listen, I know it will take time for you to forget your old life with Negan but look on the bright side, your son will be so much more protected here"

I'm only seconds away from having a complete mental breakdown when there's a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Bryant yells.

"Colin!" an angsty voice yells back.

He deeply inhales and exhales in a frustrated manner, "Come in"

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