27|| Hilltop

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In only a matter of hours, I and the rest of the Saviors drive past the gates of Hilltop. I can't wait another day to start organizing our attack.

"Gregory get your ass out here!" I burst through the doors of the huge mansion. I don't have time for passiveness.

"Uh, welcome to Hilltop Colony. Do, uh... make yourself at home." A greying older man comes out of nowhere, his face in shook by my sudden appearance.

"This isn't a social call, We need to talk, now" I grab his shoulder and guide him into one of the rooms.

"Oh, okay, I didn't know you were coming "
I start the conversation off by telling him everything that happened with y/n and Delta. At first, he seemed hesitant to join the fight but after a little convincing he agreed. Gregory is a smart man, he knows that Hilltop, Alexandra, and The Sanctuary depend on each other now. Our established trade deals have been the main reason that all our communities are flourishing. 

"So when is this planned attack supposed to happen?" Gregory asks.

"Tomorrow, we still need time to bring everyone together and get prepared."

His jaw drops at my answer. I know it's risky and ambitious but that's the type of person I am.

"That's kinda soon don't you think? Maybe we should push it back a couple of days"

This is what I was afraid of. This shit is urgent. I don't need anyone that's going to be scared little-shit. "Absolutely fucking not. My girl and my baby need me, I'm not gonna let Delta get away with this for even one more day!" I reply to him and slam my fists on the desk in front of me to release some of the built-up anger I've been enduring.

We need this to be a surprise. For all I know, there might be more spies, the longer we wait the higher the chance Delta might catch wind of our plan.

"The Saviors will not bow to them any longer," I say to him, making direct eye contact. He needs to know how serious this is. Time is of the essence right now.

He sighs then speaks in a sympathetic tone, "If this is what you think is best, I guess I have no choice. We don't have very many fighters but we do have plenty of weapons, I'll get my people to gather  everything"

A small smile creeps on to my face, for the first time in forever. "anything that you have to give is much appreciated."

I walk over to him and pat him on the back, "anyways, I still got business with Alexandria to take care of, so I'll be on my way. Be ready by sunrise, and meet us at my place"


The night had rolled in over Delta, the once busy compound is now calm as most people are asleep.
My day was mainly spent following Bryant while he did his daily duties. Though this place is technically run by a council it is obvious that he's the one who that they depend on the most.

"Bryant are you still awake?" I knock on his door wearing my pajamas. I already put Jr to sleep but I can't seem to get any rest for myself.
A lot has been on my mind, mostly Negan and The Sanctuary as well as the little boy I met earlier.

Bryant told me that I could talk to him whenever I feel uncomfortable about something, I know right now probably isn't the best time but it's keeping me awake. I have no choice but to get somethings off my chest.

"yeah, you can come in," he says through the door. Suddenly nervousness washes over me, I hope he doesn't take what I'm about to say the wrong way.

I open to his door to find him, seating at his desk. He stops writing to look up at me, "what's up, dollface?"

"Sorry to bother you, I just really need to talk to you"

"about what?"

"the kid I met earlier. I think you should go easier on him" I say to him as I go to sit on the edge of his bed.

"nope. That can't happen. Rules are rules, it doesn't matter if he's a child or not" he brushes me off and continues writing.

Damn. I hate how stubborn he is.

"I know but maybe you could try a different approach. Kids shouldn't have to fight every day of their life" I explain to him, fidgeting with my hands. It's like I'm walking on eggshells.

He sighs, "y/n you need to understand what world we live in now. Life is hard and we have to prepare them for that. It's unrealistic to think that someone will always be around to protect them."

I want to roll my eyes but I stop myself. This is the type of stuff the reminds me of how the Sanctuary when I was first brought there.

"I get what you're saying, but I've been through something like this before with Negan. He used to run the Sanctuary like a tyrant and everyone was miserable."

Bryant suddenly stands from his seat, "what? So you think my people are miserable here?"

I buckle under fear, "No, i didn't say that. Just listen to me, eventually, people are going to get tired of living in constant war".
This is exactly what I didn't want to happen, he's jumping on the defensive.

He walks over to me and places his hands on my shoulder, "and when that happens, all those people who turn traitor will die a slow brutal death"

"you wouldn't do that"

He chuckles deeply, "Trust me, i would and I'll have fun doing it too"

This is the first time he's been like this with me. I tense up, while his fingers trace my body. All of this is making me regret coming to talk to him tonight but on the other hand, the conversation is important
"Bryant, you're a better person than you realize. You care about Jr, so I know you care about your people too"

"well, I'm glad you think I'm a good person because I've been thinking a lot about you" he bends down to me and whispers into my ear, " I just can't stop thinking about how it would be to be with you"

I instantly get chills up the spine at his comment.
"I'm sorry but I'm in love with Negan. He's my husband." I turn him down his affection in a gentle voice.

Disappointment shows on his face but that doesn't stop him from persisting. "I know but what if he doesn't make it through this war. You'll need someone to take care of you and Jr, "

A bolt of fear and worry travels through me, Bryant said that he wouldn't kill Negan even if Delta won but now I'm not so sure about that. "He's not gonna die. He's a fighter, "

He smirks in a sarcastic way, "I'm sure he is honey, but even strongest will eventually fall"

There is a moment of silence between us, then tears begin to form in my eyes. 

"Please, don't cry. I'm not trying to upset you. You just need to come to terms with reality." he wraps his arms around my body. "Its gonna be okay, I'll be a better father and husband then he ever was"

"what?" I push him away from me. I can't believe he thinks I would just forget about Negan and want to be with him. Even if Negan did die, I could never replace him in my life.

He laughs, sounding slightly angry, "Don't play dumb, you know how I feel about you. You've been getting nothing but special treatment." 

All I want to do is yelling at him but I can't. He's in charge here, if I piss him off too much he can make my life hell.

I shake my head and brush past him to get to the door. He tries to stop me but I ignore him.

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