7|| Let Me Explain

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"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't know-"
"Save it!" Negan cuts him off. "When I told you to keep your eye on things, I didn't mean my wife"

I watch speechlessly as Lucas physically shakes.

"Tomorrow you're working the fence" his face instantly becomes even paler than it was before.

"Now get out before I do something you really won't fucking like"

"y-yes sir"

He hurries out the room, and in a split second, he's down the hallway.

"We were just talking" Is all I manage to say as I pick up our sleeping son from the couch. 

Negan makes sure to close and lock the door, before even acknowledging me.
"Do you have any respect for me at all?" his voice is chilling and blunt.

"Of course I do. Why would you even ask me that? nothing happened between us" I walk over to the crib and gently place Jr. down.

Negan still stands in the same spot, he hasn't moved an inch.

"You have some fucking nerve bringing another man
into our goddamn bedroom!" His yells are loud enough that it causes Jr to stir.

"Shh, you're going to wake him up" I whisper angrily, my eyes glued to the crib hoping that he doesn't start to cry.

Negan closes his eyes for a couple of seconds and opens them again. "Fine, for his sake, I'll keep it down but you got a lot of fucking explaining to do" his voice is lower however it remains stern.

"Listen, I know you're upset and you have every right to be but at least hear me out" I plead to him.

He says nothing and continues to stare me down.

"I didn't do this to hurt you. I just wanted to entertain Jr. for a little while and Lucas happened to be around. that's all." My voice is small realizing how bad the situation looks from the other side.

"Do you know where I just came back from?" His expression goes from pure anger to disappointment.
"Alexandria" I reply wondering where he is going with this.
"Right, I met with your dad about the highway men situation"
"I thought you said everything was fine," I think about earlier and slowly start to put things together, I knew something was wrong.

"I told you that so you wouldn't worry but while you and Lucas were here having a great fucking time, I was out making sure I had a way to keep you and our child safe"

Suddenly I feel an immense amount of guilt. "Negan, I know what I did was stupid and I screwed up but please don't be mad at me, I'm sorry"

I look away from him, I can't stand to see the sadness in his eyes.

There is a brief moment of silence before he turns his back to me.
Without a word he goes and sits Lucille down on the counter, then begins taking off his shoes and changing into his favorite sweatpants.

I stop trying to apologize, whatever I say is going to go in one ear and out the other. I should give him time to process his emotions before trying to convince him to forgive me.

After going over to Jr.'s crib and giving him a kiss on the forehead, Negan tucks himself into bed.

I don't know if he would even want to sleep with me tonight. He's probably putting me on the couch like I do to him when he pisses me off.

"Are you coming to bed or not?" he asks sarcastically as he readjusts his head onto his pillow.

"Umm, yeah, I'm coming" I follow suit and strip down to my underwear before crawling under the covers, next to him.

Throughout the night, we both stay a good distance from each other, not a single part of our body touching. The room is cold and emotionless, It's gonna take a lot of work to fix this.

The next morning I wake up alone again, but this time I couldn't blame Negan. I was the one that caused all of this, I've always had a problem with not keeping people at a distance. By now I should know better but it's in my nature to be trusting.

I roll out of bed and do my daily routine, starting with making Jr. a fresh bottle of milk then I go down to the cafeteria. When I get there I eat quickly to avoid having to interact with people. Today I just want to left to my pity party.

Negan's POV
I woke up early this morning to get a jumpstart on things. There's was too much going on to waste valuable time dwelling on last night, so I quickly got the saviors together to discuss our options on the highway men situation.

Ultimately we decided to pay them another visit.
I couldn't sit passively and wait for Rick to hear back from the other communities, it may take too long and the last thing I need is for these people to get impatient.

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