9|| Traitor

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The atmosphere is cold as everyone awaits what's about to happen. Once Negan makes a decision, there's nothing anyone can do to stop him, not even me.

"What we're gonna do here is fucking real simple, I'm gonna lineup a good dozen of you and one by one, you're gonna have a meeting with Lucille."

Gasps and cries of shock ring through the crowd, people grab onto their loved ones hoping that they're not chosen.
I hold Jr. closer to me, trying to fight back tears. Even though I'm not close with many of the people here. I don't want to see any of them die.

The Saviors rummage through the mass of individuals, picking at random as they drag people to the front, making them form a line.

I try to look away but at the same time, I can't. I remember when my family was in the same position, I wished someone would've been brave enough to step in and help us.

"Don't look, Jr., I don't want you to see this" I turn him away, trying to shield him from the horrors of the current situation.

The cries in the room are now so loud that I'm sure all the walkers within miles can hear.

"let's get this shit show on the road!" Negan yells excitingly, carrying Lucille as he walks down from the balcony.

Twelve people now kneel before him. Eight of them are men, mostly lower ranked workers. The last four are women. Two of them being elderly and the others being cooks.

Everyone watches on with the look of pure shock. People have known Negan to be ruthless but one thing about him was that he didn't like to kill women. For him to get to this point he must be desperate

"How's it going, Lloyd?" Negan's voice is sadistic as he stands over his first victim.
The man shakes but doesn't answer.
"Don't you have a baby on the way?" Negan asks causing a visibly pregnant woman in the crowd to scream.
It sickens me that he would ever do this, I've loved him and thought he had changed for the better but now it seems like he's getting worse by the day.

I try to avert my eyes, when I notice a couple of people look at me helplessly as if they're asking for my help, but what they don't know is, ruthless Negan listens to no one, me getting in the middle would only escalate things.

"Any of you can stop this at any time, all you have to do is offer up any information you have on the traitorous asshole that's been creeping around here"

The crowd instantly goes silent.

My heart drops at the realization that no one is going to come forward.
"Somebody please help him!" the woman begs, looking to everyone around her but no one speaks up.

"Well shit, I guess you aren't that important to anyone here!" Negan mocks him, standing in his usual stance.

"No please-" the man cries before Lucille comes down crashing onto his head. "Look at my dirty girl go!" blood splatters across his face, the man's body being ripped apart one swing at a time.

The pregnant woman collapses to the floor sobbing, a few people try to help her up but she refuses their efforts.

I look at her sympathetically and remorsefully. Deep in my heart, I know that I should be stopping this. My father would be so ashamed of me if he could see me now.

After the first man is beaten practically to nothing, Negan moves down the line.
"Francis, your next up buddy!"
The man looks up at him stone-faced.

"You motherfucker!" another enraged man shouts. I'm unsure what his relationship is to the second victim but telling by his anger they must be really close.

Negan sighs then laughs, "anyone else have anything valuable to add?"
The crowd once again stays mute aside from the occasional cry.
"then back to it" and without warning, Lucille has her second meeting of the day.
"damn, Lucille has quite the appetite!" he examines the bat, as blood and brains drip from the sides.

"Come on people, none of you have the balls to come clean about this!" Lucas intervenes, "we can do this all day!" I can tell by his body language that he doesn't agree with what's going on. He's doing the best he can to stop it.

I admire his morals but I've completely lost hope that this situation is going to end it in any other way but with 12 dead bodies. Either no one honestly knows about the traitor or if they do they're definitely not going to say anything.

"Going on down the line!" Lucille now hangs above the third man's head.

"No wait, I saw something! I know who the traitor is!" A middle-aged woman raises her hand from the back of the crowd.

"Finally, we have a breakthrough!" Negan motions for his men to bring her forward.
The rest of the Sanctuary seemingly becomes hopeful again but I know better than to get my hopes up too early.

"So, what is it you have to share?" his eyes burn into hers. The skepticism is obvious in his tone.

"Those new people that you brought in a couple of weeks ago, I heard them whispering one night" the woman nervously speaks, struggling to get her words out.

"Whispering about what?" he asks, fidgeting with his bloodied bat.

"I heard one of them mention something about
y/n, sir, they were pretty secretive about it"

Negan's eyes narrow as if he's trying to figure her out.

"Good" is all he says before turning back to his potential third victim.
"Today's your lucky day! Lucile isn't thirty anymore!"
He and the woman both release a deep sigh of relief.

"Now before everyone gets ahead of themselves, y'all aren't completely off the fucking hook yet. The saviors will investigate this tip and if it leads to who we're looking for then everything will be back to normal but if this turns out to be bullshit, we will do this all over again"

Negan continues with his speech but all I focus on is the brutalized bodies of the two men.
The familiar image makes my mind venture back to the night in the forest.
At first, I thought that I could shake off the old emotions but now the visions are becoming more vivid.
It's like I'm being eaten alive by my own demons.

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