14|| I Should've Know

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Negan's POV
I'm in the conference room, playing with Jr. when Simon walks in.

"Sir, we have new information on y/n's disappearance"

"This better be good, Simon," I say, lifting my son into the air.

"Oh trust me it is. It's been reported that Lucas is missing too"

"Fuck! I should have fuckin' know he had something to do with it!" anger fills my soul.
He's gonna pay for whatever he did to her.

"He has been acting strange lately" Simon's eyes narrow as if he's trying to recall things that had happened prior.

I remain calm enough to bounce Jr. on my knee and try to explain to him what's going on. "Daddy is gonna go get mommy back, so you're gonna have to be a good boy while I'm gone, okay?" I give him a kiss on the forehead and hand him to Simon, "take him to Laura, I need to get somethings in order before we leave"

The warm sun rays shining through the partially boarded up window gently wakes me up.
For a brief moment, I feel good and relaxed but the feeling doesn't last long. I slowly start to remember that my current situation is anything but ideal but on the bright side we're heading back home today so at least I have something to be excited about.

I get up still dressed in the same clothes from last night, I have to go see if Lucas is awake. The sooner we leave, the better.

"Good morning, you ready to get going?" I ask as I walk into the living room.

Lucas is already up and preparing breakfast. "in a minute, there's no rush. I have breakfast for us"

Hearing him say this kind of bums me out. I thought you were going to leave the moment the sun came up.
"Okay but after we eat, We got to get back to the Sanctuary"

he nods and smiles at me.

I sit down next to him and take my plate. It's a simple meal, just toast with canned fruit on the side.

I quickly shove the food in my mouth, I don't have time for this. I need to get back now, Negan and my child are probably worried to death about me. I can't just sit here and be all right with that.

When we both finish our food, I go put on my shoes and prepare myself for the long journey we are about to embark on.

"Lucas! come on" I impatiently shout from the front door.

"I'm coming y/n!" he yells back.

A smile spreads across my face, I'm finally going to be back with my family. I open the door and look outside, taking in the scenery.

"Hey, Sweetheart, look I have a surprise for you" he taps on my shoulder to get my attention.

"huh?" I turn around, but before I can even react, he swings his gun and knocks me upside the head, sending me plummeting to the ground. 

My head spins, and my vision becomes blurry.

All I feel is my body being dragged before my eyes decide to shut.

"Come on, open those eyes!" A voice demands as my mind finally starts to come back to my body.

"Good, my precious little angel is waking up," he says mockingly and slaps me hard.

I groan as my heavy eyelids lift. The excoriating pounding pain in my head is like nothing I've never felt before.
As I'm about to stand, I feel the resistance of rope pulling on my arms and legs.

"You're not going anywhere, you might as well stop trying" he laughs.

"W-Why Lucas?" Is all I manage to croak out through the pain.

"Cause phase one of our plan is complete, hun"

What the hell is he talking about? and what does he mean by 'our'? I ponder these questions for a moment but then it randomly clicks in my head.

"You're with the highway men?"

"You got it!" He laughs, "I guess you're not as stupid as I thought you were"

My body is now in panic mode, all I can do now is try to reason with him, "p-please you can't do this to me. I have a baby to-"

"Oh, stop crying bitch. I'm not gonna kill you. You're just here to keep Negan in line, while phase 2 is in full effect"

"He isn't gonna let you get away with this, Lucas!"

"You really believe that he can save you?", he chuckles, "he really has you trained, doesn't he"

"Fuck you!" I spit at him, staring him down.

He looks me in my eyes, unmotivated by my actions. "You better watch your mouth sunshine. Save all that energy for when the boss gets here. He'll love that!" He creepily smiles, before leaving out the bedroom.

Negan's POV
"First we need to go to the last place you had her," I say as we drive down the road.

"Okay, it's just a couple miles out. We were almost home when everything went down" Simon explains to me as he drives.

I nod, looking out the window for any sign of y/n or Lucas.

I contemplate what my next move is going to be. The likelihood of us just stumbling across them is low, I need to come up with an effective game plan.

"I think we should ask Alexandria and Hilltop for help" Simon suggest.

I deeply sigh, The last thing I want to do is tell Rick that I don't know where his daughter is. It could ruin our already fragile partnership. 

"Good idea, but I wanna look in a few places before I get them involved"

"I understand but the quicker we find them the better, there's no time spare when it comes to stuff like this"

Something about what Simon says hits me hard, y/n is practically slipping away from me as each second goes on. I couldn't live with myself if I let my ego get the mother of my child killed.

Whatever needs to be done, has to happen now.

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