Little me

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Hey Im Alexa Lovato. Most people call me Lexi but lets face it you didn't pay attention to my first name but to Lovato. Yes... I am Demi Lovato's sister. No... I do not sing. No... i do not act. I am nothing like Demi, nowhere near as pretty, no where near as beautiful no where as good enough as Demi. I'm 14 years old. Demi and Dallas are my 2 older sisters and i have a younger half sister called Maddie. Demi acts and sings, Dallas acts and Maddie acts, sings and does aerial. Me... i do, nothing.

Alexa P.O.V -

I just arrived back from school and ran straight upstairs to get on with my homework. Finals are coming up soon so school has decided to load us with tonnes of homework. How great! I carried on with my English homework for about an hour, we had to write a 1000word essay on our family. Everyone in class was dying to hear mine as they expected it to be based on Demi but instead i decided to base it on my parents; Dianna and Eddie. Well Dianna is my mum but Eddie is my step dad although we all call him Dad. I was planning what i was going to write and had so far come up with that i would say that Demi, Dallas and I never really had the best relationship with our father so now we have Eddie it's amazing to have such an amzing father figure to look up to and trust to protect me. Then i went on to my mum and talked for ages about her and what she does for us. I mentioned that she was a Dallas cowboys cheerleader before she gave it up to have and look after her 4 girls and also spoke about how supportive she is with everything we do and how she would do anything to look after us.

After doing the majority of my homework my mum called me down to eat tea and watch TV but when i got downstairs i had a massive surprise. In all honesty, the best surprise I've ever had.

I jumped off the bottom of the stairs and ran towards my surprise. Demi. I very rarely get to see Demi anymore as she's always on tour. I knew she was doing a concert in Dallas on her Neon Lights Tour but didn't realise it was this soon. She wrapped her arms around me and all of a sudden i felt safe. Maddie is a lot closer to Dallas than I am but i am much closer to Demi than she is. I don't know why but I feel like I can always relate to her and that she is always there for me.

"Hey baby girl. How have you been?" Demi siad softly. I've always loved it when she calls me baby girl, it makes my heart melt.

"I'm good thanks Dem, how about you?" I replied.

"All the better for seeing you, beautiful". Awww she's so cute but beautiful haha no.

We spent the rest of the evening talking about school, work, the tour amongst many others when we decided to finally go to bed as i have school tomorrow and its already 11pm. "Hey, tiny. Can i sleep in your bed tonight?" Demi asked. She calls me tiny even though she's only 1 inch taller yet 7 years older. "Sure" I say.

We got into bed and she wrapped her arms around me, i felt safe yet again. I love when Demi comes, we always do things fun and she always cares about me. Whether i want her to or not.


I slowly climb to turn my alarm off trying not to wake Demi but it didn't work.

"Morning Lex" Demi says whilst yawning. "Morning Dems, sleep well?" I reply "Good thanks, tiny. Now come on hurry up, I'm taking you to school" My eyes lit up, i hate catching the bus, one, it always smells and i never get a seat. 2, any time away from my bullies is something i'll jump at. Yes you heard it, the little sister of the anti-bullying ambassador gets bullied. I hate them. They call me names, hit me, send notes, spill food on me all types of stuff. Usually i just get on with it but occassionally they take the mick out of my sisters and that is usually when i kick off. Last time i got suspended for 3 weeks which my parents obviously blamed me for, i mean all i did was push her books to the floor and spill her chocolate milk on her head. By "her" i mean Kyra. Kyra Leone-Moore, the typical school popular girl. Long blonde hair, light blue eyes, thin body frame. It's not surprising she picks on the fat ugly kids like me.

We arrive at school around 8-15am, i say goodbye to Demi and walk off towards my best friend Vicky. She is the only person who hasn't left me through everything, she's my rock, I'm almost 100% sure i wouldn't be alive without her. "Hey Lex. How are you?" Vicky asked. "Good thanks Vick, u?" I replied. "I'm good thanks and was that Demi i saw in the car. You didn't say she was coming home." "Yeah, it was Demi. I didn't know she was coming home either. It's great." I was interrupted by the school bell going off, showing it was time for first period. Great. I have English now, with no Vicky but with Kyra sitting right next to me. Kyra's surname is Leone so in almost every class where the seating plan is alphabetical I am next to her.

"Morning slut" Kyra commented. "Looks like you ate breakfast today, i swear you're getting fatter." I chose to ignore her comments as well as i could for the rest of the day until last lesson it got too much.

It was almost the end of the day and I was standing near the classroom door with Vicky when Kyra came over.

"Look class, It's ugly" she said, pointing at me as she tips her juice down my trousers." Awww, she's so scared she wet herself. The whole class laughed but luckily the bell went on time so i ran out to the car park and waited for Demi when i got a text saying; "Hey baby girl, sorry but I'm stuck in traffic you'll have to get the bus home and I'll see you soon. I love you gorgeous xxxxxxxx" Oh great.

As i looked up from my phone Kyra tipped more juice on me and everyone laughed once again. I ran all the way home. It was 2 miles so only took me about 20 minutes and maybe it will help me to finally lose some weight. 100lbs is fucking massive.

I ran through the door and straight upstairs into my bathroom. I lifted up the box by the sink and held my saviour. My blade. I slipped to the floor as I pressed the blade to my wrist and quickly sliced it along about 10 times until i was interrupted by a knocking on my bathroom door.

"Hey babe you okay?" I heard Demi shout. "Yeah I'm good Dems, just washing my face. Be out in a sec" I replied. "Okay, btw we're going to Pizza Hut for tea tonight, leaving about 6pm. I'm picking your outfit." Demi repled as she walked off. Phew that was close. I hate lying to Demi but know one knows about this. And no one never will.

Alexa LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now