Chapter 25

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Maddie's P.O.V-

I woke up to a policeman shaking me and asking me lots of questions I don't understand.

"Ma'am, are you Madison De La Garza?" He asked. He had short brown hair and a short beard.

"I, erm... i don't know". I replied, not lying, I don't really know anything about me, I can't remember anything. All I can remember is how I got here.

"Right, I think you should come with us ma'am we'll explain everything when we get to the station.

"Err okay" I decided to go along with it, it couldn't get any worse.


I woke up to the smoke alarm in my house going off. I could hear screams outside, one of which I was sure was my mum screaming my name. I opened the bedroom door and the site terrified me. The stairs that were opposite my door, the only way to access downstairs was  covered in flickering flames. I had no choice but to jump out of my window. I opened the largest window and climbed out onto the roof of the conservatory below. I landed the jump and slid off the roof the the floor landing on my wrist. I screamed in pain as my wrist throbbed with intense pain, and ran to the middle of my garden giving me the best view of all the exits. I realised that I couldn't escape through the front gate but luckily we have a gate at the back of the garden leading to an alley. I ran out there reaching into my pocket to get my phone and call my parents but I had left it in my room in the panic.

I didn't stop running for 10 minutes through many alleys and back streets, anything to get away, I had no clue where I was. Suddenly a man in a mask came out from the side of the alley and grabbed me.

"Hey little girl why are you out so late?" He asked with a scary tone to his voice.

Me being the bitchy sarcastic girl I am couldn't refuse to come back with an aggressive answer. "I'm not a little girl you idiot" I said as I tried to run away. He stook his foot out and I tripped to the floor smashing my wrist for the second time. This lead me to tears. The man came and sat next to me and started saying mean things. Some of the words I'd never heard of but from the tone of his voice I could tell he was insulting me but I had no energy to fight back.

After 2 hours he finally left after leaving his mark on me in the form of bruises and cuts and I'm pretty sure a broken nose. I kept walking until became too tired to continue. I found a small gap in a hedge, used my arm as a sleeve and fell asleep.

7 hours later

I woke up and it was daylight. I checked my watch and it was 10am. I got out of the hedge cleaned myself off the best I could and began walking again, still not having a clue where I was or where I was going. It got to around 3 and I was extremely hungry but I had no money.

I decided that the only way I could eat and prevent fainting was to steal food. I walked into the corner shop and spotted a sandwich in the corner, I sneakily put it into my pocket whilst looking around for security cameras. I quickly ran out of the shop and into the alley. After a while I heard police and decided it was time to leave. As I began to run I tripped over a rock and hit my head on the lampost next to me. I don't remember much after that, only feeling dizzy and sitting on the floor.
Flashback finished.

We walked into the police station and lots of men came up to the officer who brought me here and said we'll done. I'm guessing that was for finding me. Whoever me is?

"Right Madison if you sit on that seat over there I'll go and contact your family." He said pointing to a chair in Yeh corner of the reception.

"Sir? is Madison my name?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, you're Madison De La Garza. I'm not sure what has happened but don't worry, we'll sort everything for you." He replied and I just nodded unable to find my voice.

I slowly walked over to the chair in the corner of the room as a short blonde girl came up to me screaming my supposed to be name.

"MADDIE!!!" She screamed whilst wrapping her arms around me. I had no other answer to say other than "Do I know you?" She looked at me confused.

"Yeah I'm Bea. Bea Miller, your really awesome friend??"She replied.

"Right I'm sorry but I can't really remember much about me. The officer has told me my name but I can't remember the rest.

"It's okay Mads, don't worry about it. We'll get you back to normal in no time. Isn't anyone here looking after you?" Bea asked.

"Yeah, a copper brought me here and now he's gone to get paperwork. He should be back in a sec." I replied.

"Oh okay. Anyway got to go to the recording studio. See you soon and stay safe!" She said adding a sarcastic tone to the end.

"Recording studio?" I questioned.

"You'll remember soon Maddie. See you later!" And with that she left.

Demi's P.O.V-

We all decided stayed in a hotel over night. It got to about 9 and my phone began to ring. It was Wilmer.

W- "Demi I heard the news I hope you're okay?"

D- "Yeah baby I'm fine. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye it was kind of a whirlwind thing.

W- " You don't have to apologize babe, plus I'm going to see you very soon"

D- " I don't know about that Will, i don't know how long I'm going to be staying in Dallas for"

W- "No you silly. I heard the news this morning and got my manager to book me a week off and book the first flight to Dallas tomorrow morning. I'll touch down about 10."

D- "Oh baby thank you. I don't know what ive done to deserve you."

W- You're amazing baby of course you deserve me. I love you and I'll see you soon okay?"

D- "I love you too baby, see you tomorrow. I'll text where we are"

I hung up the phone to see Mar and Lexi staring at me.

"SO CUTE!" They both cheered at the same time.

Ugh family.

Hey guys so yeah 4th update in 4 days I'm doing quite well. I've found that writing this is actually really helpful and it's a way of letting my emotions out. If you haven't already, try it! It may help you.

Stay strong I Love You xxxxxxxxx

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