New School

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Alexa's P.O.V -

I start my new school today and in honesty I'm really nervous. It's 5am and I'm meant to be getting up in 15minutes but someone knocks on my door.

"Lexi?"I can tell its Maddie she has a soft voice that would make anyone crack a smile no matter how sad.

"Come in" I reply curious to why she is up this early, she usually wouldn't be up for another hour at least. She enters with a tray full of jewellery, cakes, clothes vouchers and a cooked breakfast. Even though eating the food isn't going to help me lose weight I was so touched by her effort.

"Aww little sis what's this?" I ask unsure of what I have done to deserve this.

"Happy new school day big sis. I wanted to do something to show how much i cared so I thought of this. She replied.

Tears brimmed my eyes as she placed the tray on my bed and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and whispered.

"I know you'll be okay. You'll make new friends and they'll love you loads but never as much as me. Remember I'm always here for you" She kissed me on the cheek andleft the room leaving me speechless. I got lost in my thoughts until my phone went off it was a text from Vicky;

"Hey Lex. Good luck on your first day of school I'm sure it will go okay. See you soon xxxx"

I replied to her saying thank you before throwing my breakfast in the bin and heading downstairs to say goodbye to me mum as Demi is taking me to school.

"Hey tiny ready to go?" Demi asked putting on her coat.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I reply walking out the door.

"You'll be fine I promise" she says before we drive to school.

I go into school, pick up my timetable and the first class I have is Mr Roberts for maths. I enter the room and sit at a table at the back on my own. 5 minutes go by and someone knocks on the door, I keep looking down trying to avoid contact with any other person. The door opens and a familiar voice speaks.

"Sorry I'm late sir I got lost" I look up at the voice and sit there shocked at who started walking towards me. Vicky. She sat down next to me and whispered.

"I didn't want to leave you so I asked my mum if I could move and she agreed"

I've never been so happy in my entire life. We listen to sir for the rest of lesson then head off to the other classes. The day went very quick, I walk out to the school car

park and immediately spot Eddie's car. The car journey was silent so I quickly fell asleep.

When I got back home I got a Facebook notification, I don't usually check on it but for some reason I was intrigued. It was from Kyra.

"Hey fat slut just to let you know I'm moving to your new school, you can't get away from me that easily." Along with the message was a picture of her slim body wearing my new schools uniform.

I sat on my bed for ages, crying. I thought finally this school would be a new start and I could live my life how I wanted but I guess I hoped for too much. I walked into my bathroom and picked up a new razor from the side. I snapped it in half with my hands before plying the 2 blades from between the broken pieces of plastic. I picked up one of the blades and held it to my wrist. I swiped it across twice, gently to begin with, but soon enough the feeling of relief over came me and before I realised my whole arm was covered in cuts. To watch the thick crimson blood drip slowly from my arm to the tiled floor amazed me. How can something so sinister create so much relief and ease the pain and sadness I experience every day?

Alexa LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now