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I woke up and looked around to see my sisters sitting at the table eating what looked like lunch.

"hey baby girl your going shopping  with Dallas today, have fun. I'm off to work and Maddie is going to Drew's house." Demi said grabbing her coat.

"Yay, Dally can we go to topshop, new look and forever 21?" I ask.

"Anything for you sweetie" Dallas replies.

1 hour later and me and Dallas have just come out of New look and are heading to topshop. In topshop I picked up 4 tops,  2 jeans and 3 hoodies and went to try them on. After trying on my guns and roses t shirt I decide to show Dallas. I slip on the hoodie I bought in New look to conceal my old and new scars before stepping out the changing room door.

"Oooh check you out. You look great" Dall commented whilst gradually getting closer.  I act over confident and place my hands on my hips. 

"Well thank you Miss Lovato" I reply

"Hey what's that mark on your wrist. I suddenly shoot my vision to my wrist a deal realise when I put my hands on my hips my hoodie sleeve roled up. I was unsure of what to say so decided to attempt a lie.

"that's was Bella, I took her for a walk the other day and when I tried to put her lead on she went crazy and scratched me." I say attempting to sound convincing. 

"oh, trust Bella to do that. " Dallas replies. I guess she bought it.

Dallas' P.O.V -

When we were shopping I spotted a red line on Lexi's wrist. I questioned her about it and she blamed it on Bella. I'm not sure if I believe her, I just hope she's not going through the same as Demi did. I guess I'll have to ask mum what she's like as I don't see her very often as I live in New York.

After hours of shopping we finally arrived home around 7pm. We had eaten tea at the golden corral but Lexi didn't eat much. I hope to god she doesn't have an eating disorder,  she has been looking a lot thinner as of late.

"hey mum" i said as we walked through the front door.

"hey girls, did you have a good shop Lex?" my mum asked but Lexi did something none of us were expecting. She broke down in tears and ran upstairs into her room before locking the door.

15minutes later and me, mum and Demi are screaming Alexa's name outside her door whilst Dad is trying to calm down Maddie downstairs. I decide to tell mum and Demi about Lexi's wrist.

"guys I need to tell you something." I said quietly hoping Lexi didn't hear me.

They both nodded so I continued.

"when we were shopping today Alexa's sleeve rolled up and I spotted a red line on her wrist and when I questioned she blamed it on Bella.  I don't think I believe her but I'm worried that is what's going on the other side of this door." I said.

They both sat there shocked. Then all of a sudden they both at the exact same time screamed "Eddie" before mum told him to get the hammer to bash down Lexi's door.

When Eddie finally managed to open her door she was sitting on her bed with her back to us. I couldn't see what she was doing which worried me and she had her headphones in so couldn't hear us.  As I slowly got closer I noticed the pillows behind her back were propping her up she was asleep. I lay my down in her bed with tree tracks covering her face but then when I walked away I noticed her sleeves were coming up. I prepared myself for what I was about to do then pulled them up as far as they will go. Her arms were covered in hundreds off scars some Years old some not even a day old. I let a tear escape my eye as I silently walked out the room and into my own.

Demi's P.O.V -

I was so shocked at what Dallas had said. I thought I would be enough to show her that self harm isn't the answer and that it only gives you temporary releif that will kill you in the end.

Dallas got closer to Lexi and pulled her sleeves up revealing hundreds of cuts and scars engulfing her arm in thick raised white and red lines.

I saw my Dallas begin to cry before rushing out the door and into her room. I stand there still in shock from today's events.Dad plucks up the courage and ushers mum and I out of the room leaving my hurting baby sister to sleep.

I don't know what to do, or what I can do? She can't handle treatment but we can't leave it unnoticed. Maybe she could come to my therapist?

I reach in my pocket to pull out my phone when I remember I took Lexi's when I was in her room as it looked like that is what she was looking at before she fell asleep.

I unlocked her phone and the first thing that came up was a text from a girl called Kyra.

"hey slut just thought I'd let you know that I'm moving to your new school so once can continue to make your life hell and hopefully drive you to kill yourself. It's what everyone wants anyway. No one loves you, you think Demi does Eh? No she doesn't she's pretending because of her image it wouldn't be good for her reputation to be seen fighting with her sister. So remember see you soon and no one likes or loves you bitch:)"

I can't believe what I just read. I knew she was bullied but this is horrific. Of course I love her she's amazing. I couldn't love her anymore.


Hey guys I'm shit I know but almost 150 reads what!

Last night I was the lowest I have ever been and thought some things I never want to again. I felt rubbish, that my friends didn't want me, that I had no use in talking to them and just wanted to shut myself out. I decided to go to sleep as I always feel better in the morning but this morning I didn't. I felt worse. I decided to scroll through my best friends twitter and look at her funny conversations with my other friend when I came across a picture of us we took the night before with the caption "I honestly love her so much" for 1 second I had a smile I felt wanted, relieved not all my thoughts were true. I guess what I'm trying to say is; the smallest things can brighten up someone's day. You could do something that would take 30seconds and it could stop someone self harm, you could tell someone you love them and it could make them smile even just for a second. You don't know what effect you have on people so be nice there is no point in making someone feel worse than they already feel.

I love you, stay strong xxx

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