Chapter 26

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Alexa's P.O.V-

We all woke up pretty early, I'm guessing because we're worried about Maddie. I know it sounds selfish to think of myself in times like this but at least Demi is less focused on my recovery.

We left the  house pretty quickly and headed to the police station where we were meant to meet Maddie. We burst through the big blue doors and headed towards the front desk. The sergeant there was tall, muscular and had a short brown moustache upon his top lip.

"Hi ma'am, I'm going to guess you're hear for Miss Madison De La Garza?" He asked Demi.

Demi nodded and he pointed to the corner of the room. In the corner was Maddie. She had torn up clothes and a dark bruise above her right eye. She looked extremely rough. We all stood there shocked at her appearance and she stood up and stared at us too. She ran up to us in hysterics and hugged us.

"I love you so much" She quietly mumbled repeatedly.

"I love you too" I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

"Ma'am if you would all like to come this way then I will tell you everything that has happened in the past few days." The sergeant said to Marissa whilst me and Demi fussed over Maddie. 

We went into a small interview room and sat on the uncomfortable chairs. The sergeant entered and sat opposite.

"One of my constables found young Maddie lying on the floor, he asked her many questions before realising that she was unconscious, he was very concerned so picked her up and brought her back here. We have told her what has happened but she doesn't seem to remember much before the incident however she did seem to remember you" He said.

"Why don't you tell them what you remember Maddie" He said before walking out the door.

She began to explain everything and me and Demi were in fits of tears. Everything she told us killing me a little inside.

Demi's P.O.V-

After leaving the police station we all took the long journey to the hospital at Maddies request. The journey was silent. I leant maddie my phone and headphones so she could listen to music, me and Marissa made small talk but Lexi just sat staring out the window. Emotionless.

When we finally arrived we all thought it would be easier to visit Dad first to settle her into what has happened recently. When we arrived at his room he was no where to next seen so we headed to where my mum was. When walking to her room along the white corridor I could distinctively see my boyfriend and father standing outside the door. I ran up to us Wilmer wrappung my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.

"Guys I've just had a terrifying ordeal and don't fancy another one at the hands of her sister and her boyfriend." Maddie commented.

We finished the kiss and I turned to Wilmer.

"Baby what's going on, i can tell somethings up" I asked. He wasn't his normal self and that worried me.

"Sweet look through the window" He replied then pointed to the window which would enable me to see the sight that gave me great happiness. . My mother sitting up in her bed laughing away with the doctors.

"What happened?I asked.

"About 1 hour ago your mum woke up but then after 10 minutes slipped back into yet another temporary coma but then 5 minutes ago woke up again. They said they'd be ten minutes to running some checks before we could go and see her." Wilmer replied.

Obviously I was overjoyed at the fact that my mum was awake but it still killed me a little inside to think that she didn't wake up to a face she knew well, like one of us, but instead to plain white walls surrounding her and more than likely making her increasingly confused. But at least she's okay. For now.


Short but yanno at least it's an update Have any of you ever watched 'Girl, interrupted' my friend told me about it last week and I'm now obsessed. Tonight is the 4th night in a row I've watched it and it's not going to get boring. The picture at the beginning is an example of what one person says in it (lisa)

Anyway, stay strong I Love you all and feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to. Or dm me on my twitter @luvddlovato__

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