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I woke up at about 7am so went downstairs where everyone was sitting talking. I could be over reacting but I swear they stopped talking as soon and they noticed me enter the room. They're probably talking about yesterday. I understand I was very very rude but I just wanted to be alone, I was scared about Dallas finding out my secrets.

"Hi guys, look im sorry about yesterday, I felt really ill and just wanted to be alone." I said as my parents and sisters stared at me with blank expressions.

Demi finally spoke as I sat on the spare stool. "Hi sweet, do you fancy breakfast?". Great. The first thing they all think about is food, what is with this family?

I gradually ate my breakfast of yoghurt and fruit before stepping off my stool to go and get changed for school. I put on my disgursting uniform and brushed my hair when a knock came to my door and in entered Demi.

"Hey tiny, we need to talk. You're not going to school today I'll explain in a bit." Demi said quietly which worried me.

"I'm going to explain everything first then you can react and do what you want. Okay?" She asked

"Okay" I replied.

Demi's P.O.V -

We all came to the conclusion that I was the best to talk to Lexi about yesterday and what was revelaed as I was closest to her. I decided to just spilll out everything then wait for her to react.

I began. "Yesterday when you ran upstairs me and mum and Dallas were very confused but left you for 20 minutes as we guessed you wanted to be alone. Soon after that, we came upstairs to see how you were and your door was locked and you weren't replying to when we shouted your name. We were still confused but not too worried as we guessed you had just gone to sleep. That was until Dallas told us what happened, that she had seen your cuts."

Lexi lifted her head and opened her mouth about to interupt, more than likely to try and make an exuse but I held up my hand signing for her to not talk. I continued.

"After we found that out we got Dad to come up with the hammer to force your door open as we had no clue as to what you could be doing behing closed doors. When we finally got inot your room you were sitting on your bed fast asleep with your head drooping low. Mum decided to lift your sleeves to check your arms and we were all shocked at what we saw Lex.I love you so much and it hurts me to think you would rather hurt yourself than talk to me about what is upsetting you."

She sat there silent. Shocked at what I had just said she lay down on her bed and began to cry. I hugged her as she shook. Her breathing quickly increased in pace and she shook more and more. I began to realise this is what I go like just before I have a panic attack. I held her softly.

"Lexi breath in and out slowly for me please. You can do it, I promise it will be okay." I say softly and after 10 minutes her rapid breathing settled and she was shaking less so we just lay side by side on her bed in non-awkward silence until she broke it.

"What do I do Demi? I dont want to live like this" She said.

"I know it's hard sweetie but realising that you dont want to live like this is a fantastic step towards recovery. I'm so proud of you I reply.

" I think we should go downstairs and talk to mum and dad." she nodded.

We walked downstairs slowly me supporting her back as she looked like she could collapse at any moment. I softly placed her on the chair before sitting next to her and holding her hand.

We talked for about 10minutes, the whole time Lexi had her headphones down, until we came onto the topic of recovery and Lexi got terrified.

"Well mum I don't think treatment will work she's a lot younger than I was and I barely survived. I know, what about my therapist she's the leading teen therapist in north America and she already knows Lexi? " I ask them hoping they say yes as I'm sure Emily, my therapist, could help Lexi.

"But Demi, LA is far to travel for therapy every week." My mum replied. I hadn't thought of that.

"She could live with me!" I blurted out, everyone shot up their heads and stared at me blankly.

"Are you sure Demi you're only 22?" my mum asked.

"Yes I'm sure, I'm the closest to her so I can help." I reply.

After we all agree Lexi went to go and pack her things as we leave tomorrow morning. I've decided she will be homeschooled to prevent any more bullying.

Lexi's P.O.V -

I ran upstairs to pack my things now I'm living with Demi. I love Demi but it's going to be so hard to lose weight and cut with her constantly looking over my shoulder, plus I have to go to stupid therapy. I plan to fake my recovery. That comment I said earlier about not wanting to live like this, i lied. I could gladly live like this until I'm thin and beautiful.

After packing the majority of my things I went into the bathroom picked up my shampoo bottle and teared off the label. There was hidden my emergency blade. I held it to my wrist imagining the red droplets smothering my arm and before I know it my arm was mutilated, blood dripping onto the floor, my whole body numb.

I stood there mesmerised at the sight of the shiny blood running down my arm before cleaning it up and throwing the blade in my bag. I'm determined to survive this horrible time to come.


Sorry I know it's shit but I'm writing this is French class whilst trying to get over an anxiety attack so yeah.

Message me if you ever need anything. Stay strong and I love you all. Xxxx

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