Suspicious Minds and Violent Bullies

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Alexa's P.O.V -

I have school today and to say I'm not looking forward to it is to put it lightly. I know Kyra will be there and I know for a fact that I'll get picked on. But hey,  what's a few more words to shatter my self esteem into even smaller pieces. I slowly get changed into my dark grey trousers, light blue shirt and navy cardigan. I know Demi will make me eat breakfast so I figured I would get up earlier and walk to school to burn off the calories from breakfast. To my surprise Demi wasn't awake yet so I skipped breakfast and headed out. On the way there I ran into my best friend Vicky. She used to be a major lovatic and when I first met her I decided to play oblivious and asked her who Demi Lovato was. She didn't know my surname at this point so didn't catch on although me asking her was a massive mistake. She came out with a 10 minute speech about how beautiful and sexy Demi is along with loads of facts that even I, her sister,  had forgotten. This was 5 years ago but I remember it like yesterday.

We walk through the tall dark gates of the prison they call school and before we even have chance to get through the doors Kyra comes up to me.

"Hey fatso looks like you're been eating loads. When are you actually going to lose weight or do expect to roll around the world like a giant ball of fat? " She says loudly. Everyone aplauds her as she pokes my massive stomach and i quickly walk to next lesson.

My first lesson is Biology. It's not the best as Vicky isn't here but I also am greatful that Kyra isn't either. Despite the fact that I have finals soon I decide to spend the lesson talking to my internet best friend Emily. She knows about Demi and likes her a lot but isn't a crazy fangirl. She's had her fair share of issues I just wish we weren't so far apart so I could help her.


A-Hey how are you?

E-Im okay thanks you?

A-Im ok will schools a bit shit though

It continued on from there until the bell went and I had French and because my teacher is really strict I couldn't text her. I said goodbye to her and slowly walked off to French. Unfortunately just before I entered the languages corridor Kyra came past and tripped me up resulting in my bag falling over and everything falling out. Including my lunch my mum prepared last night which I hadn't thrown away yet. Kyra picked up my yoghurt pot and dispenced the contents onto the top of my head. I ran away into the girls toilets and cried my eyes out for a solid half hour. I stared at the wall before finally getting out and calling the only person I knew could pick me up. I couldn't stay here any longer.

Phone call-

Demi-"Hey baby girl aren't you meant to be in lesson?"

Me-"Demi please can you pick me up I can't take the bullies anymore, I can't do this"

Demi--"I'm on my way, give me 5minutes. I know you can do this sweetie always I love you. I'm putting you on Bluetooth speaker so I can talk to you while driving. What happened?"

Me-"I'll explain in the car. Thank you Dems I love you too"

Demi 's P.O.V -

I knew something was wrong with Alexa. I can't believe she's getting bullied but didn't tell me. I can't be mad at her though, I never told anyone.

I pulled into the car park to see Lexi sitting on the steps her beautiful slim face stained with tear marks, her clothes that would fit a 10 year old covered in food and water. How could she not tell me?

Lexi slowly got into the car wincing at the seat touching her newly formed bruises.

"Thank you so much for picking me up Demi, I don't know what I would have done without you"she said weekly trying to stop her tears.

"it's okay baby girl I just wish you would have told me" I replied.

She didn't reply just put her head in her hands. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her onto my lap. She begins to shake and cry stronger so I begin to sing.

"now I'm a warrior now ive got thicker skin.

now I'm a warrior I'm stronger than I've ever been"

I sang for roughly 5 minutes before realizing her breathing had calmed down to just slightly wimpers. I softly placed her in the seat next to me and begin to drive home. My mind busy worrying about how I was going to help Lexi.

Alexa P.O.V -

I hated that I had to call Demi but I didn't see any other option. I'm so fed up of Kyra and would do anything to get away from her. As me and Demi walked through the front door we heard mum talking.

"Go upstairs sweet I'll explain to mum. I'll be up in a bit, love you" Demi said kissing my forehead. We fight just like any other sisters but I love her so so so much.

I ran upstairs anxious to avoid my parents inquisitive questioning.  I ran into my private bathroom and went into the cupboard bringing out my sharp silver saviour. I held the blade in my hands before lightly pressing it into my wrist.

Soon enough my arm was covered in blood and I was beginning to feel dizzy and then I realised I had gone a bit too far this time. I ran my arm under the tap no matter how much it stung I had to clean the cuts up quick before Demi came upstairs.

After cleaning my cuts I put on my black long sleeved Demi Lovato Neon Lights Tour and got into bed just in time for Demi to come walking through the door.


Sorry I don't really do these usually but I just wanted to say that this story is dedicated to my 3 best friends, Hannah, Ebony and Chloe. Vicky is based on Hannah, Emily is based on Ebony and there will be a character in the next chapter about Chloe but called Marie. Without these girls I wouldn't be here and for that I am eternally grateful. I love them so much and pray for them to be strong everyday and night.

Sorry Ik these are irritating but I just had to say it.

Love you all and stay strong ❤

@luvddlovato__ is my twitter so tweet me ideas about this fan fic?

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