chapter 20

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When we got into the house  I decided to head upstairs in an attempt to avoid any awkward questioning frame Demi and Marissa but my plan didn't work. Demi wrapped her short arms around my waist and threw me onto the sofa while Marissa screamed "PILE ON!"

Suddenly I felt 2 bodies jump on top of me crushing me inbetween the leather sofa and marissa's soft fluffy jumper. Demi's leg was over my face so I couldn't talk, i began to feel very anxious and got lost in my thoughts until a sudden sharp agonising pain shot through my leg like a lightning bolt.

I screamed my head off, Demi and Marissa shot up and looked at me in horror.

"Lexi, i can't help you if you don't tell me what hurts. What's the matter?" Demi said softly

"My leg" I managed to say inbetween screams. 

Luckily Marissa is trained in first aid so that reassured me a little, well, until she said what she said next.

"Demi Im pretty sure she dislocated it." She said.

Marissa's P.O.V-

Luckily Lexi was so wearing shorts so it was easy to see the damage to her leg. Even though the incident had only just happened her leg was slowly going blue and swelling up very quickly. Her knee also looked very out if place, I diagnosed it as a dislocation.

"I'll call Max and we can get her to hospital." I said.

Soon enough, we all left the house with Max carrying Lexi and walked to the hospital at the end of the road. From previous visits we knew there was a back entrance to accident and emergency for people who didn't want to be seen. We walked in and immediately a nurse ran up to us.

"Hi, you called ahead for the issue, yes?" She asked and I nodded.

"Could you please put Lexi on the  bed sir and I will be with you in a minute." Max went to put Max on the bed so me and Demi waited outside and then Demi went in with the nurse so me and Max went to get some food.

When we came back, Demi was sitting outside the room with her head in her hands. I placed a hand on her back and whispered: "Demi what's up?"

"It's my fault Mar, if I wasn't so I wouldn't have hurt her."She said.

I dropped my head, whenever something bad happens and Demi thinks it's her fault, she dips baking into he depression and sometimes her eating disorder too. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"Demi, she'll be okay. It's only dislocated, she'll be back and jumping on you in no time. You are not fat I promise. It was just a consequence of a little fun. It will be okay, i promise." I whispered tucking the hair on the non shaved side of her head away.

Before she could respond the nurse came back with Lexi in a wheelchair.

"Unfortunately, Lexi as well as dislocating her knee she also chipped a bone. She will have to have a cast for 6 weeks and will be given crutches for 10 weeks. Usually this wouldnt happen but due to how thin Lexi is her bones are very week. I suggest putting her on a strict diet with a large increase of calcium to help her bones repair and strengthen." The nurse said.

"Okay, if you take Lexi now I will be there in a minute." I said.

Throughout what Lexi said, i was listening but also watching Demi and out of the corner of my eye I could see her breaking down. The second the nurse went through the double doors along the white corridor Demi dropped to the floor repeating "it's all my fault."

"Right Demi I'm going to sound really harsh here but your little sister is in there, in pain and confused as to why her sister isn't with her. You heard the nurse,  it wouldn't have happened if she wasn't so thin. We need to focus on her recovery and we can't do that without full focus. You and her can get through this and we will help you to recover. I love you Demi now lets help lil lex" I said.


So yeah shit happened. Some stuff happened last night and its kinda not very good but yanno. Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday. I don't know what went on.

Sorry Ily all and stay strong

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