Chapter 19

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Alexa's P.O.V-

With sweat dripping down my forehead I shoot up from the bed and run into the bathroom as last nights flash back replays through my head. My thoughts are consumed by the image of David getting violent again.

Suddenly, I am taken out of my thoughts by a know at the door accompanied by Demi's soothing voice.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm fine Dems, just felt a little sick." I said, not completely lying. Ever since I realised David was coming today my stomach has been plagued by butterflies.

"Oh okay hun. Come out when your ready or I'll be coming in, using the key in 5minutes" She says whilst walking away.

After washing my face in an attempt to cover my tear tracks, I slowly walk out the bathroom and head towards the bed.

"By the way baby, I have to go out later so I agreed with David that he shouldn't come round today and you can do double the time tomorrow, okay sweetie?" She said.

A smile crept on my face as the majority of my worries disappeared. I couldn't show my relief too much otherwise Demi would get suspicious so I reply to her with a simple "okay" before heading to the closet to get my clothes.

My outfit for today was red and black jeans, my nirvana T-shirt and my leather jacket.

Demi's phone rang with a loud version of her song "Neon Lights" as she looked at me embarrassed before answering.

"Nothing wrong with liking your own song" She says before walking out the room to answer the call. Soon enough she walks back in and collapses on the bed.

"Lexi, i was meant to go to the studio today to record my new 2015 album single but Mac couldn't make it so I guess it's just us. There's no point in calling David back so I guess we'll just have a chill day, okay?" she asked.

"Okay" I replied.

Demi and I ate a breakfast of, fruit, yoghurt and porridge before heading upstairs to purge. After the majority of the fat leaves my body my demons still remain.

"Lexi, you do know purging doesn't get rid of all the calories"

"Youre still fat."

"You're a failure, Demi doesn't even like you"

I had no way of getting rid of these demons so decided to go for a walk. I wrapped up in my scarf and beanie before heading out the door.

I walk towards the shop and buy 3 packs of laxatives and put them in my pocket. I wasn't really in the mood to go home yet so decided to head to the park. As it was only 10am it was fairly deserted. I sat on the black swing before feeling strong arms wrap around my waist and drag me off the playground. I begin to scream for help before a sweaty hand is placed around my mouth and a large leg collides with my stomach.

"OI slut, shut up" The mysterious being says.

After thinking about it, i was sure I recognized the voice but not sure where from.

All of a sudden, a man's face appears in front of me as the grip free around my sides gently releases. It was David.

"Nice to see you again Alexa. After out encounter last week I told my friend about how beautiful you were and he wanted to meet you." With that scary sentence another man shot out from being David. He was dressed in dark blue jeans, a black jumper and rope in his hand.

Before realising it the rope was tied around my hands and my body thrown into the nearby bushes behind the abandoned car park.

David, and tell man I assumed is John, at least thats what David calls him slowly walked towards me with a devilish smirk on their faces before ripping off my clothes and doing things to me I never imagined people could do to a young girl.

I felt, silly, violated, stupid.

Demi's P.O.V -

Lexi went out for a short walk around 10 and it's 1 now and she hasn't returned. I'm starting to get really worried. I couldn't call mum she'll think I'm not responsible and can't look after Alexa. I decide to call Marissa.

"Hey Mar, you know Lexi?"

"Hi dems, i sure do, what's up?"

"Well she went out a few hours ago and hasn't returned nor called nor texted. I'm beginning to get worried. Will you come look for her with me please."

"Of course. I'll be round in 10."

Not long after Marissa turned up, we left the house and began our search for my baby sister. We search the store, the mall, the library, the Woods, the fields and were about to give up when I notice a young girl slowly walking on the sidewalk and quickly recognize her as my sister. I shoot out the car and hug her.

"Where have you been, i was worried?" I asked.

"Sorry Demi, i went to the park and got lost and I lost signal. I'm sorry. "She replied.

We got into the car and Mar drove us home.


SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED FOR AGES. I apologise so much but I haven't been feeling great. Some shit happened last week and no one knows. I'm sorry but I will try and update more.

Also the story line can be very delicate for some people but I just wanted a bit of drama.

Ily all stay strong xxxx

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