Not an update, rant...

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Hey right look I'm sorry this isn't an update but I just need to rant and get this out there. I feel like there are many rules to life and some of them I feel that are necessary and relating to mental health are the following-

1- NEVER ever go on to ask someone why they are depressed.

Depression is a mental illness, it is not a choice. Nobody chooses to be surrounded by feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness so don't you dare make them feel like it is their fault.

2-NEVER make fun of anybody's cuts or scars.

My best friend is the only person who has come remotely close to seeing my scars and cuts and she's only seen half of them. Luckily she has never commented on them but other people have when my sleeve has rolled up or jacket fell down and there is just no need. You do not know how much pain, stress and pressure it takes for someone to drag a blade across their skin, hold a lighter to their arm or repeatedly bang a limb against a wall. Self harm is a serious thing and shouldn't be joked about.

3- NEVER touch someone if they tell you not to.

Whatever the circumstances, if someone specifically states they do not want to you to touch them, play with them, tickle them or whatever, DONT! You may think that some people's reactions are cute but no. It is just rude. Some people will have panic or anxiety attacks when people get really close to them and or touch them. I am not afraid to say it but I am one of these. I might be only 15 but I have met way too many people who believe that it is okay to continue to touch someone after they have asked them not to. I know people who I can be in the middle of a panic attack crying and screaming at them to move away and they will continue to touch me or stroke me or whatever. Please just take the hint it is not right and can cause people intense fear.

4- DO NOT repeat DO NOT think that it is ever simple to "snap out" of a mental illness.

Whether it is depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, OCD or any other mental illness, it is not something that is so simple to get rid of. Mental illnesses are just as serious as physical illnesses such as cancer and are often more deadly. Suicide has a higher death rate than cancer in the US so why do you feel that it is such a simple thing. It isn't. I have gone through and are going through some mental health issues and trust me, if I could "snap out" of it, I would. It is not that easy so please I beg of you, unless you have something nice or helpful to say, keep your mouth shut.

5- the final and most important one. NEVER EVER STATE THAT SUICIDE IS COWARDLY.

There is a lot of stigma surrounding mental health issues and especially suicide. Many people in this world believe that the action of taking one's own life is cowardly and weak thing to do. This is not the case. Such people who make rude and unnecessary comments on suicide and the type of people who could lead someone to take their own life. There are many reasons as to why someone would want to take their own life.From depression to bullying, from bipolar to family issues, from borderline to addictions.  I have met and talked to way too many people who are suicidal and are suffering from mental illness and it breaks my heart to see how sad they are. Maybe this is because I know how they feel or maybe it is because I refuse to believe the rumours and stigma that surround mental health. One of my greatest friends, my brother and one of best friends have experienced suicide and have even acted on the thoughts at some time in their life and I can truly say it has effected me aswell and to see so much hurtful things said about the issue is heartbreaking. I beg you, if you are one of those people who make mean comments about suicide or just mental illness in general, please try and put yourself in their shoes. I would never wish a mental illness or suicidal thoughts or anything similar on anyone purely because I know how horrible it can feel but just please. Instead of making comments, why not try helping them. Ask if they're okay and or encourage them to get help. Together we can reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and spread the word that it is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, it is just as deadly as cancer but that is a worldwide topic of conversation, whereas mental illness topics of conversation are frowned upon in our society. Please ask yourself this simple question. Why? Why should people be ashamed of how they feel just because others do not perceive it as 'normal'?

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