Chapter 10

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Marissa's P.O.V -

I walked into Lexi's room hoping to see her sleeping silently in Demi's arms but instead she was sitting there rocking back and forth in the corner having an anxiety attack. Luckily I have helped Demi through a lot of these so I knew what to do.

When I slowly got closer to my best friends fragile sister she whispers something inaudible. As I get even closer I hear her speak.

"don't wake Demi" she stutters. Realising that she is getting even worse and worrying about Demi isn't helping I pick her up in my arms and take her to my room.

"hey hey honey try and breath slowly for me.  Look just like this. " I say placing her hand on my chest taking obvious deep breathes allowing her to copy. After 15 minutes she is silently sobbing into my shoulder and still shaking. I picked her up, pulling back my duvet allowing us to both lie there whilst she tries to get to sleep. An hour after I'm lying here watching Lexi sleep silently apart from the short bursts of breath she takes every few second. It's amazing how 1 hour ago she is crying violently into me and now she looks so at peace its scary to think about what she's going through.

I manage to get to sleep for 1 hour until about 7am before going downstairs to make breakfast for Demi and Lexi. As I'm pretty sure Lexi has an eating disorder I decide to make something small and healthy to see how she copes. I decide to do yoghurt and fruit and take it to the girls on a tray.

I go into Demi's room first to wake her up. I swear that girl could sleep the day away.

"Morning Dems" I said softly whilst shaking her. She grunted for a sec before turning to where Lexi was previously sleeping with a worried look on her face.

"Where's Lexi?" She asked.

"Some shit hapenned last night Dems and she didn't want to wake you up so I brought her to my room. I will explain later." I replied before placing the tray on her lap. 

Demi's P.O.V - 

Its midday and its still im clueless as to what "shit" happened with Lexi last night so i decided to ask Marissa about it.

"Hey Mar, come here". I shout to her from the living room and she comes running in all flustered.

"What, what's hapenned?" She says.

"Nothing, I just want to know about what happened last night." I replied.

"Oh yeah forgot to say. Well, I was unable to sleep as I was so worried about Lexi so I decided to calm my nerves by going to check on her expecting to see her sleeping calmly in your arms. But when I walked in I saw Lexi sitting in the corner shaking and taking really short breaths. She was getting really scared and I was going to wake you up but she didnt want me too and worrying about you was making her worst so I picked her up into my room. After a while she calmed down and I managed to get her to sleep in my bed." Marissa said whilst I stood there shocked. How could I not know this was going on?

"Oh gosh. Next time though Mar please wake me up never mind her arguements." I asked.

"Okay I will" She replied. 

Lexi's P.O.V -

I woke up and found myself in Marissa's bed for the week which confused me until I remembered last nights events. I'm not even sure as to what happened I just remember having a nightmare about Kyra then waking up struggling to breath. I'm lucky Marissa came in.

I walk downstairs to see Marissa talking to Demi before they stopped and called me over. I could tell this was going to be a serious conversation as Demi always has that look in her eyes.

"RIght, since  you've been here we actaully havent talked about recovery and Marissa knows everything so I think this is a good time to do it. Okay?" Demi begins.

"Okay" I reply. There is no point in saying anything else I'll just go along with it and hopefully if I ccan fake my recovery then Demi will forget about it soon enough. 

"Right. FIrst of all i think its safe to state what we know and suspect. We know you self harm, we know you have anxiety attacks as is clear from this morning and we also suspect you have an eating disorder. Do you disagree with anything I have just said?" Demi stated.

I was going to argue with the eating disorder but figured its best to keep queit because if i say no she'll just get more invasive. "No" i simply say.

"RIght okay then. We are going to help you as much as we can baby girl I know you think we're being really harsh and mean but its only becuase we care about you. Everyother day there will be body checks for cuts. We will be eating 3 meals a day together and will limit how much excercise you can do. Also we will be doing everything we can to sort out your anxiety and help  you through it. Okay? Now come and give your favourite sisters a hug." Demi said whilst her and Marissa held their arms.

I reluctantly walked over to them and gave them a massiver hug before going upstairs to take a shower. I'm not very sure why but I really miss Marie. I suppose I never said much about her but she's one of my best friends along with Vicky and Emily. I know I can count on her for anything and she's so nice. She has 2 daughters; Amy-Rae and Madison-Rae. I named Madison. I deicded to call her and have a chat. I'm hoping to bring the three of them up to LA for a few days at the end of the month but she doesn't know that.


Its crap i know but yanno. I dont feel good but decided to do this for Chloe. Next chapter will be better with a bit more drama. Comment any ideas or tweet me @luvddllovato__ 

Also a special shoutout to my friend Ebony. Shes going through some stuff at the moment and i know she wont see this but Eb I love you you can get through this <3


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