Chapter 31

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Demi's P.O.V-

It has now been 3 weeks since the fire and almost 2 weeks since the incident with David. Lexi and Dad are home but my mum is still in hospital so Wilmer and I decided to stay in Texas. Marissa went back to LA and is coming back in 2 days. It's 9 days until Christmas and hopefully only 7 days until my mum comes home. We had the first court case yesterday and safe to say it did not go well.

24 hours ago

Lexi and I arrived at the court at 9:00am ready for the trial to begin at 10. We sat on thr chairs outside the main room as our lawyer went through all of the details. Luckily, Lexi doesn't have to speak today and give evidence towards David, but she does have to be there incase the judge gets the sequence of events wrong.

It got to half past 10 and we had still not got into the courtroom because David was late. Typical.

"Lexi are you okay?" I asked. She's had her head hung low for the past 15 minutes, silently.

"Lexi... Alexa!!" I said louder after being ignored.

"Huh,what?! Why are you shouting?" She replied.

"Because you didn't answer. Are you okay?" I said.

"Oh yeah, well I'm scared" She whispered slowly looking upwards.

"Baby you're allowed to be scared. It will be OK and I'll be with you all the way through"

We soon headed in and took our seat. The lawyers, judge and policemen were running around frantically. Not calling my nerves in any way but I had to stay calm, if not for me, for Lexi.

The session lasted around half an hour and Lexi only had to get up once. I could tell she was terrified but she kept it together and I was very proud of her. David is still pleading innocent but my lawyer and I am very very sure that we will catch him.

Present time

Demi's P.O.V-

"Alexa?" I shouted up the stairs. We were meant to leave to go and see mum at the hospital 1 hour ago but Lexi still isn't ready. After no response of my constant shouting I decided to go upstairs to see what was taking her so long.

First, I headed into her bedroom. It was a mess. Her clothes were thrown from her wardrobe to all across the floor as if in a fit of rage. On her bed was her favourite top she used to wear. Before coming to live with me her figure wasn't healthy so this top was 3 years too small but used to fit her perfectly,i doubt it does now. Since moving in with me she has gained almost half a stone and I guess I never thought about how much that could affect her. I placed the top back on her bed and headed towards the door. I soon began to hear weak sobs coming from the opposite side of the corridor. I ran along the corridor towards my room as the sobs got louder and louder. I checked my room, Maddies room, my parents room and the bathroom but Lexi was no where to be seen. Then I thought. The only place she could be was my parents en suite. My head immediately rushed with scary thoughts. Since my parents found out about my issues and also Lexi's, they keep all the razors and similar objects in their en suite which is almost always locked but in the fire the keys were lost so now it's always open and you can only lock it from the inside.

I burst through the entrance to my parents room and could immediately hear Lexi's cries much louder.

*Knock knock*

"Lexi, please let me in baby. Tell me what's wrong" U whispered.

Her cries stopped and I heard an all to familiar sound. Metal hitting the floor.

"Lexi, look you don't have to do this. You have been clean for so long I know you can do this. Please let me in Lexi, I love you so much. We all do" I said but nothing happened. I heard plastic snap and all I could do was result to the only thing I was good at. I began to sing nightingale.

"....Can you be my nightingale, sing me to sleep I know you're there.... "

The door unlocked and swung open. Stood there was my beautiful younger sister with tears covering her face and a broken razor in her hand. I immediately threw the razor across the room and put my arms around her body.

Before I had the chance to talk, Lexi did.

"I'm fat Demi, my favourite top doesn't even fit me anymore. I can't do recovery I'm fat enough"She said, breaking my heart.

"No Lexi I promise you, you're not fat. You're still underweight baby please I know you can do this."I whispered before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Instead of replying she fell week into my arms, she looked exhausted and upset. I lifted her up and placed her into my parents bed. She's lighter than she was at my house, defenitely. How could I have let this happen?

I lay there for half an hour, playing with her hair and thinking about how to help her until my phone wrang. It was my Dad.

"Hey Dad, is everything OK?" I asked.

"Yeah Demi just wondering if you two are okay. You said you were coming an hour ago but aren't. Just thought I'd check on you." he replied.

"Yeah, sorry about that Dad. Lexi got a little upset do we've just been in bed for a bit. We'll be round soon." I explained.

"Actually Demi, could you do me a favour. Maddie is ill at school but I won't get there to pick her up soon enough. Could you? Please.... " He pleaded.

"Dad of course I will. Phone the school and tell them I'll be there in 15 minutes. I'll stay at home with Lexi and Maddie and watch a movie. Catch up with you later." I said.

"Oh thank you Demi. I love you." he said.

"I love you too Daddy" I replied before hanging up.

"Lexi baby, we need to go and pick Maddie up from school" I whispered whilst gently shaking her.

"Wait what.... Is she okay" She replied with half open eyes.

I tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed her head. "Yeah baby she's just a little ill. Will you come with me to pick her up, I don't want to leave you on your own baby." I said hoping I wouldn't offend her.

"Okay Demi. But I'm going in my pyjamas." She said wrapping a blanket over her body. She's just like me at her age. I'm not sure how I should feel about that.


Hey guys so I'm finally updating. I'm sorry I havent done it in ages. I was going to update on the weekend but I had my best friend over and may have got slightly drunk and then very ill. Thanks for that Hannah(dilmerislife)

But anyway,to make up for it, I will be updating every other day, at least for the next week and will update xmas day which will be like Christmas day with Demi and everyone so hope you enjoy. Ily all stay strong xxxxx

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