Chapter 24

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Demi's P.O.V-

"I'm sorry, we did everything we could. We managed to stabilize Mrs De La Garza but she is still not awake. You can go in now." The doctor said.

All 3 of us sighed with relief before walking into the room. My mum lay there different to earlier, her left hand crossed over her stomach and he right arm close to falling off the side of the bed. I lay my head on her stomach and watched Lexi sit on the seat in the corner of the room in tears. It was heartbreaking.

I must have fallen asleep, I woke up at around 7pm and all 3 of us headed to the dining hall. We sat and ate very slowly as we all had a diminished appetite. Suddenly the TV turned on the news was blasted across the screen.

"Local 12 year old actress Madison De La Garza has been found in the park near her house. Her family are attempting to be contacted but the police are unable so far. We are unsure of how hurt Madison is and how she was when she was found. We will continue to keep you updated and if possible could you please attempt to contact her family." the newsreader announced.

Marissa jumped off her seat whilst me and Lexi stayed there still. Yes, it is good news that she has been found but we don't have a clue about how she is. She could be fine, she could be injured and she could be dead! We don't know.

I quickly got out my phone and phoned the number the police had given me.

Ring ring ring ring

Demi- "Hello"
Sergeant- "Hello, is this Demi?"
Demi- "Yes it is and I've just heard about my sister. When can we see her?"
Sergeant- "If you could come to the station tomorrow she will be there. She is in hospital overnight but no one can see her, I'm sorry."
Demi- "Okay yeah we will be there at 9"
Sergeant-"Okay, see you soon"

"We can go and see Maddie tomorrow and they will tell us everything then, i think we should go tell dad everything that has happened." I said to Mar and Lexi.

We began walking, well Lexi was hobbling, to my dads room and when we arrived he was sitting up wide awake.

"Hey daddy, you okay?" I asked subconsciously knowing he couldn't give me a defenite answer.

"hey sweetie I'm getting there how's everyone?" He replied.

"Well we have a lot to tell you. Mum is still in a coma but earlier when we were in there she had a seizure and flatlined. The doctors were able to stabilize her but they don't know when she'll wake up if she ever does." I said as I watched his intrigued expression turn to a frown. I hated seeing him sad but I had to tell him everything.

"Also, the police found Maddie but won't tell us any information or let us see her until tomorrow. We're going at 9 in the morning. We'll come see you and mum straight after aswell." I continued.

"Okay honey, you're being very strong I'm very proud of you" He replied.

"I love you Dad, we should get going" I said. We all gave him lots of hugs and kisses before leaving the depressing hospital.

Alexa's P.O.V-

I'm really worried about everyone. My mum is close to death, my dad is gradually getting better and we dont have a clue about how maddie is or where she's been.

When we got home I don't think any of us were in the mood to talk, Demi went straight to bed and I told Marissa to go check on her whilst I used my crutches to slowly climb up the stairs into my bedroom. After I finally got into my room all I could feel was emptiness. I didn't feel any emotions yet I wanted to. At this point I would do anything to feel normal. This want for normality scratched at my mind until the only valid solution I could think of was cutting. I limped to my adjoining bathroom and swung open the drawer. At the back was an eye shadow palette box and inside was my best friend. My blade. I picked up the sharp silver rectangle and held it to my wrist. I was mesmerized. How could something so sinister help you, how could something that gives you so much pain also give you relief. In the end I chose not to question it and felt myself slashing the blade against my hips. I made roughly 30 cuts, some deep some shallow, before wiping away the blood and putting on the pyjamas I'd bought into the bath room. I crawled to my bed and fell asleep almost instantaneously.

2 hours later

I woke up feeling hot and sweaty. My heart was beating very fast, my whole body was shaking and I found myself feeling intense panic. This happens often. I get nightmares you see, about my real dad. I suppose they're not really nightmares more like Flashbacks. When some people hear the word flashbacks they automatically relate it to a negative experience whereas with me it's the opposite. All of my "flashbacks" are of good things that used to go one when my dad was alive. My hands were digging into the side of my head and some causing my skin to bleed. I threw the covers off me and wondered the question I've asked myself almost all my life.

Why can't I be normal?

Hey guys 30 updates in 3 days but you deserve it bc over 1k reader increase in the past 48hours. Wut this is crazy.

The last paragraph is basically based around what just happened to me. I tried to take what happened and put it in my writing, in an effort to calm me down. I'm still quite panicky but hopefully it will calm down soon.

Stay strong all, Ilysm xxxxxxxx

Alexa LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now