Chapter 12

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I stayed upstairs for 2 hours after still shocked at what had happened. Demi called me down for tea around 5pm so down I go to fill my body with fat and calories for the 3rd time today. I'm going to try and purge it afterwards though because I'm not going to lose any weight at all by eating this way.

"Hey tiny why were you up there for so long after David left? " Demi asked. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and shifted the position of my hair to cover my cheek which was probably forming a bruise right about now.

"oh nothing I just felt like listening to music, what's for tea? " I replied trying not to add to her suspicions.

"Just sandwhiches and salad if that's okay? " She asked.

"Yeah that's fine" I said walking to the lounge getting ready yo watch the following. It's mine and Demi's favourite show. Especially since Kevin Bacon is in it and Demi's obsessed with him.

Soon enough Demi walked in the room with 2 trays piled with 4 triangle sandwhiches, piles of cheese with ketchup and surrounded by salad. I sat there slowly allowing the fat grams and calories into my body, feeling more and more sick each time.

I gradually finished my meal and went upstairs to purge. Obviously I couldn't tell Demi this so I lied and said I had homework that David gave me. I'm secretly hoping that today was a one off and that he won't do it again but I know in the back of my mind there was very little chance of that.

I run upstairs and escape into my bathroom and after a few attempts all of my disgusting dinner came up. After the burning of my throat had stopped I finally felt relief but I knew that purging only got rid of 80% of the fat and calories of a meal so decided to go into Demi's room and go on her treadmill for an hour.

Demi's P.O.V - I'm getting a little suspicious of Alexa, she went upstairs after dinner claiming that she was going to finish homework David had given her however when David left he specifically stated that he hadn't given her homework as it was her lesson. I was unsure about why she would lie for about 20 minutes until I finally realised. How could I be so stupid?! She obviously went to purge and I wasn't smart enough to help her through her demons.

I went upstairs and she was in her room and it was silent so I gathered she was asleep so thought I would leave it for the night. I went round the house locking the doors and washing up before going to bed. As I stepped into the hall I realised my bedroom light was on and I'm pretty sure I didn't leave it on. As I walked in I saw a sight I never wanted to see. Lexi lying on the floor dripping in sweat. She'd been working out on my treadmill for the last 2 hours and I hadn't even noticed. Her breathing and pulse was normal so decided to change her then place her in my bed before wrapping my arms around her frail body and falling asleep myself.

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