Chapter 17

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We ate lunch and I could easily tell it was a struggle for Lexi. She tried to act normal as I'm guessing she doesn't want Wilmer to know, I'm not sure if he could tell but I could. By the end of the meal, when me and Wilmer had finished, Lexi was only half way through even though the she was on the verge of tears. I gave Wilmer a look, it's this look we've always shared which basically means "I'll speak to you in a bit" and with that I pulled Lexi upstairs to my bedroom.

Not long had we shut the door and Lexi broke down. She lay on the floor crying hysterically. I wrapped my arms around her sides and rocked her slowly back and forth whilst singing.

"Can you be my nightingale,

Sing to me,

I know you're there"

I continued until she began to slow down her breathing and her shaking lessened.

"Baby girl, I'm so proud of you. I know that was tough but you've done brilliant. You haven't been I'm recovery long and you just ate half your meal. Well done sweet. I love you" I said.

"Thank you Demi, I love you too" She replied.

After a further 15 minuted of sitting on my bed cuddling we proceeded to heading downstairs to where Wilmer was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Hey babe sorry about that. What would you like to do now?" I asked.

"It's OK Dems. I was thinking we could just watch TV as Lexi hasn't been home long" He replied.

"Yeah course" Wilmer sat on the right side of the sofa leaving room for me to go into the middle and Lexi to sit to my left."

Alexa's P.O.V -

Demi, Wilmer and I have been watching TV for 2 hours now and all of us are beginning to get restless. All of a sudden I felt 2 hands pinch my sides as Demi peered over me, tickling me in the process. I was giggling like a young girl until Demi called Wilmer over to join in aswell. They began quickly tickling me and pinching my sides whilst all of us laughed. Suddenly I began to feel increasingly anxious, as if everything was closing around me. Wilmer stopped and looked at me concerned.

"Demi stop she looks genuine scared." He said, warning Demi."

"She's fine baby" She replied.

After a bit of Wilmer saying to Demi that I looked really scared Demi looked at me and noticed my lip was quivering. She suddenly realised that I was very scared. I sat there with my while body shaking and my breathing increasing in rate every second. Demi sat next to me and placed her arm around me whilst I sat there silent. We sat like that for about 15 minutes watching TV until Wilmer awkwardly left the room to go to the bathroom.

"Baby girl I'm so sorry. I didn't realise you get panicky like that. How long has it been like that for"She asked.

"It's fine Demi don't worry about it, about 6 months. I reply hoping she'll drop the subject.

"Sweetie I think tomorrow we are going to see my counselor. I used to be like you and she gave me some pills and helped me get through it. I know you might not want to but I promise it will help baby." She said shocking me.

I really don't want to go but I'm very aware that when Demi is like this there is no one that can change her mind.

4 hour time skip.

Wilmer left around 8 and me and Demi made crackers and cheese for tea which wasn't too hard for me. Then we went to sleep around 10 as tomorrow is going to be a long day.


Hope you're all okay.

Look at the cover of this chapter and answer in the comments. I would love to get to know you all better.

I love you all, stay strong xxxxxxxx

Alexa LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now