Chapter 23

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Demi's P.O.V-

We stayed with my dad for about half an hour before going to see my mum again but on the way we ran into a policeman.

"Excuse me mam" He said. "I believe you're Madison De La Garza's sister?"

I nodded.

"Yes, have you found her yet?" I asked with slight hope that my youngest sister was safe and unharmed even though in the back of my head I knew there was little chance of this.

"I apologize for what I am about to say but no we have not. We are continuing our search for Madison and over 300 people in Dallas are out searching. We will continue our efforts to find your sister and you will be the first to know any news we have." He replied.

I stood there, devastated. I can't help but wonder if Maddie is alive or not.

"Okay thank you sir now if you don't mind, i am off to see my mother." I said whilst walking away with Lexi, we left Marissa as company for my dad.

We walked down the same clean white corridor bringing back memories from when we first arrived there. My mum looked the same, silent and still. Lifeless. This time we were allowed to enter the room so I pulled up a chair next to the uncomfortable bed that my mum was lying in. I held her hand and let myself release all of the tears I've been keeping in since we arrived.

Unexpectedly, Lexi came to me and wrapped her arm around my back giving me reassurance.

"She'll be okay Demi, she's a fighter. It's in our blood." She whispered in my ear as I stroked my mother's hand.

"I know Lexi but thank you" I said before gently kissing her cheek. "I think we should go and get you some food. You missed breakfast and it's already 2 o'clock"

She tilted her head to the floor then looked up to me with a nervous expression laid across her face.

"It will be okay, we'll do it together." I said.

We went to the lunch hall in the hospital and spotted Marissa sitting in the corner.

"Hey Mar how's dad" I asked.

"He's good, he fell asleep about 10 minutes ago so I came to get some lunch. I bought you two some aswell and was going to bring it to you but here you go" She replied passing me a salad and Lexi and bowl of pasta.

Tears immediately formed in Lexi's eyes as she put the fork into her food but just before I could go and comfort her Marissa went round the table and sat next to her whilst placing an arm around her. She lent her head close to Lexi's ear and whispered. I was unsure what she was saying but it lasted for a while until they both looked at me and let out a giggle.

"Hey what you laughing at you meanies?" I ask trying to lighten the mood. Instead of them replying Mar got out her mirror from her pocket, I had salad cream running from the tip of my nose to my chin. I looked like such an idiot but I'm glad it made Lexi happier although Marissa must have said something else because Lexi finished all of her pasta without argument or breakdown. I was very proud of her.

After lunch we headed back to see my dad but he was still asleep so the 3 of us went to see my mum. Obviously I was eager to get there, but I completely forgot Lexi was on crutches and she was way behind whilst I was speeding down the corridor. After an apology and a hug all 3 of us headed towards my mums room at the same pace.

We arrived there and she was just as we left her. Her hand in the exact same place I left it when I let it go whilst crying earlier and her pale lips slightly parted with her golden hair swept back. Even with everything going on around her she still looks beautiful as ever. I've always envied her for that.

Everything was quiet for a while, the only noise being mine and Lexi's whimpers as we watched our lifeless mum slowly drift away, wondering if she'll ever come back. However, suddenly the heart rate graph on the machine next to her stopped its rhythmic beat and gave out a high pitch screeching tone. Several doctors and nurses rushed into the room shouting things I couldn't hear. I was in my own world. Maddie is missing, my dad is in hospital and my mum is on the brink of death. All of my thoughts surrounded me until one of the doctors bought me out of my trance.

"Ma'am you must leave,we will give you news very soon" He said.

2 hours later

It seemed like days that we were out of the room yet it was only 2 hours. After 2 hours of stressful thinking, walking up and down the empty white corridor and crying, a doctor finally approached us. I dreaded what was to come...

"I'm sorry we did everything we could...


Oooh cliffhanger

So what do you think is going to happen?

The next chapter will involve maddie and it will probably be a lot longer. I love you all, stay strong xxxxxx

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