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It was difficult to say what exactly was it about her that was so alluring to the eye; perhaps it was the way her hair was styled in those childish ringlets that exposed her graceful neck, or the dark green of her eyes that reminded one of a fairytale forest, maybe even her light, airy way of living was the main factor. Whatever it was, most came to the same conclusion: Eileen was beautiful and alluring in a way hardly anyone could ignore.

"Eileen!" The brunette barely glanced over her shoulder, ringlets whipping her cheeks as she laughed loudly. "Come on Gray, you can run faster than that!" The Australian male raked his own rugged waves of brown hair from his eyes and smiled, picking up speed. She pretended to let out a scared shriek before turning back around.

It was a normal sunny day on the isle of V.I.L.E, a Saturday, when no one felt like doing much of anything, classes would start after lunch and go on 'til bedtime but for now, there wasn't much to do, so Gray had decided to take a shower. He came back just in time to see one if his classmates dart from the room, his socks in her hand. Used to her games at this point, he had given into the chase without hesitation, he was bored too.

Eileen took a flying leap, one foot landing on the wall before her and providing as launch-pad for her to spring off of, heading for the main area of the building. She soon rounded a corner and came upon a group of three teens, two boys and a girl. The female, pale with platinum blonde hair, smiled when she saw her.

"Elly, what are you up to this time?" The name's owner managed an open-mouthed smile. "Nothing you can't help." The blonde chuckled as Eileen ran off, sticking out a foot as Gray came by, tripping him instantly. There was murder in his eyes as he got back up. "Really Sheena?" She shrugged. "Not my fault you left your socks out where she could get them." The other two boys laughed respectably behind their hands as Gray got up and continued the pursuit.

Green eyes sparkling wildly, Eileen took another leap followed by a slide as she entered the high-vaulted lobby of the building. She paused only for a moment to catch her breath, then heard Gray shout out behind her and got back to running.

"Hey Eileen." "The grasshopper returns to its ways." "Be careful, the cleaners are on patrol today." Were some of the few things the other students said as she ran by, everyone knew her well enough.

"Elly!" She screeched to a halt, tucking her prize behind her back as Countess Cleo strode up, eyeing her skeptically. "Hey Bast." (She was one of the select few allowed to call her that.) The regal woman rolled her eyes. "Honestly Elly, when are you going to stop pulling these crazy antics?" Eileen rolled my eyes. "When you stop being so gosh darn uptight around me?" She placed a hand on the woman's pointed green outfit shoulder. "I'm your goddaughter, stop pretending that I'm not." "Eileen!" She barely glanced over her shoulder at the close incoming friend of hers. "That's my cue." She did a little leap in order to kiss Cleo's cheek. "Catch ya later Bast." Before running off, Gray zooming past. The woman gave off an annoyed sigh. "It's catch you later." She whispered, but found herself smiling slightly.

The chase was playful but long too, both of them had taken Coach Brunt's P.E. class and were equally fast when it came to running, it seemed like no matter how close one of them got, the other gave off a burst of speed and complicated things all over again. In circles, they ran over and over again, until finally...

"Heads up!" Eileen screamed as Gray jumped out, pushing her down as they both fell to the floor, laughing. But as their laughter died down, they became aware of what position they were in; Gray had his hands pressed to the floor on either side of her shoulders, her hands had unconsciously pressed themselves to his chest. There was an almost romantic way to his brown hair dangling and hers splayed out beneath her, his smile was soft and playful, her own sweet yet bold.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." Their heads snapped up to see Professor Maelstrom standing at arm's length away, glaring down at the both of them with an arched brow. Gray's face went red.

"Professor!" He was quick to scramble off her. "This isn't-I mean it's not what-" "Take your socks and return to your room Graham." The flustered boy yanked the clothing articles from her hand and ran off in the opposite direction, Eileen frowned before getting to her feet, refusing the man's offered hand.

"You didn't have to do that." Maelstrom smiled. "I only did what was necessary." She let out a forced laugh. "Yeah right, you only did it because you were jealous." Silence fell, in which she noticed him hungrily eyeing her neck, before she scoffed. "You're disgusting." He gazed at her with an almost pleading look. "Forgive me for being a man." She rolled her eyes before starting to walk away, only to feel his hand grab her arm from behind, holding it as his chest greedily pressed against her backside, nose burying itself in her hair.

"Mmm," he hummed, sending vibrations through her body. "Lavender, such a lovely scent." His other hand grazed itself across her waist, fingertips fluttering over her female flower. 

"That boy wouldn't know what to do with you even if you held his hand every step of the way." She scoffed again, but this time it was a little more nervous. "And you would?" She felt him smile against her skin, jumping when he just barely flicked the tip of his tongue across her neck. "All you have to do is ask and find out for yourself."

Red warmth jumped to her face and she broke out of his grasp and ran off down the hall, knowing without a glance that he was watching her go with that smirk on his pale mug and a lusty sparkle in those light blue eyes.     


"Elly?" She jumped as Sheena placed a gentle hand on her elbow, face flushing upon noticing everyone in the class was looking at her, including a very impatient Dr. Bellum. She played with her ringlets for a second before nervously clearing her throat.

"Um...what was the question again?" Her teacher let out an annoyed groan. "Black Sheep, do you have the answer?" The maybe Latina in another corner answered obediently, Eileen groaned softly before placing her face in her hands, cheeks heating with embarrassment. Sheena smiled before gently patting her back.

"Hey, it's alright, Bellum hates everyone." "Not Black Sheep." Eileen mumbled, Sheena glared at the girl out the corner of her eye. "She's just a stuck-up goodie goodie, don't let her get to you." Eileen peaked out through her fingers with a small smile, always grateful for her friend's shoulder to lean on.

As class let out and the two girls exited the room, someone bumped into Eileen, she looked over and smiled upon recognizing the quiet red-head guy. "Hi, great class wasn't it?" The poor boy turned red as a rose before running off. Eileen turned back to Sheena to see a look of disgust on her face.

"I don't know why you talk to him, he's so weird." Eileen shrugged. "Any guy that doesn't wolf-whistle at a woman is a good guy in my book. Besides, he seems nice, in a sweet shy sort of way." She paused to tighten her hair tie. "So, what class's next?" Sheena glazed at her with a playfully arched brow. "You know the answer to that question as well as I." "Yeah, but I like hearing you say it." She rolled her eyes before putting on a face of deep thought. "I believe...and this is just a guess, that next period is fighting Ms. Momma Bear." They both shared a light laugh as they rounded a corner and came upon Maelstrom leaning outside his classroom door.

"Good afternoon girls." Sheena smiled as she draped an arm around Eileen's shoulder. "Afternoon Professor, lovely day isn't it?" The man did a quick look-over Eileen before allowing his smile to grow further. "Indeed." Before casting her the quickest wink, Eileen looked away with an almost snobbish huff, picking up the pace as the man chuckled softly behind her. Once they were out of range, Sheena laughed lightly.

"Man, he is so into you." Eileen rolled her eyes. "There's breaking news, what's next? I hate his guts?" She pulled Eileen tighter.

"Come on, it's not every day you meet a mysteriously attractive man with an even more attractive voice. And last time I checked, there were no rules around here about teacher-student affairs." Eileen pushed her away with a childish 'eww,' Sheena only laughed.

"Come on Sheena, he's old enough to be my father." Sheena shrugged. "So? Older guys have experience and they know girls like to be treated. What's wrong with that?" Eileen was silent, she wasn't going to give her friend the satisfaction of knowing it, but she was right.

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