Fox in the Hen House

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"You did what?!" Eileen quickly shushed her brother, glancing over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't watching. "I slept with him, and while I don't know why he's here, that's how I know him." "But isn't he the guy mom hates with a fiery passion?" Not helping. "Yes, and right now I need you to keep your mouth shut and hide in your room okay? I've got this." He bit his lower lip nervously, glancing off towards the living room. "Okay...Be careful, ghosts are tricky." She managed a little laugh before hugging him and watching him go off down the hall and disappear into his room, the door closing behind him. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her face clean of emotion and ventured back downstairs where Maelstrom was waiting with a cup of tea.

"A little high-strung isn't he?" She frowned as she went to the kitchen, she was taking bread out from the fridge to cook some toast for Tom when he slammed the door shut, she whirled around with a light scream, eyes wide as he leered down at her.

"What the hell was that for?" She meant to sound brave, but it died off in the last two words. The fire blazing in his eyes made him look like a starved incubus straight from Hell, the only sound she could hear was his ragged breathing and the fearful beating of her heart. Then, ever so slowly, he lowered his pale lips to her ear, hand still pressed to the fridge door which she had her back against.

"Do you have any idea what it's been like since you left?" She froze, his voice had become dangerously calm. "Paper Star was worried sick, all she did was talk about you day in and day out, asking me constantly what she did wrong and how she could fix it. It took every ounce of my sanity not to wring her pretty little neck until her eyes bugged out and her voice faded to nothingness." His flattened palm curled into a trembling fist.

"She never had a reason to want you, and I doubt she ever will." He pulled back just enough so she could see him out the corner of her eye. "You belong to me." Slowly, he lowered his head and placed a fleeting kiss to her neck, she sucked in a sharp breath, he noticed this and chuckled, placing another one further down.

"Do you miss this?" Maelstrom said before placing another just above the right of her collarbone, she bit her lip and turned her head away, eyes squeezed shut. "Do you miss me worshiping every inch of your body?" His voice was like velvet as he flicked his tongue just once across the center of her collarbone, followed by a slow, lavish kiss. Her fists curled defiantly at her side, she could practically feel the warmth building up inside her.

"Sweet simple Elly, now you decide to deny my advantages?" His hands slid down her sides, caressing her curves before pulling up her shirt, her eyes snapped open as her hands grabbed his in an attempt to stop him, only to feel a bolt of something rocket through her at the contact, his hands were so warm.

Almost reflectively, she dropped them and he smiled before pulling her shirt up over her head. She tossed her head to loosen her curls but that only made the fire inside him grow stronger. She jumped a little when both his hands took hold of her breasts, kneading them gently as his thumbs brushed over her nipples, erect at the sudden exposure. He smirked before leaning for her ear again.

"Has anyone else touched you like this?" She looked away, face scarlet red, he pinched her nipples abruptly, making her gasp out, he laughed at the back of his throat before drawing his tongue up her face, she whimpered as he smacked his lips mockingly.

"Come now Elly, you always were such a perfect little tease." Both his palms kneaded her breasts. "My little doll, always ready for her master." Eileen was biting her lip so hard she thought she might bleed, she didn't want to admit it but she was enjoying this. She had been craving it for so long and now...perhaps her pride was getting in the way.

"Then again, perhaps doll isn't the word to describe you." Maelstrom whispered, proceeding to trace kisses across her upper chest, deliberately slow in order to torture. "Restless is more like it, a restless animal pacing its cage, so eager to...dominate." His lips hovered over the crock of her neck before biting down as a vampire would.

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