Mime Bomb (Mimy)

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Their latest crime caper had taken the team back to San Fransisco, Carmen was to attend the charity auction with Eileen by her side, and Eileen herself was to visit her family the afternoon before. Evening eventually came and Carmen and Eileen attended the ball, Carmen in an elegant red gown, Eileen in a dark blue one with a sparkly white bow tying her hair back. Eileen's mind wandered throughout most of the auction, until there was a bidding for a rather elegant purple shawl that she just had to get her hands on. (Thank the heavens no one really wanted it except her.) Then she drifted off again, right up until a priceless stamp was revealed to be missing. Good, an opportunity to get my mind off this. She thought as she followed Carmen out into the foggy night. She was so happy, she even began running ahead and running back to her friend like a six-year-old on a sugar high, Carmen was impressed.

"How the heck can you manage to find me every single time?" Eileen shrugged as she came to her side. "I grew up here for Christ's sake, back in elementary we kids used to say Carl was our best friend." She started to run again, then bumped into someone, she was a little surprised when she saw who it was.

"Chase?" His eyes popped open. "Ms. Eileen, I did not think I'd run into you again." "Likewise, but no Ms. Eileen, just Elly's fine. What are you doing here?" Before he could reply, Carmen came into few. "Le Femme Rouge!" He exclaimed before pulling Eileen behind him. "Stand back, this woman is a menace." Eileen and Carmen both exchanged a glance, biting back laughter. Eileen winked, Carmen gave her the slightest nod, they knew what to do. Quick as lightning, Carmen took off one of her shoes and chucked it at his face, momentarily distracted, his eyes snapped shut, allowing the two women hand in hand to take off running into the fog, Carmen soon stopping to throw the other one shoe so he could trip over it. Laughter fading, they ran off into the night, deciding the stamp business could wait until tomorrow.


The following afternoon, in their favorite business suits, Carmen and Eileen were in San Francisco's Chinatown where they found the person they were looking for: Mime Bomb. Eileen's heart skipped a beat as Carmen talked to Player about what the plan was.

"So now what?" "Now Elly plays her part." The last bit caught her attention, she yanked her attention away from the street performer and to Carmen with wide eyes. "Oh no, no way, there's no way in Hell I'm playing distraction with Mime Bomb!" "You know Elly," said Player, his voice coming onto her communicator, "Roosevelt had a saying: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." "Yeah? Well I've got a saying too: if it involves talking to what could've been the best thing that ever happened to me, I ain't gonna do it!" She protested, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'll give you two weeks off to do what you want without supervision." She perked up at Carmen's request, biting her lower lip. "No surveillance?" "It'll be like you never met me." She paused before groaning. "Fine! But if this turns out like Paper Star you own me big time." Before turning back to the task ahead, she paused before stepping out into the sunshine and crossing the street. So far so good, Mime Bomb was still reading his imaginary newspaper. (Made her wonder what the article was about.) Striding up behind him, she paused before poking his shoulder. He glanced over his shoulder, then his eyes went wide, she managed a weak smile and even weaker wave.

"Hey Mimy, long time no see." The briefest pause, before he jumped to his feet, placed one hand on the invisible bench's back and pressing his lips eagerly to hers. Her eyes shot open and his blissfully closed, almost accidentally she found her lips moving in response to his. Kissing him was like kissing a favorite toy; warm with welcoming nostalgia. Carmen's jaw dropped, hand raising itself a little higher to better record what was happening with her phone. "You know she's gonna kill when she finds out you recorded this right?" Asked Player. "Shh!" Was her only response.

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