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As night fell over the isle of V.I.L.E, the adults grew tired and drifted off to bed, while the students became restless, awaiting their favorite pastime.

On careful quiet toes, Gray went to every teacher's room and peeked in on them, confirming that everyone was asleep. He quickly ran back to the dorm room door, knocked on it three times, and whistled the first verse of Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Inside the room, Sheena and Eileen sat up in their beds, Cheshire cat smiles lighting their faces. Eileen was first to hop up and run for the door, Sheena made her way around the room, gently coasting the other students awake, though they weren't really asleep either. Once everyone awoke and was at the dorm doors, Eileen opened up and shook Gray's hand. "Good job being the watcher Gray." He smiled, dimples showing. "Anything for a good time hosted by you Elly." She smiled at the use of her popular nickname. "Now let's go have some fun." She giggled before starting off down the hall, her other thirty-nine classmates following behind her.

They made their way down into the depths of the building, deeper and deeper into the Earth as it got chilly. Until finally, they reached a door with the window papered up. the lock was broken so Eileen strode up and pushed it one and flicked on the lights. "The Fortress is open for the night!" And with a cheer everyone filtered in, opening the fridge to find the food storage replenished and the smaller one to find the bar reopened. Someone turned on the iPad at the back of the room, cranked up the volume and the party began.

The Fortress was a non-profit nightspot for V.I.L.E students only, it opened whenever relaxing was needed and shut down around two in the morning, the food was good and the alcohol wasn't that strong, it had to be in case a teacher came in and they had to fake somberness. The iPad was connected to wifi no one knew the island had and played a wide variety of party songs that no one sang to except Eileen, she was the founder of the nightclub and called all the shots, she was known for lip-syncing to the songs she loved but not usually singing. Which was strange given the fact that before V.I.L.E she had plans to become an opera singer. Those who had heard her knew for a fact; her voice was heavenly.

"Party Queen's taking the stage!" Gray shouted, everyone erupted in applause as the young brunette took to the small stage, waving with a smile, Sheena watched her from the snack table, smiling like a proud mother as Eileen pulled up a song and started lip-syncing.

"I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums...oh what a shame that you came here with someone. So while you're here in my arms...let's make the most of night like we're gonna die young!"

And for a little while, they weren't criminals in the making, just crazy kids having fun like it was their last night alive, and as Eileen gazed upon the fun everyone was having, she knew she was the one who had brought such joy and couldn't have been happier.


The party was at its highest around midnight; the music was pumping, the drinks close their predicted empty, food going low, and everyone resisting sleepiness, when Gray came in from outside and yelled; "Bellum's awake!!!" Leaving the club, especially when a teacher was awake, was a much simpler process compared to coming; every student for themselves, quick quiet running through the halls and back to the room before the teacher got there first, a select few were allowed to creep through the air ducts and get to the room before everyone else. Eileen was always one of them, along with Sheena, but the last two slots were up for grabs, though they were usually taken by Black Sheep and Gray, tonight was no exception.

"Phew." Said Sheena as she crawled out, jumping down first and scampering to her bed, Eileen was next, landing in a crouch before springing for her spot, after her was Gray, who took a moment to catch Black Sheep before the both of them hopped under the covers. Just as they settled down, the dorm door opened and Bellum was in the doorway. Everyone held their breath as she walked down the aisle, stopping at the foot of Eileen's bed. Her head turned, her brows furrowed as she turned and faced the girl in her bed. Eyes partly open, Eileen fought the urge to move more than necessary, the doctor leaned forward to investigate...

"Dr. Bellum." Her head whipped around to see Maelstrom in the doorway, straight as a pole with his hands behind his back. "A little early to be checking up on the students don't you think?" The woman was only a little flustered. "I thought I heard something-" "It was probably one of your experiments acting up, you never really isolate the dangerous materials." She nodded slowly. "Yes...perhaps." There was a pause before she pulled back and left the room, passing the man as quietly as a breeze. Maelstrom turned slightly to follow her, then stopped, eyes going to a particular bed in the room. Smiling, he strode down the aisle and reached Eileen's bed, her back facing him. Eyes gleaming, he placed a hand on her shoulder (she greatly restrained herself from jumping) and leaned down until his lips grazed her ear.

"Goodnight Elly." She froze. "Sweet dreams." Before placing a gentle kiss to the corner of her cheek.

Her fists clenched the mattress cover, below the sheets so he couldn't see, and a gasp threatened to leap from her throat as he placed another kiss followed by a third, this one further onto her cheek. The hand clutching her shoulder became tighter as her legs crossed themselves beneath the sheets as she greatly resisted the urge to kiss him back, his lips were warm and inviting, the kisses slow and stimulating, his grasp dominant...

Then suddenly, he pulled back, holding on for a little while longer before letting go. He gazed upon her "sleeping" form for a little while longer, before walking to the door, smiling the whole way and having the nerve to wipe the corner of his mouth with his thumb. The door slowly closed behind him and there was a long pause of silence before Sheena sat on Eileen's bed. Eileen sat up, greatly resisting the urge to wipe the kisses from her cheeks, they were still damp.

"Are you okay? What did he do to you?" Eileen bit the inside of her cheek. "Yeah, I'm good." Sheena arched a skeptical brow as Gray sat up in his bed. "Is she okay?" He whispered. "Yeah," Sheena replied, "go back to sleep." He obeyed as she looked back to her friend with lingering worry in her eyes.

"You sure you're okay?" Eileen gave her a reassuring smile. "Positive, now go back to sleep." Sheena gave her one last worried look before going back to her bed, Eileen paused before falling back onto her mattress, thoughts drifting back to the kisses placed so lustfully on her cheek only moments before.

"Older guys have experience and they know how girls like to be treated. What's wrong with that?" Sheena's words echoed, she ran a finger across the spot and found it dry, but the sensation remained. She found she didn't mind, smiling softly as she drifted off to sleep, still craving his touch and annoyed with the dampness that had accumulated on her feminine flower.

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