A Fan of Oral

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Hand in hand, having just gotten ice cream from a lucky truck (since they weren't expecting it and it was well-received) Eileen and Mime Bomb were in a shopping district of town where she heard someone say: "Elly?" Her blood went cold. "Aww, nuts." "It is you!" There was a pushing and shoving followed by the shout of "Tom!" Before the blonde burst from the crowd and hugged his sister around the waist. Mime Bomb looked slightly confused. "Tom, get off me, or I will kill you." Less confused, Tom saw Mime Bomb and blinked, cocking his head to one side, then the other, Mime Bomb mimicked his actions casually before Eileen sighed.

"Mimy, Tom. Tom, Mime Bomb." "I'm her shitty little brother." Almost reflectively, she whapped him upside the head, Mime Bomb shook with a silent chuckle before holding out his hand. Tom smiled before taking it, and shaking hard enough to make his arm numb. He turned to Eileen with a playful smile.

"Mimy huh? Is he your boyfriend?" Her face went red. "What?! No, I mean we went to school together and we're close but that doesn't mean-" "Ohhhh, you were close? My sister's got a boyfriend, my sisters got a boyfriend!" He cheered, skipping around the both of them as Eileen put her face in her hands. Could this get any worse?

"I am so sorry, he just loves to-" She looked up as her mother came up, face lighting up upon seeing her daughter. "Elly, I didn't know you were here." Never mind.

"Hey mom, what are you and Tom doing here?" (She already knew the answer but she felt like asking anyway.) "Shopping for school stuff." Eileen smiled, she knew shopping was just code for finding rich people to pocket pick, followed by a trip to the food court for milkshakes.

"Who's your friend?" Mime Bomb smiled before doing a small sweet bow. "Mom, meet Mime Bomb, we went to school together." A playful little gleam came to the woman's eyes. "Well if he went to V.I.L.E with you I'm sure he wouldn't mind joining us in our little shopping spree." Eileen's face went red again as her mom spotted a well-off gentleman standing a few feet away and nudged Tom. Following her gaze, he grinned and did a little wink before running over, mom following a few steps behind. Eileen mentally face-palmed before looking back to MB.

"Sorry about that. My whole family is made up of thieves, Tom's the distraction 'cause so many find him adorable, and mom's an ex-spy." He gestured to her. "What am I?" A finger tapping his nose, she shrugged. "The sword I guess, a smallish role at best." 'You're so much more to me.' He signed, her face went red again.

"Got it." They both jumped as her mom and brother popped up, the former holding fifty bucks. "Who's up for milkshakes?"


In order save herself and him from more embarrassment, Eileen insisted she and MB hit the road and saw the rest of San Francisco, taking their drinks to go and hearing Tom asking if he could be the best man at the wedding. Some time later, the two were at Fisherman's Wharf, him with a can by his feet as he did a couple of classic street clown performances, Eileen sitting beside his feet. When people came up to ask her what she was doing, she'd shrug and say; "Stopping to smell the roses." And pretend to offer one, a couple of kids had given her some quarters for it. At some point, she got up and went to stand at the railing, sighing as she looked out upon the upcoming sunset.

"No matter how many times I see it I never get tired of this; sunsets at Fisherman's Wharf." Mime Bomb smiled before coming to her side. "Beautiful isn't it?" He took her hand wordlessly and she turned to face him, watching the silent way his other hand caressed the back of hers gently, his eyes thoughtful. She tilted her head one way and lowered it a little in an attempt to meet his eyes. "What are you thinking about?" His eyes went to hers, she froze when they did, such soft blue pools. He mouthed a single word and it took her a second to realize it was 'You' then it felt like, for the briefest moment, time stood still.

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