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V.I.L.E students were supposed to be obedient, willing to whatever it takes to get to the top and make it into the world. But since they all were in their late teenage years, it shouldn't have been that much of surprise that they were as restless as dogs. Sure he had seen many unusual cases, fighters and rebels that refused to be tied down, but none like Eileen.

Out the corner of his eye, Maelstrom saw Paper Star obliterate the competition in gym class, quickly looking away before she noticed he was watching. She'd never let him live it down if he did. She was his star pupil, that much was true, but she wasn't the one that took up every inch of his free-thinking mind, whose disappearance haunted his dreams every night...

- - - 

He had just rounded a corner, entering the main hall, and coming to a steady halt. The Cleaners looked to him impassively, but somehow he knew they were hiding something.

"Where is she?" They remained silent, but they didn't have to say anything. Outside, just barely visible in the moonlight, a lilac skirt reflected the starlight, almost mocking him. His entire essence burned with a furious fire and he burst out the front door and off down the island.

The rest of the world could've been falling to ruin and he wouldn't have cared, all he could see was her; her brown ringlets bouncing with each of her powerful strides, the flickering of her skirt like a candle threatening to go out. He slowed his steps, believing she'd reach a dead end at the beach.

Only to be shocked to silence when she leaped aboard Booker's ship, his blood boiling over when he saw Black Sheep at the wheel, only to allow it to cool and freeze when the two females rode off into the night, the white bow in Eileen's hair winking at him.

- - - 

"Eileen Marie Danger." The name was familiar on his tongue, the same he used to sample the silky smoothness of her skin. The same that said those three words that made her run from him that night at Cleo's party.

Why had he said them?

He stepped outside as he thought about it; he hadn't been lying, and if he wanted to hurt her he would've said something else, something sappy that would've excited the hopeless romantic in her, but he didn't. Yet she had run from him.

"You're afraid of me." "You don't make it any easier." He shook his head as the memory surfaced, that night they were together in his room discussing their feelings for each other. He remembered now that was around the time she and Black Sheep were held back. 

"Are you planning to escape from V.I.L.E?" "My family can do without me for another year." "Do you miss them?" "Every chance I can." Yes...her family; he hadn't spoken to her mother in years and her brother was just as hopeless a case to befriend. And of course, there was Cleo to consider.

There were one too many obstacles in the way of him even dreaming of seeing Eileen again; it wasn't that the age gap was an issue, or even the fact that she worked with Carmen now, it was the many people that would tear them apart if they found out. That should've stopped him, but it only made him want the woman even more.

Woman...yes she wasn't exactly a girl anymore was she? Not only that but she was his, and always would be. His grin was merciless at the thought.


Unknown to him, he wasn't exactly alone. Several feet away, quiet as she could manage, Coach Brunt had been watching since he passed her classroom, she heard him whisper the girl's name under his breath, saw the sparkle that came to his eyes. She hadn't seen that sparkle since...  

- - - 

"Afternoon Brunt." The woman arched a brow as the man came to her side. "Howdy Maelstrom." Pause, in which she silently observed him looking over the class as they fought in partners.

"What are you doing here?" He shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "I can't see what you do to the fine boys and girls of this academy?" "Physical combat's never been your style." He smirked with a light chuckle, and she followed his fixed gaze.

Sheena and Eileen were partnered up as always and fighting, anyone could see Sheena was going easy on Eileen but no one minded, the two were practically connected at the hip, the day they hurt each other on purpose was the day Hell froze over.

"Isn't it interesting?" Maelstrom sort of whispered, partly to himself. "How strong certain bonds can be and how impossible it is to break them?" His smile softened just barely. "How curious." Brunt raised a skeptical brow, she never had understood the man and she wasn't about to start now.

- - -

The way he looked at them, no...the way he looked at her, as though she was the only thing he ever wanted, it had completely gone over her head then but now she couldn't stop thinking about it. It's true there weren't any particular rules that stopped teachers from interacting with students (mostly because the Faculty never saw themselves doing such a thing) but the thought that there actually was a sexually involved matter going on beneath everyone's noses was just...unthinkable.

Weaknesses. Most everyone tried to ignore such a thing in a place like this, but it was always there, and now she knew what his was; Eileen. And she would make sure he knew that she knew it. You might be wondering why Brunt had developed such a soft spot for the girl, well she didn't always care, until that particular class some time ago...      

- - - 

"Geez Eileen, what's up with you? You were terrible today." It was back during her holdover year and she hadn't been doing so good in class that day. Usually, Brunt wasn't the type to show any sort of pity but seeing the usually cheerful girl so slow made a small part of her break. So she had allowed her a chance to sit out, and now that the other students had gone off to their next class, she was confronting the child.

"I'm fine Coach Brunt, I just haven't been getting enough sleep that's all." Okay, part of that was true, you could hear it in her voice; she hadn't been getting much sleep, but there was something else too. As Brunt looked her over, she caught sight of several smallish, red marks dotting her neck. She was quick to reach up and rather sharply poke one.

"What are these?" Eileen's eyes, which up until then had been half-closed, shot open as she pushed her hand away and pulled at her shirt collar. 

"Bruises, I scratch myself in my sleep sometimes when I have a bad dream." Brunt arched a skeptical brow, Eileen's voice was suddenly quick and nervous, almost as if she was hiding something. "Now if you excuse me, I need to get to class." And she rushed out the door before the Texan could get another word in. Mildly stunned by her outburst, she exited the room just in time to see Eileen come to Sheena's side and filter into Maelstrom's classroom. Trailing the back of the class, Brunt reached the door just as Maelstrom stopped her.

"Anything wrong Coach Brunt?" She took a second to glance over his shoulder into the room inside, she spotted Eileen sitting at the end table, seemingly holding her breath.

"No, nothing at all." And she stepped back as he returned to his class. Brunt turned and walked away...

But not before noticing Maelstrom come to Eileen's side and gently squeeze her shoulder, she stiffened a little. And maybe it was her imagination but she could've sworn she saw a smile tug at the corner of his lips.

- - -

Yes...she'd make sure he knew exactly what she thought of his latest infatuation.          

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