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Time past and Eileen and Maelstrom's new connection became steadily more toxic; if she wasn't partying with friends, she was being fucked mercilessly by him. Circles were beginning to build beneath her eyes, her neck became spotted with fading hickeys. Whenever people asked, she said they were from falling out of bed, and they believed her, all of them. Except for Black Sheep.

The months dragged on and finals came and went, everyone was excited or crushed when it came to their results. She wasn't sure why but Eileen found herself standing back from everyone else, waiting until the crowd dispersed completely before walking up to see what her results were. She had accumulated a certain numbness to her emotions lately and decided no matter what she got it would kick her senses alive again.

When she saw the big red X next to her picture, it was as though her entire world shattered. It wasn't very becoming but she fell to her knees and began to cry, sobs echoing in the empty space, outlined just slightly by the drop of her tears. After maybe three minutes, she managed to pull herself together.

Think Eileen: what did you do to get this grade? You studied, had a sure feeling you got all the answers right, so where could you have slipped up? A thought struck her. "Unless of course, someone made you slip up." The answer came like a bolt of lightning.



Early evening rolled around and Eileen made her way down the hall, fire practically shooting from her ears. Not bothering to knock, she kicked the doors open and glared daggers at the man sitting casually behind his desk looking at papers. "You shouldn't have done that Elly," he casually stated without looking up, "what if I had an audience?" She stomped in and slammed her palms onto the table, his cucumber-cool approach fueling her anger further.

"You put a failing grade in my report didn't you? I know your class like the back of my hand, I couldn't have failed that exam." He glanced at her before looking back to his papers. "Maybe you slipped up somewhere along the line and didn't notice." Her hands curled into defiant fists.

"No, you slipped up." His movements slowed. "Because now everyone's gonna know what a perv you really are." She turned and started walking back to the door, she was just about to grab the handle when they suddenly swung shut and locked. Stunned, she grabbed the handle and started to tug, she was so busy trying to get it open she didn't see him lower the remote before standing and crossing the room, she didn't even know he had moved until she felt his chest press flush against her backside.

"Accusing a teacher is a serious offense Elly," he purred into her ear, hand coming up to caress the front of her neck. "You could get expelled from this humble establishment." Her eyes widened, breath hitching as his other hand rested comfortably at her waist.

"You and I are just two pieces of insane swimming through the complicated sea that is the criminal world. Now we can either fight each other until one of us gives in. Or..." His hand slid further up her neck, thumb brushing over her cheek. "We can be..." He trailed the tip of his tongue up her neck, making her shiver. "Psychotic rulers together." It was right around then when her resistance broke.

"Fuck you Gunnar and your magic touch." Before whirling around, wrapped her arms around his neck and yanking his lips onto hers, tongue greedily meeting his. Eyes closing with a lustful smile, the man grabbed her top's zipper while her fingers ran through his hair...


Later, around midnight, Eileen was drifting at the edge of dreamland when she heard the dorm door open and someone get pushed in. The someone in question was Black Sheep, whose anger dispersed upon noticing she wasn't the only one in the room.

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