For Memories Sake

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Player had been a busy bee; turns out Le Cheve, who had made an appearance at last night's performance, had used some kind of low frequency device that was intended for rocket scientist Jeanine Dennam but Carmen was also affected.

"Are you sure you being here is a good idea?" Eileen asked as they made their way to the control room. "I remember low frequency devices from Bellum's class, once you hear them they'll always be able to affect you." Carmen glanced at her friend with a playful smile. "Aww, you do care." They both laughed.

"If you really want to help you can go and see if you find Le Cheve or El Topo before they start the music, it'd give you an opportunity to catch up with old friends." Eileen stopped and arched an almost skeptical brow. " want me to play distraction?" Carmen paused before shrugging. "If that's the way you want to put it." Eileen rolled her eyes with a sigh before going off in the opposite direction.

Distraction was a role she had mixed feelings about; it was a relaxed sort of part but not much really happened in it either. And was she really ready to see her old school chums again? I guess I'll find out. She thought as she made her way through the sewers towards the sounds of equipment being set up. She paused to take a deep breath at one corner before rounding it bravely.

"Hey Antonio." The boy froze and instantly looked up, eyes widening and jaw dropping. "Larkspur?" It had been awhile since anyone called her that, it felt stranger still to hear from an old friend turned enemy, and he didn't even know it. The whole thing was beginning to make her sick.

"But I thought you didn't graduate." She shrugged as he stood and came around his setup. "V.I.L.E was becoming too small for me, I needed to get away." He almost rushed up and swept her in a tight hug, the familiar warmth of his embrace made memories surface and Eileen bit her lower lip while choking back tears. She mostly regained herself by the time he pulled back, only to crumble a little at his grin, the man was practically glowing with joy.

"Oh wait until Tigress finds out I found you, and Le Cheve, maybe we could be a team of four, all nature-themed and willing to steal what we can and will for V.I.L.E." V.I.L.E, just the thought of going back there made her blood go cold.

"El Topo?" A voice came from his equipment, they both looked in its direction, Topo's grin growing as he dragged Eileen to the equipment. "Le Cheve, you will not believe who I ran into!" "Never mind that, start the music, we have a crime to pull." Topo glanced at Eileen with an excited, boyish sort of sparkle in his eyes before reaching for the button. Only to witness Eileen smacking his hand away. He looked to her with wide, unbelieving eyes.

"What...?" She got in fighting stans, eyes glossy with tears. "Just fight me." She choked out, voice laced with tears. He was cautious until she made another jab at him, this time in his chest, before finally giving in.

Despite her skirt, Eileen was a graceful fighter and knew exactly how to weave and duck so that he couldn't land a finger on her. After awhile she got bored and socked him under the chin, he fell back and in the process knocked his head on a pipe nearby. He lay there for a moment on the ground, not quite unconscious but a little swamped. He slowly sat up to see tears streaming down Eileen's face as she refused to look him in the eye.

"Get out." "Elly, why are you-" "I SAID GET OUT!!!" He jumped and stood, she almost turned away from him when she heard the click of a button being pushed, she whirled around with a gaping mouth, he almost looked guilty.

"I don't want to end up like Crackle." She paused before running the exit, leaving her friend lost and sad to see her go.


They only had three minutes to deactivate the rocket before it rained debris all over the area and gave V.I.L.E the perfect business opportunity. When the battle escalated to the rocket, Eileen stayed on the ground, avoiding the chance of running into yet another one of her classmates. As Le Cheve and El Topo rode off, Eileen smiled sadly, mumbling; "Bye Jean-Paul, Antonio, you were the best bro pals a girl could ask for." Under her breath.


That evening, in respectable clothes (for once) Eileen was walking down the street when she saw Graham sitting outside a cafe, legs crossed and a crestfallen look on his face. Not one to miss out on helping a friend, she walked up to his side.

"Hey." He jumped a little and whirled around, flushing upon recognizing her. "Hey, I remember you." He stood up. "Little miss kiss and go." She arched a brow. "Kiss and go? Really?" He smiled nervously. "Too much?" She shook her head. "Nah, I kinda like it." There was a pause in which she glanced at the two seat table he had been sitting at.

"You waiting for someone?" His face fell again as he turned back to the table. "Yeah, I think she stood me up though." She frowned before patting him on the back. "I'm sorry, being stood up is the worst." There was a pause before he looked around then back at her.

"You want to get out of here?" The offer took her by surprise. "Wh-what?" "I don't want to be here if my date isn't coming so, you want to get out of here? Go for a walk?" She paused before smiling, slipping her arm into the crock of his.

"I'd really like that."


A little while later they were walking along the water talking about this and that when they passed the Opera House. Childishly, Eileen rushed to the railing and leaned out a little, face as bright as the light beaming from it. He chuckled before coming to stand beside her.

"You like opera?" She looked to him with a gleeful nod. "Oh yes, I dream of singing in the opera; becoming famous by doing the thing I love." She looked out on the building again, only to freeze when he gently took her hand. She gazed upon their entwined hands before looking back at him, she was shocked to see how vulnerable he looked.

"Would it be too much to ask to be the electrician at all your shows?" She was speechless as he stepped closer and cupped her cheek, his touch made her face go red, lips parted in an unbelieving sort of way. His other arm slid to her waist, gently pulling her closer, she did so willingly.

"You're trembling." She whispered, for indeed the arm at her waist was shaking. "You're just so beautiful." His husky voice whispered, before he kissed her.

There was something wonderfully sweet about the way his lips caressed her own, a promise that he'd treat her the way she wanted with her consent. Her arms dropped lazily around his neck, one hand coming up to play with the ends of his hair. His head tilted to gain more access which she granted willingly. By the time they pulled apart they were both robbed of their breath, cheeks flushed and panting audibly. She smiled before lightly tapping the tip of her nose with one finger.

"What do you say we take this to your place?"


"Has anyone seen Eileen?" "Not since she went out for that walk last night." It was some time after breakfast and the Carmen Sandiego team was packed and ready to leave Australia but no one had seen Eileen since she went out for a walk the night before. It's not that they were worried (they knew she could take care of herself) they just wondered what could've happened that she didn't come home last night.

"Morning everyone." The three turned and instantly knew something was up.

Eileen looked pretty normal; red tank top kinda ruffled, denim shorts looking as though they had been pulled on in a hurry, but her energy was definitely off. Her smile was light but shaky, hands in her pockets stiff as boards, even the look in her eyes was different.

"Where were you Eileen?" Carmen asked, Eileen didn't say anything as she walked past them towards the boat, it wasn't until she stepped aboard when she spoke.

"Revisiting memories." And for some reason, no one asked further.

The boat drove away at a steady pace from the shore, Australia soon disappeared from view but not from Eileen's mind. One hand clutching the piece of paper in her pocket that had Graham's number on it. She wouldn't call him, she made it clear the moment they had awoken this morning, yet he had given it to her anyway. She'd put it somewhere safe, for memories' sake.

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