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"Fuck!" Eileen's hand slammed against the door, fingers reflexively curling around the handle, eyes wide and hair loose, dancing out the corners of her eyes. A pair of pale lips lowered themselves to her ear. "Do you want me to stop?" A rich voice purred. "No way in hell!" He chuckled before picking up speed, his pulsing dick thrusting into her dripping clit, sending her spiraling to new heights.

It was around midday at V.I.L.E and Maelstrom had asked Eileen to come to his classroom during lunch to discuss how she had done on her latest assignment. She knew for a fact she got at least a B+ but didn't mind visiting her favorite drug for her daily fix. And here she was; partially naked and pressed against the door as he fucked her mercilessly from behind, neck already pulsing with his sharp nibs and hungry suckles, he had wanted this too.

A light knocking came from the other side of the door, making both of them look up in surprise. Eileen sucked in a fearful breath just as he cupped a hand over her mouth, she glanced at him out the corner of her eyes, he put a finger to his lips.

"Yes?" Her eyes popped open in surprise, it was as though he was casually addressing a student.

"Professor Maelstrom? It's Tammy, may I come in?" Eileen's face went white upon hearing the girl's airy voice, noticed by her sex partner. "What do you need Tammy?" He asked, slowly beginning to rotate his hips. Eileen froze as his cock stirred back to life inside her, fighting the urge to moan.

"It's Eileen," Her heart plummeted into her gut, the feeling vanished soon after she shook with his sudden thrust. "I want to be something to her, but I feel like she doesn't want me. I'm a good girl, I'm loyal, I'm protective. What should I do?" The man grinned as he picked up speed, not enough to make any sounds that could be heard on the other side of the door.

"Maybe...she's just, not that into you." His other hand pinched Eileen's nipple, she jumped slightly. "Have you ever stopped to listen to what she has to say?" He glanced down at the girl with gleaming eyes, groping her boob.

"Not all that much..." Tammy trailed off, "You think if I did she'd really be mine, and I could do what I wanted with her?" Maelstrom frowned, giving Eileen a particularly sharp thrust followed by several more that had her biting back screams.

"You're younger then she is Tammy, she needs someone that can..." He paused to think about it, still thrusting into Eileen, her pleasure climbing.

"Treat her as she desires." Her head snapped up with an airy moan muffled by his hand, eyes wide with the effects of her climax. He smiled as she slumped against the door, patting her head as though she were a dog, she glared at him with a playful smirk as his attention went back to the door.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, Eileen has a life of her own." There were the faintest sounds of sniffling followed by running feet fading down the hall. Eileen stood back up and slowly turned to face her teacher, draping her arms around his neck.

"You really don't want to ever let go of me do you?" He smiled, arms falling to her waist as he pulled her closer, their lips now an inch apart.

"Would you prefer it if I did?" Her eyes gazed softly into his with a playful smile, her kiss was her reply and he gladly accepted it.

- - -

Eileen opened her eyes with a loud groan, hands going to rub her eyes. "Oh my f*cking god, why?" She threw off the covers. "Why'd I have to find him so attractive?" She yanked an over-sized t-shirt over her head. "Why'd he have to be so good at giving a good f*cking?" She grabbed a hair tie and almost yanked her hair up. "Why'd I have to fall so hard for him?" She almost kicked the door open. "And why must I have these annoying memories/dreams?!" She practically stomped into the living room where Zack and Ivy fearfully glanced at her while Carmen read the paper. "M-morning Elly." Stammered Zack. "GOOD MORNING!!!" Everyone except Carmen jumped as the woman stomped over to the coffee pot and poured herself a strong one. Carmen sighed before lowering her paper, folding it and placing it on the table.

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