Beautiful Sleeper

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"Eileen!" She jerked up from the floor, eyes flying open as her hand reflectively went to her chin to wipe away a trickle of drool. Scanning the room, she remembered she was in Shadowsan's classroom, the man himself frowning down at her. Unlike Bellum, Eileen knew for a fact Shadowsan didn't have favorites. Except Sheena, but she always denied it to make Eileen feel better.

"Yes Professor?" His eyes narrowed, his own version of rolling them. "You fell asleep on your project. Again." She winced as the word punched the air, heart sinking upon noticing the crushed origami sheep beneath her. Biting her lower lip, she refused to meet anyone's eyes, she could practically hear their thoughts, judging her.

"It's my fault Professor." All eyes went to Sheena, Eileen's wide with disbelief. Speaking out against a teacher was the greatest risk a student could take, they could get expelled if the teacher didn't like what they had to say.

"Sheena?" He said with a barely arched brow, she bit her lower lip. "I...was having trouble sleeping last night, and asked Eileen for help. It was around eleven before she managed to lull me to sleep." Silence fell over the room, every student holding their breath as they awaiting Shadowsan's response.

"Sleep is very important for the soul, the next time you have trouble drifting off, please don't bother your classmates." Relief was almost visible on her face. "Yes sir." The man glanced at Eileen one last time before going back to the front of the room. Letting out a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding, she glanced over her shoulder and mouthed a 'thank you' to her friend. Sheena smiled before giving her a reassuring wink.


Eileen was a party night owl, so it made a little sense that she functioned poorly if she didn't get her nightly dose of partying. Throughout the day she fought sleep, managing to catch another minute or so zzz's in Bellum's class, before the woman slammed her hand on the table, rudely waking her and threatening to burn her eyelids off if she fell asleep again. Brunt was a little more forgiving, allowing Eileen to sit out after she got hit in the face three times hard enough to draw blood and almost knock a tooth loose. Maelstrom's class on the other hand...

"Elly, Elly wake up." She groaned as Gray gently shook her shoulder, eyes slowly opening. "As much as I love watching you sleep, someone else likes what they see too." He gestured with his head to the front of the room. Eileen barely tilted her head to the side to see Maelstrom watching from the front of the room, smiling rather than looking away when their eyes met, she groaned inwardly before picking up her head and pencil, returning to her work.

She never did anything to receive this kind of attention, he was one of the few adults she had come across in life that she decided not to flirt with, yet somehow he wanted her.

It all started back when she first came to V.I.L.E; like Black Sheep, she was considered a unique case because of her connection to Cleo and her mother's refusal to join the Faculty years before. Being a criminal had been an option for her since she was born, even as a child her mother taught her how to pickpocket. Cleo had made it clear right from the beginning that anyone who messed with her goddaughter was in for the worst experience of their life, yet somehow that only made Maelstrom desire her even more. Already in his fifties, it had been ages since the last time a woman had caught his eye, Eileen's coming had ignited desires that had been dormant for so long their return was like a raging fire, making it close to impossible to keep his distance.

He could still remember the moment it all began like it was only yesterday; the night before Cleo had received a call from Eileen's mother, Louis, that her daughter would be enrolling at V.I.L.E and she wanted Cleo to keep an eye on her. Around noon, the girl arrived with the other students and was called to see the staff by her godmother, who was eager to see how much she had grown. Maelstrom was fighting off boredom and an urge to strangle the woman when Eileen came in, casually striding up to the center of the room like she had all the time in the world.

The first thing that struck him was how similar she was to her mother; those bewitching dark green eyes, that sweet little pucker of her lips, even the proud way she stood. The second was her aura, like a moth to a flame he found herself drawn to her, adoring every detail of her young frame; the flutter of her eyelids, the light smile tugging at one corner of her lips, the slight swish of those childish ringlets, the way light gleamed on her bare neck. It was probably her neck that struck a cord, begging to be decorated in hickeys he longed to place. You could say it was his fetish, the fact that hers was so graceful and smooth didn't help either.

Despite the sense of privilege bestowed upon her, Eileen was a diligent, friendly girl, always doing her work and creating bonds that would last a lifetime. Charming and sexy, a girl after his desires rather than her heart. He was smart enough to know starting an official relationship with the girl was just asking for trouble. Unfortunately, there were others that thought differently.

Gray saw Eileen as his equal in every way, shape and form, because of this they were close and often said they were reflections of each other, or gender swaps from different universes. To say Maelstrom hated the boy for his involvement with his obsession was an understatement.

That's why he began 'showing up' whenever Gray and Eileen were in very...suggestive positions. The time she stole his socks for instance, his anger threatened to break him when he found the two on the floor; Gray above the girl that he desperately desired as his own. And the way she glared at him once Gray was almost like she was asking for him to inhale her delicious scent.

He didn't love her, he knew that for sure, he was just addicted to the thought of worshipping her body, sampling her skin, sucking at that succulent spot at the base of her neck...

He bit his lower lip as he sat at his desk, watching the object of his desires work while trying to fight back sleep. She really was so adorable when she was fighting with herself, not to mention unbearably arousing whenever she was furious, especially with him. That seemed to be the only moment she was solely focused on him without his interference, and he loved it.

And yet...

A frown came to his lips as he continued gazing upon the brunette beauty, thinking back to their most recent interactions and similar ones that had accrued during the past four months she had been at V.I.L.E; a kiss left on her cheek, the barest touch of her covered clit, the slightest feel of her neck on the back of his palm. His hands curled to fists; it wasn't enough.

He was so tired of getting rejected by the woman who had broken his resistance like it was nothing, of her pretending to hate what he did to her. If she really hated it, she would've made a move to stop him; told Cleo what was going on, hit him in defense, he wouldn't have stopped her. Yet she had done nothing of the sort.

A twisted smile slid to his lips, it's time he gave her a nudge in the right direction.

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