Lips Are Sealed

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Hours later, in her private little corner of V.I.L.E's garden, Eileen's sobs finally subdued and her trembling hands wiped away the last of the tears, a shaky sigh falling from her lips. Sitting back, her head tilted back and she was surprised to see stars twinkling overhead. Jumping to her feet, she exited the greenhouse and started running through the lush greenery that was the playground surrounding V.I.L.E. Her steps slowed as she reached the building, finding to her own surprise the door was still unlocked.

Gray? No, the rest of the group made it clear they needed to catch up on sleep, a weeks worth at least, this is only the third night. She winced upon realizing she'd be in for another sleepless night. As she made her way down the hall, footsteps as careful as a thief's should be, a thought crossed her mind.

"There is nothing going on between me and Maelstrom!" Her words echoed as she glanced down the hall, gaze narrowing in on the particular door. "Not in my eyes huh?" She whispered. "It's time we both saw things the same way." Before stomping up to the door and pressing a hand to it, jumping slightly upon finding it was unlocked.

The aquariums cast their usual soft glow over the area, now ominous since it was so empty, and sitting at the back was Maelstrom, looking up from his desk as she came in. Her eyes darted to the clock above his head; ten-thirty, it was way past Faculty curfew (if that's what you could call it.)

"Hello Eileen." She barely arched a brow at his casual greeting, as though it was daytime and she was the first to come to class (a role she always avoided on purpose in order to make sure his focus wasn't on her).

"What are you still doing up?" He chuckled lightly, straightening his papers and tucking them into a drawer in his desk, leaving the wooden surface bare. Sitting back, he folded his hands and gazed at her for a moment. Not her body, or her bare belly (which was teasing the living daylights out of him by the way) just her face, particularly her eyes, those deep, bewitching eyes.

"Aren't you the one who stays up late?"

She froze, every fiber of her being went stiff, heart skipping a beat. She could practically feel her eyes widen, the knot rising to her throat, the cold that came to her blood. It seemed like an eternity to her before she managed to speak.

"I follow the curfew just like everyone else does." He smirked before standing, knuckles pressing on the desk. She found her gaze on them, his skin was so fascinatingly pale.

"Do you?" Her gaze darted back to his, nodding slowly. He paused before coming around the desk and striding up to her. Unconsciously, Eileen backed up until her back pressed against the door, watching him as he came closer. Abruptly, his hand slammed on the spot to the left of her head, she let out a squeak of surprise, his face remained impassive as he rested his nose at the front of her hairline, she froze. Silence, then he slowly inhaled.

"Lavender. Always lavender." A jet of warmth nestled at her clit. Eyes wide and lips parted, she gasped faintly when he placed a kiss to the top of her forehead. Then one further down, and another further, slow and steady with those ever warm, inviting lips. Even when he kissed her eyelids, yet another shot of warmth that went to her clit, drenching it rapidly. At some point both his hands had found their way to her neck, clutching it and tilting it her head back with his thumbs beneath her chin. She gazed up at him with pleading eyes, his touch was like a drug, one she longed to get more of.

"Kiss me." Was his husky command, and she greedily obeyed; wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled his lips on hers, head tilting to gain more access. He managed a small smile before sliding his hands up her backside, clutching her shoulders as his tongue slid past her lips and explored her mouth. Hers was quick to meet his and it wasn't long they were fighting for dominance, her fingers raking through his platinum hair.

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